How can we protect the Capitol from REAL insurrectionists on Jan 3, 2023?

Whatcha gonna do? Start underlining and all caps?

There are no pending riots you idiot.

The only insurrection that there was came from the blobbers on 1/6 of last year.

You guys got their ass kicked and are being hunted down like dogs.

You sure about that?
What's your solution?

Stop voting for the duopoly. As long as they know their party will vote for them no matter what they do, then there is no reason for them to stop abusing their power.
If only Democrats were like the Neo-Republicans would we see some bullshit like that. There will be no support for Fascist MAGA MOB style intimidation tactics from the Democrat party. They'll leave that un-democratic and un-American violent opposition to the vote of the people to those on the Rabid Right.
Well they cheered and justified Ashli Babbitts murder

We feel sorry for her family and friends and hope that the one(s) who convinced her that she had the right to, invade the Capitol while in session and hunt down Congressmen and Congresswomen, are brought to justice.
Of course there are pending riots, you idiot! We are predicted to take back the House and Senate, and we’ve already seen how the leftists burned down government property, destroyed businesses, assaulted strangers, and murdered 30 people during their rampage over a LIE.

There is no telling how barbaric they will be when they lose Congress. If it’s as mild as Jan 6th was, I’ll count ourselves lucky.

We need to be prepared for the massive damage on Jan 3rd from the savages on the left, and their brainwashed followers.
But once they start it..............................................
Stop voting for the duopoly. As long as they know their party will vote for them no matter what they do, then there is no reason for them to stop abusing their power.

That simple, huh? I think I need a little more detail than that, how does that work? So now we have three bickering parties? Money is power, those with money will always have the control, regardless of what 'party' you have in 'charge', that's a fact. That will never change, pretending it would simply by introducing another party is the ramblings of a fool. Which party is currently controlled monetarily by those billionaires around the planet, who do almost all of them support? Who does the 'media' unanimously support? The answers to those questions start to reveal who really is in control, and it's not the politicians, they're simply the mechanism.
True. The new Republican Congress can all be sworn in via Zoom ans conduct business that way, but it still doesn’t answer how Washington DC will be protected from the BLM and ANTIFA barbarians.

And come to think of it, given how they behave, the rioters are unlikely to limit themselves to just the Capitol. They are likely to take over surrounding areas, destroying businesses, setting buildings on fire, assaulting random people, and so forth.

I think we will need the National Guard in place, but who will order it?
You're mentally ill.
That simple, huh? I think I need a little more detail than that, how does that work? So now we have three bickering parties? Money is power, those with money will always have the control, regardless of what 'party' you have in 'charge', that's a fact. That will never change, pretending it would simply by introducing another party is the ramblings of a fool. Which party is currently controlled monetarily by those billionaires around the planet, who do almost all of them support? Who does the 'media' unanimously support? The answers to those questions start to reveal who really is in control, and it's not the politicians, they're simply the mechanism.

Yes, it is that simple. With the duopoly consisting of only Party A and Party B, each party is guaranteed to return to power no matter how badly they mess things up.

Add in Party C and Party D and now there is no guaranteed to return to power for any of them.

Both parties are currently controlled monetarily by those billionaires around the planet, which is why outside of a few social issues they are basically the same party.
Yes, it is that simple. With the duopoly consisting of only Party A and Party B, each party is guaranteed to return to power no matter how badly they mess things up.

Add in Party C and Party D and now there is no guaranteed to return to power for any of them.

Both parties are currently controlled monetarily by those billionaires around the planet, which is why outside of a few social issues they are basically the same party.
Virtually impossible without a ranked voting system or a parliamentary system
Virtually impossible without a ranked voting system or a parliamentary system

True. But it is also the only thing that might be able to save the country. As long as most voters put party before country we are fucked
You have to admit, this is original.

The OP isn't just trying to deflect from the insurrection by bringing up something entirely different that happened elsewhere. The OP is deflecting to something that she is predicting will happen in the future.

That's some out-of-the-box thinking right there! Kudos!

If you claim credit for all the destruction two summers ago (sustained insurrection)
the people killed displaced murdered damages businesses lost, we will promise to keep calling it a demonstration or a "matter" in Democrat parlance. It was Occupy Wall Street with six-inch fangs

Your team owns 90% of the media but you'll never own me
The people rioting on Jan 3, 2023 will be the brainwashed Biden voters, particularly the rioters whose proclivity toward murderous violence was demonstrated all summer long, in city after city.

Also, are you suggesting something we would see in Communist China - where citizens voting for the “other” candidate are imprisoned? That‘s pretty extreme, even for a leftist.

All you did was prove, once again, that you support domestic terrorist activities as long as it's done by your own terrorists.
P.S. Only in Liberal La-la land would they suggest that all people who refuse to vote for the Democrat be imprisoned while fighting to keep armed robbers and other violent offenders out of jail.

If you want to change my mind, don't support your RW Domestic Terrorists.
If you claim credit for all the destruction two summers ago (sustained insurrection)
the people killed displaced murdered damages businesses lost, we will promise to keep calling it a demonstration or a "matter" in Democrat parlance. It was Occupy Wall Street with six-inch fangs

Your team owns 90% of the media but you'll never own me
two summers ago it was just random street violence. Opportunists taking advantage of a large protest, and right wing groups coming in to cause trouble.
To be an insurrection, it has to disrupt government operations, which it didnt.
THERE WAS NO INSURRECTION. Your continuing to repeat that lie doesn’t make it true.

And this thread wasn’t for you to lie again about the Jan 6 riot. It is about what to do in anticipation of the much more violent and destructive riot the left is likely to wage, given how the barbarians behaved all summer long.

Well, surprise. Another Domestic Terrorist goes into my ignore.

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