How do you stay healthy?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Vitamins, lots and lots of vitamins. :)

Alive brand "men's energy" multivitamin
Acidopholus with digestive enzymes
Green Tea extract
Garlic extract
Coconut Oil extract
Tarmucin extract
Lycopene (can't stand tomatoes, I've tried to get into them)
Bee Pollen
Gingko Biloba

Diet-wise, I typically only eat once a day. And fast once a week excluding even the vitamins (can only absorb and utilize so much then 'expel' the rest so a day off's a good idea, use up whatever outstanding balance there is as it were.)

Masturbate daily (numerous physical health beenfits.) No appreciable stress factors.

Result: I rarely get sick, and when I do it's nothing requiring medical attention.

43, white male, non-drinker, pipe smoker, no significant exercise. Just good Jewy genes and common sense stuff. :)
These supplements by the way are natural anti-virals. Began taking them during this cold a few months back after reading around for natural anti-virals.

Green Tea extract
Garlic extract
Coconut Oil extract
Tarmucin extract

They each also have significant anti-cancer properties, especially the Green Tea and Garlic.
1) I don't eat fast food.
2) I don't drink soda.
3) I don't eat corporate made unholy meats at grocery stores.

4) I do buy meat from a local butcher
5) I do drink craft beer
6) I buy produce at the framers market in season

In short, when it comes to food, avoid anything corporate-made.
1. I eat what is available, junk food to fine home cooking, as the mood strikes me.

2. I love cokes, but, main beverage is coffee, 12 cup pot a day, cut with milk, no sugar, but Sweet n Lo.

3. I eat Walmart meat.

4. I shun alcohol.

5. I grow healthy vegetables, but, mostly give them away and don't eat them.

6. I smoke an oz or two of sinsemilla every week.

I am 66, and feel as good as I ever did.

All my jock college friends are dead or crippled.

My theory is, it is not what you do, it is all in the cards you hold.

Oldest guy I know has a Bud with his morning coffee, and finishes the case by bedtime, never eats meat that is not fried, has bacon, eggs and buttered biscuits every morning, and never eats a vegetable that is not cooked with bacon or salt-pork.

He is obese, and smokes.

Over 90, he still runs a farm.
Some say lifestyle factors, diet, etc. don't matter. How healthy you stay, and how long you'll live is all about your genes. Many people living well beyond 100 smoke, drink, and eat crap yet remain far healthier and mentally competant than those decades younger.
Oldest guy I know has a Bud with his morning coffee, and finishes the case by bedtime, never eats meat that is not fried, has bacon, eggs and buttered biscuits every morning, and never eats a vegetable that is not cooked with bacon or salt-pork.

He is obese, and smokes.

Over 90, he still runs a farm.

That is a silly argument, you realize that right?
Smoking causes cancer, heart disease and has been shortening lives for generations.
Pointing to one guy who hasn't doesn't mean anything. I hope you know that.
Some people simply have fantastic genes.
Most do not.
Oldest guy I know has a Bud with his morning coffee, and finishes the case by bedtime, never eats meat that is not fried, has bacon, eggs and buttered biscuits every morning, and never eats a vegetable that is not cooked with bacon or salt-pork.

He is obese, and smokes.

Over 90, he still runs a farm.

That is a silly argument, you realize that right?
Smoking causes cancer, heart disease and has been shortening lives for generations.
Pointing to one guy who hasn't doesn't mean anything. I hope you know that.
Some people simply have fantastic genes.
Most do not.

I don't advise other people how to live.

I just posted how I live.

I feel great; could keel over with a heart attack as I type this.

Only the Lord who created me knows the number of my days, and He has known them always.
Some say lifestyle factors, diet, etc. don't matter. How healthy you stay, and how long you'll live is all about your genes. Many people living well beyond 100 smoke, drink, and eat crap yet remain far healthier and mentally competant than those decades younger.

Julia Child and her husband were both heavy smokers and lived on butter and very fatty meat. They both lived into the 90s but its foolish to believe that what worked for them would work for everyone.

OTOH, I strongly believe that its possible to change your destiny and that you're not just stuck with whatever genes you inherited. No, I don't have a scientific sampling but it seems to be true for my own life.

