How DARE they?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Elie Wiesel: Mitt Romney Should Tell Mormon Church To Stop Performing Posthumous Proxy Baptisms On Jews

...some members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints had submitted [Elie] Wiesel's name to a restricted genealogy website as "ready" for posthumous proxy baptism. Radkey found that the name of Wiesel had been submitted to the database for the deceased, from which a separate process for proxy baptism could be initiated. Radkey also said that the names of Wiesel's deceased father and maternal grandfather had been submitted to the site. ...

Mittens even baptized his dead father in law - against his wishes.

And, as has been posted before, the mormon cult has pretty big plans for the US as laid out by grifter, Joseph Smith.

How would you feel if the morms just up and decided to baptize you or a family member into their weird little cult?
Not going to attack him for his religion until he uses it as a campaign tool. At the worst it is an indication of not giving a damn about what other people think or want and we already knew that.
Truly, the dead are past caring.

And if you are going to get your dander about this kind of moronic triviality, that is the way I am going to regard your posts as well. They have been post mortem baptized.
Funny how sympathetic y'all are to Jews - until it goes against your marching orders.

For many people this is more than just "intrusive". Can any one of you put yourselves in Wiesel's place and imagine how he felt about this? Don't you think he's been through enough without yet another fuhrer deciding his religion isn't good enough?

No, of course you can't. Not until lushbo tells you how to feel.

How about Mittens deciding that his father in law's lack of religion needed to be corrected? I'm atheist through and through, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the feelings and beliefs of others.

CA Girl
Is Mitt the head of the Mormon Church?

If you did a little research and if you weren't so damn dumb, you'd know that he is indeed head of their ward and therefore, the head of their church. He has been such for quite a few years now.

Open your dead minds and educate yourselves.

vampire kid - save yourself some typing and just type "ditto" under all anti-thinking, anti-education posts. Why? Cuz we all know how dangerous those educated elitists (like Elie Wiesel) are.
Funny how sympathetic y'all are to Jews - until it goes against your marching orders.

For many people this is more than just "intrusive". Can any one of you put yourselves in Wiesel's place and imagine how he felt about this? Don't you think he's been through enough without yet another fuhrer deciding his religion isn't good enough?

No, of course you can't. Not until lushbo tells you how to feel.

How about Mittens deciding that his father in law's lack of religion needed to be corrected? I'm atheist through and through, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the feelings and beliefs of others.

CA Girl
Is Mitt the head of the Mormon Church?

If you did a little research and if you weren't so damn dumb, you'd know that he is indeed head of their ward and therefore, the head of their church. He has been such for quite a few years now.

Open your dead minds and educate yourselves.

vampire kid - save yourself some typing and just type "ditto" under all anti-thinking, anti-education posts. Why? Cuz we all know how dangerous those educated elitists (like Elie Wiesel) are.

I already know who the head of their Church is. It's not Mitt Romney.
Funny how sympathetic y'all are to Jews - until it goes against your marching orders.

For many people this is more than just "intrusive". Can any one of you put yourselves in Wiesel's place and imagine how he felt about this? Don't you think he's been through enough without yet another fuhrer deciding his religion isn't good enough?

No, of course you can't. Not until lushbo tells you how to feel.

How about Mittens deciding that his father in law's lack of religion needed to be corrected? I'm atheist through and through, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the feelings and beliefs of others.

CA Girl
Is Mitt the head of the Mormon Church?

If you did a little research and if you weren't so damn dumb, you'd know that he is indeed head of their ward and therefore, the head of their church. He has been such for quite a few years now.

Open your dead minds and educate yourselves.

vampire kid - save yourself some typing and just type "ditto" under all anti-thinking, anti-education posts. Why? Cuz we all know how dangerous those educated elitists (like Elie Wiesel) are.

Quick research on all of the internetsss came up with the current president. It's Monson.
Funny how sympathetic y'all are to Jews - until it goes against your marching orders.

For many people this is more than just "intrusive". Can any one of you put yourselves in Wiesel's place and imagine how he felt about this? Don't you think he's been through enough without yet another fuhrer deciding his religion isn't good enough?

No, of course you can't. Not until lushbo tells you how to feel.

How about Mittens deciding that his father in law's lack of religion needed to be corrected? I'm atheist through and through, but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate the feelings and beliefs of others.

CA Girl
Is Mitt the head of the Mormon Church?

If you did a little research and if you weren't so damn dumb, you'd know that he is indeed head of their ward and therefore, the head of their church. He has been such for quite a few years now.

Open your dead minds and educate yourselves.

vampire kid - save yourself some typing and just type "ditto" under all anti-thinking, anti-education posts. Why? Cuz we all know how dangerous those educated elitists (like Elie Wiesel) are.

Quick research on all of the internetsss came up with the current president. It's Monson.

Another lie by ludd-lie.

He is one dumb SOB.

Read what I wrote.

I wrote


Big tip-off is that its spelled slightly differently than church. That fact should help you locate the word.

But maybe not.

Good luck.
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funny how sympathetic y'all are to jews - until it goes against your marching orders.

For many people this is more than just "intrusive". Can any one of you put yourselves in wiesel's place and imagine how he felt about this? Don't you think he's been through enough without yet another fuhrer deciding his religion isn't good enough?

No, of course you can't. Not until lushbo tells you how to feel.

How about mittens deciding that his father in law's lack of religion needed to be corrected? I'm atheist through and through, but that doesn't mean i can't appreciate the feelings and beliefs of others.

Ca girl

if you did a little research and if you weren't so damn dumb, you'd know that he is indeed head of their ward and therefore, the head of their church. He has been such for quite a few years now.

Open your dead minds and educate yourselves.

Vampire kid - save yourself some typing and just type "ditto" under all anti-thinking, anti-education posts. Why? Cuz we all know how dangerous those educated elitists (like elie wiesel) are.

quick research on all of the internetsss came up with the current president. It's monson.


The head of the Mormon Church is Thomas Monson. It is not Mitt Romney. You lied.

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