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How did you come to your political views? What are they?

I do not pick a label because the act of doing so puts an end to intellectual inquiry.

When people view politics as identity, they allow themselves to become little more than useful tools for somebody else's agenda. Instead of adopting the attitude "I believe in these values, therefore my political positions are this", they simply join a ready made group towards which they conform by adopting the attitude "I am a such and such, therefore I will believe this"

Groupthink is an ugly thing as far as I'm concerned.
Meant to be the political version of my Which religion do you follow Why did you pick that one US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum thread. Are you a conservative? Liberal? Socialist? Communist? Something altogether? Why did you pick that particular label?

Since no political ideology or party is going to be right all the time, I prefer to identify as an a-political moderate. When a specific party is right I support them. When they're not I don't.

"When I do good I feel good, when I do bad I feel bad, that's my religion." - Abraham Lincoln

Mine too.
I was a die-cast Democrat, then I learned to hate them and the lying liberals who lead them. Today I am a conservative libertarian hybrid.
Meant to be the political version of my Which religion do you follow Why did you pick that one US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum thread. Are you a conservative? Liberal? Socialist? Communist? Something altogether? Why did you pick that particular label?
I was raised in a conservative family. My parents were big wheels in the early days of the conservative movement that was sparked by Bill Buckley. My mother was the state chairman of the ACU. My father helped get a Congressman elected. I later helped run two congressional campaigns before I joined the military.

As a teenager, my first political speech was at the state capitol to demand they rescind their ratification of the ERA. I also spoke for a Right To Work bill and earned the wrath of the Mob. My mother was terrified for my life for a while. They sent two fat fucks to follow me around and I had a good time running them out of breath.

I got a subscription to National Review as a kid and it was like pure oxygen to me. The intelligence of Buckley's writing, and the writing of the other contributors, really resonated with me.

I also joined the Young Americans for Freedom and my first trip away from home by myself as a kid was to go to a YAF convention. I rubbed elbows with Ronald Reagan (we knew even then he was going to be President in 1980), Bob Dole, Henry Kissinger, Bill Buckley, and many other luminaries. I collected all of their autographs, and they would be worth a fortune today, but I lost them somewhere along the way.

Serving for 20 years in the military solidified my conservative beliefs.

Over time, I have become more and more libertarian. I don't call myself a Libertarian with a capital L, though, because I have common sense and compassion and a very good understanding of human nature.

A long time ago, I joined a skeptics organization, and it was with that crowd that I honed my critical thinking skills. Truth and logic became more important to me than partisan politics. It does not matter to me if I cannot stand a particular politician, if someone lies about him/her, I will defend the truth first and be a partisan last.

This trait of mine has caused much confusion in the minds of piss drinking parrots here.
After learning just how much power the Vatican has over American politics - having used their Jesuits to infiltrate our political system (both parties), education system, healthcare system, legal system, Immigration, every facet of our society and now they have even infiltrated the Protestant churches to destroy them and force all people to submit to Rome - I have a completely different outlook on politics in America. I see everything differently now that my eyes have been opened to what is going on. It's been a real awakening. I always knew there was something very suspicious about men such as Karl Rove, Newt Gingrich, John Boenher and many others - but I never could put it together until I read the testimonies of Dr. Alberto Rivera who was an ex-Jesuit who outed the Roman Vatican and Jesuits as to what they are really about. Now when I think back about it - I should have seen it earlier. For some reason I didn't. But I do now.

Learning that Billy Graham was an operative for the Vatican was not so difficult for me to believe. I always knew his doctrine was off - but Katherine Kuhlman? That was a great disappointment - although seeing the photographs of her with the Pope and identified as an agent working with the Jesuits made it easier for me to believe. They never would have got this far had they not first infiltrated the true Protestant Churches of America. Time for American Christians to start their own home churches. These are dark days indeed for America.
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Meant to be the political version of my Which religion do you follow Why did you pick that one US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum thread. Are you a conservative? Liberal? Socialist? Communist? Something altogether? Why did you pick that particular label?
Liberal, it came with being smart and having empathy for others. Growing up reinforced that I was correct.
And you think that is exclusive ground just for liberals?
Meant to be the political version of my Which religion do you follow Why did you pick that one US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum thread. Are you a conservative? Liberal? Socialist? Communist? Something altogether? Why did you pick that particular label?
Very good question, thanks. My political views are based on what I've read, experienced, heard from others, and by understanding how our political system works. I guess it all started back when I was a teen when my dad told me that I'd never live long enough to see an honest politician. It didn't really register until I became old enough to vote and tried to figure out which candidate to vote for. My dad was a Democrat, so I thought that I was suppose to be a Democrat also. But, I really saw no reason to vote for a party since all candidates said basically the same things. Then later, I discovered that what candidates said during campaigns wasn't what they actually did once elected to office.