There is not one member of my immediate or extended family who does not have heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity. Three of my younger siblings have died of diet related causes - the same heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity.

I don't take vitamins but I eat organic, vegetarian, whole foods, nothing out of a box. I don't deny myself anything that I want but over the years of eating well, I have found that I have lost my taste for grease as well as excessive salt and sugar. And I'm fanatical about exercise and have a very active sex life.

At 68, I'm stronger than I was in my 30s, slender and though I do have some non-diet-related health issues, I'm much healthier than the rest of my family.

That's what works for me. YMMV
Some say lifestyle factors, diet, etc. don't matter. How healthy you stay, and how long you'll live is all about your genes. Many people living well beyond 100 smoke, drink, and eat crap yet remain far healthier and mentally competant than those decades younger.

Julia Child and her husband were both heavy smokers and lived on butter and very fatty meat. They both lived into the 90s but its foolish to believe that what worked for them would work for everyone.

OTOH, I strongly believe that its possible to change your destiny and that you're not just stuck with whatever genes you inherited. No, I don't have a scientific sampling but it seems to be true for my own life.

There is not one member of my immediate or extended family who does not have heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity. Three of my younger siblings have died of diet related causes - the same heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity.

I don't take vitamins but I eat organic, vegetarian, whole foods, nothing out of a box. I don't deny myself anything that I want but over the years of eating well, I have found that I have lost my taste for grease as well as excessive salt and sugar. And I'm fanatical about exercise and have a very active sex life.

At 68, I'm stronger than I was in my 30s, slender and though I do have some non-diet-related health issues, I'm much healthier than the rest of my family.

That's what works for me. YMMV

What we're beginning to accept is what works well for some may not work well for all. And we're already dabbling in genetic manipulation so projecting forwards we'll likely be able to fine tune the human genes at some point. While I'm motre than mildly worried about that it seems inevitable.
Some say lifestyle factors, diet, etc. don't matter. How healthy you stay, and how long you'll live is all about your genes. Many people living well beyond 100 smoke, drink, and eat crap yet remain far healthier and mentally competant than those decades younger.

Julia Child and her husband were both heavy smokers and lived on butter and very fatty meat. They both lived into the 90s but its foolish to believe that what worked for them would work for everyone.

OTOH, I strongly believe that its possible to change your destiny and that you're not just stuck with whatever genes you inherited. No, I don't have a scientific sampling but it seems to be true for my own life.

There is not one member of my immediate or extended family who does not have heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity. Three of my younger siblings have died of diet related causes - the same heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity.

I don't take vitamins but I eat organic, vegetarian, whole foods, nothing out of a box. I don't deny myself anything that I want but over the years of eating well, I have found that I have lost my taste for grease as well as excessive salt and sugar. And I'm fanatical about exercise and have a very active sex life.

At 68, I'm stronger than I was in my 30s, slender and though I do have some non-diet-related health issues, I'm much healthier than the rest of my family.

That's what works for me. YMMV

Couldn't have said it better myself.
"America - the only place on earth where most people are overweight, yet malnourished."
I changed my eating habits when I was 39. I weighed 243 lbs., was taking BP medicine and generally felt like sh*t everyday. I ate fast food for lunch 3-4 days a week, drank 2-3 sodas a day and ate grocery frankenmeat and processed foods every single day.
Today, I will be 50 in a couple weeks...I stopped eating fast food, stopped drinking pop and buy meats and produce locally. I still eat what I want, I drink craft beer when I want, yet I weigh 215-220 lb.s which is fine for my 6'4" frame.
And I too am now repelled by greasy fried foods, and salt laden processed foods.
I'm a contractor so my work is physical, almost always has been. I eat good with a little junk food on occasion. Very rarely any fast food. No sodas at all. I exercise 3 times a week usually, unless I'm real busy. Lots of veggies almost every night. I eat less meat than I used to and more lintels and lately discovered quinoa.

