How electable would a far-left presidential candidate be?

how far to the left do you have to be to think obama and hill are moderates?

good lord

I'm not sure why you think Obama and Hillary are liberals. Hillary voted for the war...
So, the fact more have been killed under Obama than Bush, means what?
And no mention of the US deaths from Truman's Korean excursion or LBJ's into Viet Nam.
Korea- Us deaths 33,686
Viet Nam- US deaths 47,424
Afghanistan under Bush 575, under Obama 1779

You, my dear are an outright hypocrite.

You're comparing drone strikes to the commitment of tens of thousands of soldiers. I'll take hypocrisy over naivety any day.

You're leaving out Bush's invasion of Iraq and citing stats from the 1950's...and you are calling me a hypocrite? Run along sonny.

WW1 (D)
WW2 (D)
Korea (D)
VN (D)

and so on and so on
Well, at least you moved your silly diatribe up to the 60's....fifty years ago. It reminds me of the chuckle I get when you guys bring up Ted Kennedy when women's issues arise.

So what are you saying...we should have let the Nazi's rule Eurpoe and Japan bomb Pearl Harbor uncontested? Is that the principle your grasping for so desperately in trying to salvage what little hope you have left to score some points?
If we stayed out of WW1, WW2 never would have occurred.

And there was no reason for us to attack germany since it was Japan that attacked us

so lets be clear, all the warmongering you claim the right does was all started b/c leftist refused to let the world fight it's wars w/o us.

millions of American deaths were caused b/c leftist wanted war
how far to the left do you have to be to think obama and hill are moderates?

good lord

I'm not sure why you think Obama and Hillary are liberals. Hillary voted for the war...
Hillary admitted she did so only for political purposes. And Obama of course opposed it.
They are both liberals, with long liberal records.

You also said Romney was not Conservative. Your opinion about this (and all other matters with the exception of your expertise on black penises) is useless.
Romney is not conservative. SHow me one person in the GOP who said he was.
I appreciate your compliments about my expertise, esp coming from a tranny like you

You're the authority on black mention it every time you can for some reason. I think you were probably a crack baby or started smoking the pipe at the early age if you know what I mean.

Who says he's a conservative? Mitt Romney for one.
That's a fail. Werent you one of the ones talking about how Obamacare was just a national version of Romneycare? WHat makes you think that's conservative?
You mean someone that would push to get rid of capitalism and the biological standard between men & women.

I'd hope impossible.
how far to the left do you have to be to think obama and hill are moderates?

good lord

I'm not sure why you think Obama and Hillary are liberals. Hillary voted for the war...
So, the fact more have been killed under Obama than Bush, means what?
And no mention of the US deaths from Truman's Korean excursion or LBJ's into Viet Nam.
Korea- Us deaths 33,686
Viet Nam- US deaths 47,424
Afghanistan under Bush 575, under Obama 1779

You're comparing drone strikes to the commitment of tens of thousands of soldiers. I'll take hypocrisy over naivety any day.

You're leaving out Bush's invasion of Iraq and citing stats from the 1950's...and you are calling me a hypocrite? Run along sonny.

WW1 (D)
WW2 (D)
Korea (D)
VN (D)

and so on and so on
Well, at least you moved your silly diatribe up to the 60's....fifty years ago. It reminds me of the chuckle I get when you guys bring up Ted Kennedy when women's issues arise.

So what are you saying...we should have let the Nazi's rule Eurpoe and Japan bomb Pearl Harbor uncontested? Is that the principle your grasping for so desperately in trying to salvage what little hope you have left to score some points?
If we stayed out of WW1, WW2 never would have occurred.

And there was no reason for us to attack germany since it was Japan that attacked us

so lets be clear, all the warmongering you claim the right does was all started b/c leftist refused to let the world fight it's wars w/o us.

millions of American deaths were caused b/c leftist wanted war

If we stayed out of WW1 Germany would've likely conquered at least continental Europe since Russia surrendered almost exactly before we entered the war. WW1 ended with the allies occupying 0% of German territory in Europe.

We didn't start the war against Germany in WW2 either, they declared war on us after we declared war on Japan because the two of them were in an alliance. After that they started to torpedo us with U-boats in the Atlantic and the rest is history.
We talk a lot about right-wingers being unelectable in a general election. Is America ready for a presidential candidate who's going to fight for unisex bathrooms in K-12 schooling (you nuts can go to hell), go to war on gun rights, present plans for wealth distribution, and fight against the freedom parents have to raise children according to their religious beliefs?

Got to get rid of that "belief kids belong to their parents rather than the community" (WTF LOL)

It's a shame Hillary's got 2016 in the bag. It's going to be a long time before we see a competitive Democratic primary where the candidates need to out "progress" each other. This is a touchy issue the Right has had to deal with for a while but the left has been able to generally avoid.