What really got me interested and eager to find out exactly what was going on inside the political arena, was the deteriorating economic conditions. Back in the late 60's and early 70's, I started reading about plants and factories closing and people losing their jobs. Then, later, I tried to understand the Viet Nam war, and why we didn't fight war as war. I could never justify my time serving in the U.S.M.C. ( 1967 - 1970 ). And so, in the 80's to present, I read everything that I could about our government, about taxes, foreign trade agreements and policies, foreign aid, and the socioeconomic conditions in this country. Although up until the early years of this century, I worked so many hours that I rarely had time to really do much reading and digesting what was going on in this country. But, I really managed to stay up with things starting in 2003, and have continued every since.

After all the reading, listening to others, and actually seeing and experiencing the effects of politics on our daily lives, I found out that party politics is a cruel joke played on this country and her citizens. I discovered that our political system is rigged, power oriented, and self-serving. I also discovered that politicians are obligated to certain groups, individuals, organizations, and donors. Their duty is not to this nation and her citizens, rather it's to those offering the most benefit to them. Politicians do not serve you and I, they serve those they owe favors to. Over the years, I have proven that out by reasoning why we have the obvious socioeconomic decline that we have in this country, why we play war and never fight war as war, why we allow our jobs to leave this country, why we're in debt, why we have little or no real freedom, and why we have taxation without fair, equal, and just representation.

I will never label myself a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, a Liberal, a Conservative, a Moderate, a Right Wing, a Left Wing, nor anything other than an American for America. I will never play politics, nor play into the hands of professional politicians. I will never contribute to the destruction of this once great nation. I will never aid nor abet professional politicians. I am an American that deeply cares about this country and her citizens, and therefore would never assist those that wish to do harm to either. I will stand alone if necessary, but will not take part in what I see concerning the political machine called "The Washington Brotherhood". I have spent many hours over the past 12 years writing and talking about our problems as they relate to politics. I have spent a lot of time encouraging others to take a closer look at what Washington politics is all about. I have written many pieces covering everything from taxes to wars, to government corruption, to the economy, and to the creation of a poor and dependent citizenry.

Reality and truth exposed politics in this country for what it is. A deaf blind person could easily see and understand the true intent of politicians, the political machine, and how it all ties together, resulting in a nation on the downward slide, falling further into the abyss of ruin. Yet, voters continue to turn a blind eye to what's really going on, and continue to vote Republican or Democrat as if some miracle is going to take place and save us and this once great nation. Go figure.
Meant to be the political version of my Which religion do you follow Why did you pick that one US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum thread. Are you a conservative? Liberal? Socialist? Communist? Something altogether? Why did you pick that particular label?
Liberal, it came with being smart and having empathy for others. Growing up reinforced that I was correct.
And you think that is exclusive ground just for liberals?
Might as well be, based upon the numbers.
Raised a Democrat. Something felt wrong about that economically when I looked around at generations of people on welfare. Self empowerment was very important. to me. Couldnt see the sense of waiting on substandard handouts. Became socially liberal but middle of the road conservative.
Once thought I was as liberal as they come,that was when I was young idealistic and inexperienced,life has shown me the error of my ways,when it come to today's liberals/ Progs,its a huge lie. Pro life/anti death penalty,contrary to what most libs on this board,that will lable at a heart beat,Iam fiscally Conservative,fairly liberal with social issues,we need to take care of those that CAN"T and motivate those that can but want to.Bring the bottom up,not the top down.
I also have a very strong libertarian slant.
Most political and social problems can be address with common sense,and not knee jerk reaction from ether side.
The Dem party lost my respect,over the I was for It until I was against it nonsense over Iraq,their actions cost lives,and was and is reprehensible.
I'm a Christian. The Bible, all of it, is God's revealed truth as to how we are to live.

You shall not commit murder: Abortion is against God's will.
Purge the evil from the midst of you: The death penalty is allowed.
If you don't work, you don't eat: Wide scale government "welfare: really isn't.
Romans 1:26,27: Homosexuality and lesbian is outside of God's plan for people.

And so on. Suffice it to say that these positions have been given the label of "Conservative." So I really have no choice in being a Conservative. It's His grace that has allowed me to know, and apply, the truth.
I'm a Christian. The Bible, all of it, is God's revealed truth as to how we are to live.

You shall not commit murder: Abortion is against God's will.
Purge the evil from the midst of you: The death penalty is allowed.
If you don't work, you don't eat: Wide scale government "welfare: really isn't.
Romans 1:26,27: Homosexuality and lesbian is outside of God's plan for people.

And so on. Suffice it to say that these positions have been given the label of "Conservative." So I really have no choice in being a Conservative. It's His grace that has allowed me to know, and apply, the truth.
Pretty much missed the New Testament there but, okay.

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