Zone1 How does one become a moderator here?

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First you have to pass an entrance exam with 12 essay questions to get your mod certification.

Then, there is the application. You must provide 36 forms of ID, provide a recommendation letter from your kindergarten teacher certifying that you play nice with others and don’t hawk loogies when no one is looking, and provide a down payment of 3 pounds of Cadbury chocolate before we will even look at your app. Oh, and send photos.
Look, I told you the last time I ain’t sending those photos and every time I send Candy you guys have to rush Meister to the hospital for his diabetes, so I ain’t doing it again!
How does one become a moderator here?
Are there certain criteria that must be met?
Who decides?
you need the majority of the mod staff to support your nomination and be willing to sell your damn soul.
You need to have a 15 year record of no racial slurs
in fact I have a twenty five year record of no name calling [or cursing] of any kind, [I have been posting since AOL's dial up service]
and no poster has ever made me mad, in fact I use their anger and name calling to gauge how I am doing.
Lots of money too

How does one become a moderator here?
Are there certain criteria that must be met?
Who decides?
I imagine it's based on how a poster have conducted themselves over the years, how the current moderators have viewed them and their interactions. Then when a new moderator is required, I imagine they would approach such suitable candidates via PM.

I've refused in the past because I won't wear the staff uniform dress and lube up with vaseline*cough*
Anyone considering accepting an invitation to join the moderating team should know this:

It has the potential of ruining all that is... well... for lack of a better word... "fun" about a message board such as this. If you think the members you interact with now are assholes, just wait until they blame you for everything... every moved post, every deleted post, every closed thread, every moved thread, every slight, perceived or otherwise... whether you were the responsible moderator or not...
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I has the potential of ruining all that is... well... for lack of a better word... "fun" about a message board such as this. If you think the members you interact with now are assholes, just wait until they blame you for everything... every moved post, every deleted post, every closed thread, every moved thread, every slight, perceived or otherwise... whether you were the responsible moderator or not...

Does it really matter why these people get pissed off at what you are doing or saying ...
Silly me, I thought that was part of the "fun" ... :auiqs.jpg:

That seems logical, but we have at least one that hasn’t been here even a year, with under 5k posts.
I don't know how often moderator's jobs appear. Is it something you would seek? I was a mod on a construction forum, it closed just over five years ago. You get nothing but grief, it's not something I would do again.
How does one become a moderator here?
Are there certain criteria that must be met?
Who decides?
Step one is become a member.

Step two is to take an IQ test.

Step three is to fail that IQ test.

Step four has something to do with swearing allegiance to the Zone 1.

[Note: step 4 confirms step 3.]

Step five involves the initiation rituals. Blood may or may not be involved. Or Vermouth. One of them.
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