How did Dems only get 3 million more votes? How did they lose the vote that mattered?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
A game show host with no political experience for an opponent, a Democrat Party icon for a candidate, a billion dollars in campaign capital, nearly all media, all of social networking, all of Hollywood, all public education institutions, all the weirdo groups, tens of millions of imported anchor babies all pushing and supporting their narratives and all they could muster was a measly 3 million more votes?

I can’t help but has the Dem Party bettered their position for 2020?
(PLEASE NOTE: “Trump talks mean to lowlifes”...hasn’t bettered their position)
A game show host with no political experience for an opponent, a Democrat Party icon for a candidate, a billion dollars in campaign capital, nearly all media, all of social networking, all of Hollywood, all public education institutions, all the weirdo groups, tens of millions of imported anchor babies all pushing and supporting their narratives and all they could muster was a measly 3 million more votes?

I can’t help but has the Dem Party bettered their position for 2020?
(PLEASE NOTE: “Trump talks mean to lowlifes”...hasn’t bettered their position)

Especially amazing considering that by rank of population of states won, of the ten fewer states that Hillary won, she really only won one of them big. Of the other 19, she lost nearly all of them to Trump both in total number of actual votes AND by the EC votes that went with it.

Then Trump went on to win TEN MORE STATES.

2016 Electorals 2.jpg

Of each candidates 10 BEST states, despite winning California, Hillary still came out 4 EC votes behind. Then in the next 10 states, Trump got almost DOUBLE the EC votes of Hillary. Then Trump got 41 more EC votes. EC votes are a mirror of a states population. Yet Trump still lost the popular vote?
A game show host with no political experience for an opponent, a Democrat Party icon for a candidate, a billion dollars in campaign capital, nearly all media, all of social networking, all of Hollywood, all public education institutions, all the weirdo groups, tens of millions of imported anchor babies all pushing and supporting their narratives and all they could muster was a measly 3 million more votes?

I can’t help but has the Dem Party bettered their position for 2020?
(PLEASE NOTE: “Trump talks mean to lowlifes”...hasn’t bettered their position)
The donor class always has it covered "both" ways.
A game show host with no political experience for an opponent, a Democrat Party icon for a candidate, a billion dollars in campaign capital, nearly all media, all of social networking, all of Hollywood, all public education institutions, all the weirdo groups, tens of millions of imported anchor babies all pushing and supporting their narratives and all they could muster was a measly 3 million more votes?

I can’t help but has the Dem Party bettered their position for 2020?
(PLEASE NOTE: “Trump talks mean to lowlifes”...hasn’t bettered their position)

Especially amazing considering that by rank of population of states won, of the ten fewer states that Hillary won, she really only won one of them big. Of the other 19, she lost nearly all of them to Trump both in total number of actual votes AND by the EC votes that went with it.

Then Trump went on to win TEN MORE STATES.

View attachment 290822

Of each candidates 10 BEST states, despite winning California, Hillary still came out 4 EC votes behind. Then in the next 10 states, Trump got almost DOUBLE the EC votes of Hillary. Then Trump got 41 more EC votes. EC votes are a mirror of a states population. Yet Trump still lost the popular vote?
Yes, obviously. The founders never intended even "one MAN one vote".
A game show host with no political experience for an opponent, a Democrat Party icon for a candidate, a billion dollars in campaign capital, nearly all media, all of social networking, all of Hollywood, all public education institutions, all the weirdo groups, tens of millions of imported anchor babies all pushing and supporting their narratives and all they could muster was a measly 3 million more votes?

I can’t help but has the Dem Party bettered their position for 2020?
(PLEASE NOTE: “Trump talks mean to lowlifes”...hasn’t bettered their position)

.how has the Dem Party bettered their position for 2020?

They haven't nominated Hillary
The most amazing part of all is ALL is all the media that lives up our asses 24/7 is controlled by progressives.

At no time in the history of man has there been more propaganda, EVER. Progressives built that, and their followers lack the spines to admit it. Tell me why I'm wrong, I'd love to hear it.
A game show host with no political experience for an opponent, a Democrat Party icon for a candidate, a billion dollars in campaign capital, nearly all media, all of social networking, all of Hollywood, all public education institutions, all the weirdo groups, tens of millions of imported anchor babies all pushing and supporting their narratives and all they could muster was a measly 3 million more votes?

I can’t help but has the Dem Party bettered their position for 2020?
(PLEASE NOTE: “Trump talks mean to lowlifes”...hasn’t bettered their position)

Lets step back- how did the Republicans end up with a game show host as a candidate? The success of Trump in the Republican primary rather mirrored his success in the election- there was a alot of a 'fuck you' voting going on with votes for Trump. People who were upset with the status quo and figured throwing political bombs was better than getting the same old same old.

HIllary was certainly a flawed candidate. But on paper she made sense- experience as a Senator, as Secretary of State. And I liked her proposed program. Her big problems were:
a) The GOP lie machine- remember the GOP has been ginning out lies about the Clinton's for 30 years now. Lots of the GOP are still convinced that Hillary herself was whacking people- all because of the GOP lie machine.
b) Hillary is not good on screen. She doesn't project well. For informed voters that didn't matter too much- but in election after election, charisma matters. Hillary didn't have a charisma that translated well.
c) The DNC scandal- the DNC screwed over Bernie Sanders. As someone who supported Clintons more moderate policies more than Sanders far left policies, I can stil acknowledge that the DNC screwed over Sanders in the primaries- that lost Clinton lots of far left support- some of whom voted for Trump, others who stayed home.
d) The email server scandal. While there was no crime involved, Clinton's using a private server certainly seemed unprofessional- and she should have known better. And she handled the resulting publicity badly. At the time of the election, if I had a viable alternative to vote for- who was not Trump or Clinton, I would have voted for someone else.
e) Comey's last minute revival of the email issue- hard to know how many votes she lost because of that press conference- but it was a lot.
f) And of course- the actual efforts by Russia to harm Clinton's election, and to help Trump's election.

So I know you weren't asking for an actual nuanced or honest response- I know this entire thread is just another insult bait fest- but I figured I would not follow the USMB- and offer substance rather than just smears and slanders.

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