How can we Entice the Left to keep Acting out About the Election?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
This is doing massive damage to the Democratic party and the McCain-McConnell wing of the Republican party would like to split off from the Libertarian wing but more room is needed to pull it off. Current D behavior will make that split possible let's work at it.
such a small percentage of them

making the whole party look like a bunch of nut jobs

I wish I knew. The daily outrage won the election for Trump. If they can be nudged into making it permanent, 2018 might be the end of the Democrats totally.
Keep Trump's cell phone charged at all times and keep the Tweet app on page one?
This is doing massive damage to the Democratic party and the McCain-McConnell wing of the Republican party would like to split off from the Libertarian wing but more room is needed to pull it off. Current D behavior will make that split possible let's work at it.
You don't need "the left" to keep acting out about the election.

It's all happening on the inside of your heads anyway, so it all can continue as long as you like!

It's all projection anyway. Righties figure "the left" must be feeling what they did the entire time Obama was in office.

"The left" is actually on the 4th stage of grieving...depression...and you won't much hear from "the left" until February-ish 2017.

Remember how Obama's first year started out?...where "the right" never embraced the 5th stage of grieving, which is acceptance?

In March of 2009 the GOP began co-opting Ron Paul's Porkulus movement and started The Tea Party. Yay

I predict....after March, "the left" will gather OWS'rs, BLM folks, and everyone else they can into some type of thing intended to re brand the DNC. Maybe a Bernie Sanders type of thing that rivals Trump in "shake up".

Whatever "the left" cobbles together, will hate everything the Trump admin does.

I say enjoy January 2017 righties!

There are no mistakes! It's like Friday night, on your way out. Money in your pocket. Next stop your weed dealer's house. You KNOW you're gonna meet a really hot chick tonight.

These are golden days righties.

I for one, am glad you're finally happy after 8 years of torture.

Lefties....unlike Righties....will embrace the 5th stage of grief. "Acceptance"

They will go back to what it was like in the Bush admin, and call Trump a Chicken Hawk when he starts wars. ...good times....(sigh)...good times.
such a small percentage of them

making the whole party look like a bunch of nut jobs

Honestly though, the percentage seems so much larger..... I am one of the only right wingers in the family. It is amazing to watch all of these people show a side that Ive never seen before. Just embarrassing themselves by keeping their mouths running. I sometimes feel, even though I am the youngest, I have more maturity in my right arm than they have in their whole bodies.
The further from one another the power structure can keep the masses, the more freely they can cannibalize american society and continue the wealth redistribution out of society into private hands.
Thanks for the insight guys......I had no idea during the Obama Presidency you guys lived in a state of prolonged defeat and perpetual fear.

That sounds horrible!

Thank God Trump won.
The longer you can keep them pulling further left, the greater and more prolonged their defeat.

Agree. Need them to pick that Muslim Bigot from Minnesota to run the Democratic Party. Calls himself Keith Ellison, but used to go by Keith Mohamed.

The face of the Democratic Party today.

That will prove to the good folks in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, that they did the right thing by saying No to a Democratic Party which is now almost purely Marxist with heavy totalitarian leanings, a contempt for our Constitution, and a compelling need for Control...because they know better than we do what is good for us.
Thanks for the insight guys......I had no idea during the Obama Presidency you guys lived in a state of prolonged defeat and perpetual fear.

That sounds horrible!

Thank God Trump won.

You don't understand, there was a half black "muslim" "foreign born" "terrorist" in the white house and no one would take them seriously. Twice.
The longer you can keep them pulling further left, the greater and more prolonged their defeat.

Agree. Need them to pick that Muslim Bigot from Minnesota to run the Democratic Party. Calls himself Keith Ellison, but used to go by Keith Mohamed.

The face of the Democratic Party today.

That will prove to the good folks in Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania, that they did the right thing by saying No to a Democratic Party which is now almost purely Marxist with heavy totalitarian leanings, a contempt for our Constitution, and a compelling need for Control...because they know better than we do what is good for us.

You are already under inverted totalitarianism and missed it sneaking up on ya.
The acting out against Trump by his opponents privileges them in maintaining the axis of avenues politically and culturally.

Trump will need to expend more political capital to maneuver in a more restricted environment.
There's been a huge run at drug stores on fingernail polish remover across the country.
Apparently it works great at removing "I'm With Hillary' bumper stickers.
Thanks for the insight guys......I had no idea during the Obama Presidency you guys lived in a state of prolonged defeat and perpetual fear.

That sounds horrible!

Thank God Trump won.

You don't understand, there was a half black "muslim" "foreign born" "terrorist" in the white house and no one would take them seriously. Twice.
Think of the euphoria!

You know what it's like when you've got to take a pee real bad, and you're driving or something....then when you finally rush into some skanky bathroom, and let it all're all "ahhhhh".....

That's what righties are feeling like right now!!!
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