How did Republicans earn this reputation they seem to be stuck with?

...though a bit twisted to begin with. Republicans did not EARN the reputation with which they seem to be labeled. It was attached to them initially by one brain dead, psuedo-intellectual, liberal pundit, adopted by another, then another, then another....and so on until the preponderance of evidence among them yielded the concurrence (among them) that the label is valid. The label has "stuck" because liberals continue to lie and are too stupid to use any other method to defend their inadequate alternatives.

The above points directly at the fact that liberalism is a mental disorder.
Okay, let's revisit this 'horror' that you supposedly have uncovered:

1. Not everyone should go to college. Couldn't agree more. Auto mechanics, welders, airplane mechanics, and the list goes on and on. Trade school is the answer here, as is a time spent as a journeyman to learn the craft. My son went to college for one semester. It was the biggest waste of money that I have ever seen in my life. Quit and went to a trade school to learn welding on pipelines. Makes a VERY GOOD wage now, although he has to travel alot. To say that everyone should go to college is ludicrous and very snobbish. Course, if you want your plumber to have a bachelor's in French Medival Poetry, then knock yourself out finding one.

2. Gays. I realize that for Democrats and specifically RDEAN, if you do not follow their thought process specifically, then you have been instantly branded as traitorous. The left DEMANDS conformity (refer to 1984 and big brother). However, in Oklahoma we have a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as between one man and one woman. We also do not recognize same-sex marriage performed in other states. Now, you may not like that but over 80% of Oklahomans did when we passed the amendment. I realize that gay rights are kind of the cause celib at the moment, and really what you do in your house is your own business. But I have and will fight to keep the amendment in Oklahoma.

You see, conservatives have a wide range of view points and really I haven't got an issue with anyones viewpoints, even liberals. You can espouse those viewpoints all day long and when I go into the voting booth, I will pull the lever for that candidate who most closely reflects what I believe. What I have an issue with is being told what I am supposed to think and to do. You see, government is NOT MY FRIEND. The thought police are not my friend. Those who would tell me that I have to stand in line and do what I am told, is going to be VERY disappointed at my inability to conform. If I want a Big Mac then you can kiss my butt. If I want to buy an AR-15 with a 40 round magazine, then again, you can kiss my big redneck ass.

Freedom is a very scary thing for you liberals, isn't it?

So, from your point #2....I see that Oklahoma is another state that wishes to remain the equivalent of a Third World Country when it comes to equal rights for its own citizens. Good to know...good to avoid.

PLEASE, DO NOT COME HERE! We are and I would like to see us remain the REDDEST state in the union. 6.1 Billion dollars last year in tourism, we have more lakes and shore line than Minnesota and although I have a lock on the door, I very rarely use it. Some of my neighbors never take the keys from their vehicles. Last Friday, a neighbors pole barn burned to the ground after it was struck by lightning and today, there is a brand new one standing where the old one was and it didn't cost them a cent. This coming weekend, we're going to help them put some hay in it to feed their cattle.

It's a horrible place... you wouldn't like it... I'd stay away too if I was you... we'll somehow manage to get along...

I just had to go through these videos again. I couldn't make this stuff up.

I sit in my dark room and replay these videos over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until that's all that left of my mind

Are you talking about me or you and your porn?
When you mention the Republican's various wars, they insist it's simply manufactured by the Liberals or the Democrats. If you vote for leaders with certain beliefs, doesn't that prove you share those beliefs? Aren't you reinforcing their agenda?

Don't understand being called liar simply for repeating the words of the Republican leadership.

Just to be honest, where exactly did I get those viewpoints?

Let's take a look at some quotes and USMB members can explain why they were taken out of context:

Santorum: Obama "A Snob" For Wanting Everyone To Go To College - YouTube

What Obama actually said:

Obama Indirectly Responds To Santorum 'Snob' Comment - YouTube

Then there are the views on gay rights:

Rick Santorum - Can Gay People Stop Being gay? - YouTube

You can see the other candidates nodding their heads. She went on to say she would "abolish" the EPA. China has no EPA and they are number one in the world in birth defects.

Let him die:

So he is saying let charity takes care of sick people. Catholic charities get nearly 70% of their money from the government. Now get this, Rick Santorum makes over a million dollars a year but give pennies to charity because he said he can't afford more. Because he has to pay insurance. What about the rest of America. "Let him die?"

Mitt Romney, outraged that someone would suggest mothers should go to work and then suggests that only working mothers have dignity.

The only work poor children know is "illegal".


Only three youtubes per post is allowed

It's endless. I've only barely scratched the surface. This is the day of Youtube. You can go and watch the candidates tell us what they mean and what they think. There is nothing I've made up. I couldn't. I like to think of myself as "creative" but I'm not THAT creative. These things would never occur to me. So where are we "mistaken"?

So you eat dogs and run a male gay sex club out of your basement while stashing thousands of dollars in your freezer?

Fucking jackass.

See what I mean? Those things don't even occur to me, but they seem to roll right off your tongue. Euw.
I just had to go through these videos again. I couldn't make this stuff up. could forecast never-ending Teabaggin' ship-wrecks, as-soon-as they were in-sight......

