How can we expect Americans to make an informed decision in 2012 when most of them...


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
... are just ignorant. Not just this election, of course, but any election.

How Ignorant Are Americans? - The Daily Beast

In another survey I've heard, most people in this country don't even know who John Boehner is. If they don't even know that, then how can we expect them to know anything about how the government works?

That is why Fox News and MSNBC are such irresponsible networks. Their distortion of politics (therefore facts), makes the US population even more dumb without them.
Awe yore so harsh.....wasn't he the drummer for Zed Lepplin or something like that. LOL
you are going to have to sex up your talking points if you ever expect to get the girls gone wild vote
[ame=]Girls Gone Wild Invade Dallas more videos at - YouTube[/ame]
The political elites dont want us making informed decisions. Why do you think they screwed up the educational system so badly?
I constantly hear well-informed, prominent politicians making the same dangerous, illogical, and faulty assertions that the so-called "ignorant" electorate seem to make at election time.

Things like advocating force against virtually every country in the Arab world, stealing from Social Security premium income, forcing us to change lightbulbs so we can plug in electric cars, ect...

The danger here is the political moguls that exploit the ignorance. While the media is despicable in not answering our questions, the politicians are the architects of our pain....
People will start paying attention when the debates start between the president and the GOP nominee.

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