How do you feel about this picture?


Take a Memo:
Apr 21, 2012

I'm just curious... this is an exercise in psychology. If the image above had been published by the AP and ran in newspapers across the country, how would you feel about it? Appropriate? Wrong? Irresponsible? How would you feel about the photographer who took it or the editor who picked it out? What would you think of the newspaper who printed it? What if you discovered that the image had been edited and made to appear as it does? Shocked? Outraged? Appalled? Do you think someone would need to be fired over this? Or would it just be kind of funny and witty and not all that much to get your panties in a bunch over?
Im not 6 yrs old so unlike the left or the right or whoever the fuck it was who wined about the first one, i could care less.
View attachment 43272

I'm just curious... this is an exercise in psychology. If the image above had been published by the AP and ran in newspapers across the country, how would you feel about it? Appropriate? Wrong? Irresponsible? How would you feel about the photographer who took it or the editor who picked it out? What would you think of the newspaper who printed it? What if you discovered that the image had been edited and made to appear as it does? Shocked? Outraged? Appalled? Do you think someone would need to be fired over this? Or would it just be kind of funny and witty and not all that much to get your panties in a bunch over?


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