[ame=]9.12 DC TEA PARTY - March Footage with Interviews - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]9.12 DC TEA PARTY - Interview B-Roll - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]MSNBC Interviews Clueless Sarah Palin Supporters At Book Signing - YouTube[/ame]

Last edited:
When you mention the Republican's various wars, they insist it's simply manufactured by the Liberals or the Democrats. If you vote for leaders with certain beliefs, doesn't that prove you share those beliefs? Aren't you reinforcing their agenda?

Don't understand being called liar simply for repeating the words of the Republican leadership.

Just to be honest, where exactly did I get those viewpoints?

Let's take a look at some quotes and USMB members can explain why they were taken out of context:

Santorum: Obama "A Snob" For Wanting Everyone To Go To College - YouTube

What Obama actually said:

Obama Indirectly Responds To Santorum 'Snob' Comment - YouTube

Then there are the views on gay rights:

Rick Santorum - Can Gay People Stop Being gay? - YouTube

You can see the other candidates nodding their heads. She went on to say she would "abolish" the EPA. China has no EPA and they are number one in the world in birth defects.

Bachmann: Repeal The 'Job-Killing' EPA - YouTube

Let him die:

Crowd Yells Let Him Die - YouTube

So he is saying let charity takes care of sick people. Catholic charities get nearly 70% of their money from the government. Now get this, Rick Santorum makes over a million dollars a year but give pennies to charity because he said he can't afford more. Because he has to pay insurance. What about the rest of America. "Let him die?"

Mitt Romney, outraged that someone would suggest mothers should go to work and then suggests that only working mothers have dignity.

Mitt Romney Says "Mothers Are Deadbeats Without Dignity" - YouTube

The only work poor children know is "illegal".

Newt Gingrich On Poor Kid's Work Habits (Ron Paul 2012) - YouTube


Perry heckled in New Hampshire, asked about evolution - YouTube

Ron Paul: I don't believe in evolution - YouTube

BachmannEvolution - YouTube

It's endless. I've only barely scratched the surface. This is the day of Youtube. You can go and watch the candidates tell us what they mean and what they think. There is nothing I've made up. I couldn't. I like to think of myself as "creative" but I'm not THAT creative. These things would never occur to me. So where are we "mistaken"?
republicans believe in hard work to achieve success !! and teaching kids at an early age good work habits gives them the experience they will need when they bgrow up !!


funniest post of the day!
I just had to go through these videos again. I couldn't make this stuff up. could forecast never-ending Teabaggin' ship-wrecks, as-soon-as they were in-sight......

[ame=]9.12 DC TEA PARTY - March Footage with Interviews - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]9.12 DC TEA PARTY - Interview B-Roll - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]MSNBC Interviews Clueless Sarah Palin Supporters At Book Signing - YouTube[/ame]

Awesome videos. So many uninformed people. Loved the guy who wanted to watch someone set a car on fire.

I just had to go through these videos again. I couldn't make this stuff up.

I sit in my dark room and replay these videos over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over until that's all that left of my mind

I think maybe it's time for one of us here to turn off the computer for a while and maybe go out and talk to a girl for a change....
...though a bit twisted to begin with. Republicans did not EARN the reputation with which they seem to be labeled. It was attached to them initially by one brain dead, psuedo-intellectual, liberal pundit, adopted by another, then another, then another....and so on until the preponderance of evidence among them yielded the concurrence (among them) that the label is valid. The label has "stuck" because liberals continue to lie and are too stupid to use any other method to defend their inadequate alternatives.

The above points directly at the fact that liberalism is a mental disorder.
and the same thing happened with Democrats.....and both parties do a shitty job of defending themselves and clarifying things.....
I just had to go through these videos again. I couldn't make this stuff up. could forecast never-ending Teabaggin' ship-wrecks, as-soon-as they were in-sight......

[ame=]9.12 DC TEA PARTY - March Footage with Interviews - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]9.12 DC TEA PARTY - Interview B-Roll - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]MSNBC Interviews Clueless Sarah Palin Supporters At Book Signing - YouTube[/ame]

Awesome videos. So many uninformed people. Loved the guy who wanted to watch someone set a car on fire.

wow Mr. Shithead has an dont see that too often...
I just had to go through these videos again. I couldn't make this stuff up. could forecast never-ending Teabaggin' ship-wrecks, as-soon-as they were in-sight......

[ame=]9.12 DC TEA PARTY - March Footage with Interviews - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]9.12 DC TEA PARTY - Interview B-Roll - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]MSNBC Interviews Clueless Sarah Palin Supporters At Book Signing - YouTube[/ame]

Awesome videos. So many uninformed people.

[ame=]SARAH PALIN BOOK SIGNING - Interviews with Supporters - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally - Interviews With Participants - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally - Interview B-Roll - YouTube[/ame]​
Awesome videos. So many uninformed people. Loved the guy who wanted to watch someone set a car on fire.

wow Mr. Shithead has an dont see that too often...

Awwww, c'mon......the Teabaggers have.....


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