How cell phones are killing face to face interactions


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
How Cell Phones Are Killing Face-to-Face Interactions | MediaShift

I've been seeing this more and more.

Outside of Wal-Mart I saw three young employees taking a break. They were seated around a round table. Instead of talking to each other, they were all on their cellphones, not even looking at each other.

A few days ago, I was sitting a red light, and a young man crossed the street in front of me. All his attention was on his cellphones, not paying attention to potential dangers.

I was one of the last holdouts. But there's no way to socialize anymore. Everyone is looking at cellphones instead of talking to each other and making new friends.
Yeah, it does cause problems.

On the other hand phones do open up communication. If you know someone you want to talk to you just get some app and then you can communicate. Otherwise you might find it difficult, if say, at work relationships (even just friendships) between people in different parts of the building or whatever.
Did you use a time machine to go find a topic from 15 years ago?
Did you use a time machine to go find a topic from 15 years ago?

I understand. Through facebook I can reconnect with people I haven't seen in decades, including a cousin in Italy.

But there was one guy who was dropping propaganda from Democrat Underground every ten seconds. i told him he had a simplistic world view: "Democrats GOOD, Repubicans BAD."
Did you use a time machine to go find a topic from 15 years ago?
Thanks for your cynicism. The topic isn't old. People are talking about it today.
That's an awesome video. Earlier this evening, i was in private room, typing on this forum, while my family and friends were talking to each other.
I go walking and never look at my phone. I like swimmig as well.

admittedly I have a huge internet addiction and it's caused me trouble because I learned too much!:lmao:
I saw a Google commerical that unintentionally identified the problem.

A girl comes up to a large group of young people dancing in a forest, each with headphones, each dancing to a different tune.

They are large in number, but each is alone.

The girl tells Google to get her some music she can dance to.

Then she puts on headphones,, and leaps in to dance with others. But she is just as alone as the others.
I saw a Google commerical that unintentionally identified the problem.

A girl comes up to a large group of young people dancing in a forest, each with headphones, each dancing to a different tune.

They are large in number, but each is alone.

The girl tells Google to get her some music she can dance to.

Then she puts on headphones,, and leaps in to dance with others. But she is just as alone as the others.
I saw a Google commerical that unintentionally identified the problem.

A girl comes up to a large group of young people dancing in a forest, each with headphones, each dancing to a different tune.

They are large in number, but each is alone.

The girl tells Google to get her some music she can dance to.

Then she puts on headphones,, and leaps in to dance with others. But she is just as alone as the others.
We had an entire row of tables right in front of us, as we performed music at a gig in a restaurant one night, looking down into their phones. The entire front row. We announced through the PA that if they went to our website they could watch a webcast of our performance live. Several were so stupid as to not get the joke that they asked what the URL was.
Mr. Morse and his infernal invention are ruining personal communication, I tells ya!

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