How did whether a vaccine works become a political issue?


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
I'm barely following the story but it seems that Democrats oppose a certain drug that might or might not cure COVID-19 simply because Trump said it might.

That's pretty damn stupid -- even for Democrats.
You have yer answer, when Trump started pushing a drug and claiming he is a genius..
I'm barely following the story but it seems that Democrats oppose a certain drug that might or might not cure COVID-19 simply because Trump said it might.

That's pretty damn stupid -- even for Democrats.

Welp, from the comments in the OP, your comments seem uneducated and equally as stupid. Best of luck.
You have yer answer, when Trump started pushing a drug and claiming he is a genius..
The drug he mentioned in a question to a doctor at the podium with him does work in thousands of people world wide...he never pushed anything...that's a lie and I'm calling you on us where he pushed a drug.....see how you disingenuous assholes won't work F off......
Democrats say they respect science but science gets kicked to the curb when Trump says a drug might work.
Democrats say they respect science but science gets kicked to the curb when Trump says a drug might work.
How would he know it works if there have been no trials to show it effectiveness on COVID-19?
I'm not here to argue whether or not Trump was right.

I'm here to argue that Democrats are pretty damn stupid to say a drug can't possibly cure COVID-19 simply because Trump said it might.

It's one thing to hate a man.

But it's a much worse thing to use your influence to stop a drug that might cure people of a deadly virus simply because you hate a man.
FDA has final say ... if the drug can be shown to benefit, then it will be approved, since I believe it's already been deemed safe ...

What is this "cure" nonsense? ... this is annual vaccination forever ... there's no "cure" for the common cold ... there's no "cure" for SARS ... it's here to stay ...
No answer, apparently, except "We hate Trump, so we oppose everything he says."

Pretty fucking dumb -- even for Democrats.

Were you expecting those that oppose the Orange Virus to say he's doing a great job? If so, you're either six years old, or senile. Stop posting.
No answer, apparently, except "We hate Trump, so we oppose everything he says."

Pretty fucking dumb -- even for Democrats.

Were you expecting those that oppose the Orange Virus to say he's doing a great job? If so, you're either six years old, or senile. Stop posting.
But now you're killing people potentially when you stop a drug that might cure COVID-19.
The moron who started the thread 12 minutes ago is complaining there are no responses. He needs a friend. And a life.

Where to begin?

Hydroxy is not a vaccine. Its an anti malaria drug. Malaria is caused by a parasite. Covid is caused by a virus.

Almost by definition, Hydroxy is not going to make anyone suffering from a virus well by itself. Even more dubious is that science has rejected the use of the drug to treat covid.

That is not to say that there may not be therapeutic benefits to taking Hydroxy. Much like taking Tylenol could make a cancer patient feel better. Its not going to cure anything but there are benefits.

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