How Christianity saved civilization

The Church saved Europe long enough from Barbarity until the Enlightenment multiplied the vector by the freaking huge ass scalar.

You are not wrong, just off the mark a little.

Do you really believe that? The Church in Europe during the middle ages WAS barbaric. It didn't save Europe from barbarity. Feudal systems. Vicious dictators. The Church prosecuting people based on dogma.... science virtually non-existent....

and, of course, "nobody expects the spanish inquisition".


yep...those were the days....
Saved civilization from what? For what? And what is civilization exactly - look around!
Saved civilization from what? For what? And what is civilization exactly - look around!

Good advise. When I look around, I see that things aren't that bad at all. In fact, things are quite civilized and good. I'm surprised that your life sucks so bad yet you still find time to waste here...and have internet access. :eusa_whistle:
From wikipedia:

Since the Irish that saved civilization were Christian, I took license with my thread title. But it's still perfectly accurate. :cool:

The Irish were incidental. It all comes down to guns, germs and geography. :rofl:
how ethnocentric of you. I mean, it's not like that whole advanced civilizations blossomed and flourished in south America prior to someone from europe present...
Cutting each other's heart out... on their massive step pyramids. Better?

and, the church saved europe like a dictator unites europe. Would you like to play that same card when compared with Asia?
A.) The jury is still out on the dictator issue.
B.) What chunk of Asia are you talking about; and why should I care when the discussion is on what the Church did for Europe?

jillian said:
Do you really believe that? The Church in Europe during the middle ages WAS barbaric. It didn't save Europe from barbarity. Feudal systems. Vicious dictators. The Church prosecuting people based on dogma.... science virtually non-existent....
A.) The Church was a memtic institution to which a barbarian people could direct their respect, and in this capacity it saved the skillset cultivated by the preceeding people until the barbarians had become settled enough to utilize such.
B.) Barbarians do not become Romans overnight.
A.) The Church was a memtic institution to which a barbarian people could direct their respect, and in this capacity it saved the skillset cultivated by the preceeding people until the barbarians had become settled enough to utilize such.
B.) Barbarians do not become Romans overnight.

Romans?!?!?! Unless I'm not following your post, I think you're getting your timeline messed up. We're talking about the Crusaders. They didn't turn into Romans...
"Roman" is an allusion to Enlighteend State Level Society.

Thank you for elaborating for me. So essentially, we're talking about religion as opiate of the masses? you'll forgive me if I don't see a postive side to them killing and pillaging whether it's in the name of some pagan king or in the name of jesus. but maybe that's just me.

anyway, i'm too tired to think about it now, so i'm off to sleep.
Thank you for elaborating for me. So essentially, we're talking about religion as opiate of the masses? you'll forgive me if I don't see a postive side to them killing and pillaging whether it's in the name of some pagan king or in the name of jesus. but maybe that's just me.

anyway, i'm too tired to think about it now, so i'm off to sleep.

The masses may need an opiate-like alternative to keep them all from self destructing.

But it's kind of like a bunch of 10 year olds channeling their energy on the soccer field instead of tearing the house apart? Help me out here, because I'm not seeing any benefits that didn't exist prior to Christianity, particularly given that all of the societal controls were already in place vis a vis other belief systems. :eusa_think:

Stick to your day job. If your day job happens to be commedy, find a different occuption.
Are you talking to yourself after re-reading your phenomenally retarded post about christians saving barbarians from themselves? Thank god (HA!) there were no other cultures void of jebus to have come long with their OWN skillsets, eh? I mean, I'd hate to make a funny that both reminded you of Asian culture AND it's lack of jewish ghosts.

dont be sad. I'd forgive you for that heliocentrism mishap if you can forgive me for evolution.

bwhahahahahahaha! :rofl:

Now Soggy is taking credit for evolution. :lol:

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