How do we tell a moderate Muslim from a radical one?

Oh, I don't know, the same example I would use to tell who's a Moderate Christian and a Radical.

Come on..
Oh, I don't know, the same example I would use to tell who's a Moderate Christian and a Radical.

Come on..

How do we tell apart a Westboro Baptist and a Methodist or Catholic?

Well, I don't consider Methodists or Catholics Radicals..

They're not going to Military Funerals and protesting with signs saying; "Thank God for IED's" Unlike the Westboro..

Don't you agree?
Oh, I don't know, the same example I would use to tell who's a Moderate Christian and a Radical.

Come on..

How do we tell apart a Westboro Baptist and a Methodist or Catholic?

Well, I don't consider Methodists or Catholics Radicals..

They're not going to Military Funerals and protesting with signs saying; "Thank God for IED's" Unlike the Westboro..

Don't you agree?

Yes, but in their daily lives they aren't carrying those signs, so how do we tell them apart? Isn't that the same question the OP is asking about Muslims?

If you saw me at the store, would you know I'm Methodist? Or if you saw a Westboro person at the store, would you know the day before they were protesting at a soldiers funeral?
How do we tell apart a Westboro Baptist and a Methodist or Catholic?

Well, I don't consider Methodists or Catholics Radicals..

They're not going to Military Funerals and protesting with signs saying; "Thank God for IED's" Unlike the Westboro..

Don't you agree?

Yes, but in their daily lives they aren't carrying those signs, so how do we tell them apart? Isn't that the same question the OP is asking about Muslims?

If you saw me at the store, would you know I'm Methodist? Or if you saw a Westboro person at the store, would you know the day before they were protesting at a soldiers funeral?

Ahh, I see.. Mostly their Actions. such as Radicals doing stupid shit like blowing themselves up or going to Military Funerals and protesting.

Now see therein lies the question, How em I suppose to know?

Good question.
IMO they do not have to carry out attacks to be radical. I think carrying a sign calling for the beheading of a cartoonist qualifies, and we saw MILLIONS of them doing that.
A radical muslim is someone who follows the koran which tells them to kill kafir/infidels and spread sharia law throughout the whole world, including the US. A moderate muslim is just a faker and is allowed to be killed as a kafir.
I think we can probably determine who is who the same way we could tell a North Vietnamese from a South Vietnamese or a North Korean from a South Korean or a Red Russian from a White Russian ... we can't tell who is who and who will do what.
I would like to know how everyone determines the difference between the two.

My doctor is a a moderate muslim from Indonesia. Nice, funny guy.

Now my Jewish accountant? Shit, I've been thinking he's Mossad for the longest time.:lol:
I'm going to take the OP seriously for a second. I say that because ultimately the question is pretty idiotic and impossible to do. As has been done above, you can turn this around on any member of any religion for humor and effect and perspective.

But i think a more valid question is...can someone here identify and categorize the sects of Islam according to "radicalness"?

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