I take a high potency multi-vitamin, 1,000mg C, B complex, Glucosamine w/condroitan, saw pametto weekdays. Breakfast is usually frozen strawberries, banana, protein powder, flax, Bragg's mother apple vinegar in a Vitamix.
I stay away from overly processed stuff. Its been kind of a gradual thing for me....i still eat it but not a lot.
I juice!!!!! yes I know some people think its a fad. I started it on a whim and found its an incredibly easy way to regularly eat fruits and veggies.
I've read many otc grocery store type supplements are worthless. ( not the natural ones some of you mentioned) I know adding ginger and lemon to juices has incredible health bennies so Im reading up on natural supplements.
I still love pizza =)
I workout almost everyday. I lift weights at the gym and sometimes at home. I do lower body one day, upper body the next day and repeat the cycle, mixing up the exercises and sometimes giving myself a day of rest. I stretch just about every day. I often go running at the track or around the lake (usually at night) or just jogging and walking through the city. I do body weight excercises often, and usually wear ankle weights for that and through everyday activities.

The primary focus is to make gains in strength, speed and endurance, as opposed to appearance, which I am already satisfied with. I also workout alot because I truly enjoy it, and because its a form of meditation for me. I throw on my music and start workin' out and it just gives me time to center myself and think, contemplate, and reflect on Life.

Where I live depends on my other exercises. When I'm in Arizona, I like hiking out in the wilderness, alone or with friends, day or night. When I'm in Nevada, I still like hiking, but also bouldering, mountain climbing, belaying and rappelling.

I used to compete in track, basketball and other things when I was in school, but now if I do sports it's with friends and mostly just for fun. Sometimes some of my friends and I beat the hell out of each other with Shinais lol, but that's more in the realm of Kendo, which I used to practice alot in AZ. I don't really practice Chinese Kempo anymore either, and my techniques are not as fluid as they used to be, as my priorities and focus shifted on to other athletic pursuits.

As for dieting... lets see. I drink protein shakes to help my body recover faster. I eat lots of salads with spinach, and lots of fruit. I tend to be mindful of the calories I consume, but I don't really keep count. For the most part I eat healthy but a couple times a week I'll eat something loaded with calories, like Pizza or a burger lol. I don't drink sodas or coffee but sometimes I drink those NOS energy drinks. They are fucking delicious lol. I also drink lots of water and juice.

I don't smoke or drink alcohol anymore (used to smoke massive quantities of weed lol) except on special occasions (sometimes on Sabbats, birthdays, or deathdays). I rarely ingest hallucinagins, and usually it serves to enhance the experience of some epic spiritual ritual, or on rarer occasions, recreationally with friends as a group Trip, lol.

Other healthy stuff... shower everyday sometimes multiple times, frequent sex, keep my teeth clean and white, regular checkups at the doc, regular application of sunscreen, and lots and lots of dancing with friends.

I come from a long line of people with defective hearts. My nephew, 50 years old, dropped dead after a workout a couple weeks ago. Mother died at 53, brother at 50, other brother has had at least two heart attacks. I have an irregular ECG, caused by Yamaguchi Syndrome, which I'm told is harmless, but it freaks out every new doctor who looks at it.

I am 65, 5'11" and weigh about 210 pounds. I exercise vigorously 4 times per week, about an hour each session, and I do one other less vigorous session each week on an "off" night - typically walking hills for an hour with a 40-pound weighted vest. Typical workout is 45 minutes of weights and machines, followed by 15 minutes HIIT. Max heartrate is in the 135-140 range during the HIIT.

I eat waaaay too much, and lots of sugar. I don't avoid anything, food wise. I eat plenty of salt, fried foods, and cholesterol-bearing foods. My weight is more or less controlled by my exercise, and I will lose 10-15 pounds during warmer months when I can be more active after work.

I take BP medication (a beta blocker), prostate medication, and I shoot up with B12 every other week (doctor's orders).

I am not dead yet. I am in sufficiently good physical condition to do anything I'm inclined to do (2 hours of tennis, 30-mile bike ride, dig up the garden, build a new deck, singlehandedly).

My goal in life is to have the mortician say over my dead body, "This guy was in pretty good shape."

I think vitamins and supplements are a total waste of money. I'd sooner drink piss than bottled water.

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