Gonna be fun to watch Dems and Hillary pretend she's a passionate progressive rather than a left-leaning centrist though

Apparently, they're pretty electable considering the fact that Obama was elected for a second term.
BO doesn't campaign on far-left ideology

True, and he's Wall Street is Hillary.
To the OP question - no it's generally not possible currently to win national office running as a solid liberal. You can take liberal positions on issues and lean left economically, but go too far and you lose viability at winning the general election fast. Even faster then the tea partiers do unfortunately. Liberals are still in the minority in this country sadly, even though the positions they take are almost universally the more popular positions in every category.
how far to the left do you have to be to think obama and hill are moderates?

good lord

I'm not sure why you think Obama and Hillary are liberals. Hillary voted for the war...
So, the fact more have been killed under Obama than Bush, means what?
And no mention of the US deaths from Truman's Korean excursion or LBJ's into Viet Nam.
Korea- Us deaths 33,686
Viet Nam- US deaths 47,424
Afghanistan under Bush 575, under Obama 1779

You're leaving out Bush's invasion of Iraq and citing stats from the 1950's...and you are calling me a hypocrite? Run along sonny.

WW1 (D)
WW2 (D)
Korea (D)
VN (D)

and so on and so on
Well, at least you moved your silly diatribe up to the 60's....fifty years ago. It reminds me of the chuckle I get when you guys bring up Ted Kennedy when women's issues arise.

So what are you saying...we should have let the Nazi's rule Eurpoe and Japan bomb Pearl Harbor uncontested? Is that the principle your grasping for so desperately in trying to salvage what little hope you have left to score some points?
If we stayed out of WW1, WW2 never would have occurred.

And there was no reason for us to attack germany since it was Japan that attacked us

so lets be clear, all the warmongering you claim the right does was all started b/c leftist refused to let the world fight it's wars w/o us.

millions of American deaths were caused b/c leftist wanted war

If we stayed out of WW1 Germany would've likely conquered at least continental Europe since Russia surrendered almost exactly before we entered the war. WW1 ended with the allies occupying 0% of German territory in Europe.

We didn't start the war against Germany in WW2 either, they declared war on us after we declared war on Japan because the two of them were in an alliance. After that they started to torpedo us with U-boats in the Atlantic and the rest is history.

we had absolutely nothing to do with Germany in WW1.

leftist forced us out of isolation, and the deaths of millions are on your hands
We talk a lot about right-wingers being unelectable in a general election. Is America ready for a presidential candidate who's going to fight for unisex bathrooms in K-12 schooling (you nuts can go to hell), go to war on gun rights, present plans for wealth distribution, and fight against the freedom parents have to raise children according to their religious beliefs?

Got to get rid of that "belief kids belong to their parents rather than the community" (WTF LOL)

It's a shame Hillary's got 2016 in the bag. It's going to be a long time before we see a competitive Democratic primary where the candidates need to out "progress" each other. This is a touchy issue the Right has had to deal with for a while but the left has been able to generally avoid.

Gonna be fun to watch Dems and Hillary pretend she's a passionate progressive rather than a left-leaning centrist though

Apparently, they're pretty electable considering the fact that Obama was elected for a second term.
BO doesn't campaign on far-left ideology

Yes he does and yes he did. He's the most leftist, traitorous Marxist this nation has ever had to endure.

Obama is not far all.
I'm not sure why you think Obama and Hillary are liberals. Hillary voted for the war...
Hillary admitted she did so only for political purposes. And Obama of course opposed it.
They are both liberals, with long liberal records.

You also said Romney was not Conservative. Your opinion about this (and all other matters with the exception of your expertise on black penises) is useless.
Romney is not conservative. SHow me one person in the GOP who said he was.
I appreciate your compliments about my expertise, esp coming from a tranny like you

You're the authority on black mention it every time you can for some reason. I think you were probably a crack baby or started smoking the pipe at the early age if you know what I mean.

Who says he's a conservative? Mitt Romney for one.
That's a fail. Werent you one of the ones talking about how Obamacare was just a national version of Romneycare? WHat makes you think that's conservative?

The same things that made you think Rick Perry's mandatory Gardasil injections for all girls in the 6th grade in Texas is a sign of conservatism...or did you not know about that?

What the ACA does is force people to pay for insurance so they aren't using public monies when they show up at the County trama center. Either that or they pay a penalty on their income taxes. Basically it makes you be responsible for your own healthcare costs.

You'd have to have turned off Fox News long enough to understand it. So it's no wonder that you don't know.
We talk a lot about right-wingers being unelectable in a general election. Is America ready for a presidential candidate who's going to fight for unisex bathrooms in K-12 schooling (you nuts can go to hell), go to war on gun rights, present plans for wealth distribution, and fight against the freedom parents have to raise children according to their religious beliefs?

Got to get rid of that "belief kids belong to their parents rather than the community" (WTF LOL)

It's a shame Hillary's got 2016 in the bag. It's going to be a long time before we see a competitive Democratic primary where the candidates need to out "progress" each other. This is a touchy issue the Right has had to deal with for a while but the left has been able to generally avoid.

Gonna be fun to watch Dems and Hillary pretend she's a passionate progressive rather than a left-leaning centrist though

Apparently, they're pretty electable considering the fact that Obama was elected for a second term.
Nonsense, total nonsense, as usual.

It's nonsense that Obama was elected twice? Where the hell have you been?
Obama is so moderate that the far left, the Socialists, and the Communists won't claim him. How long will it take you to figure this out? He is Moderate Left, that's all, and it's why he won, twice.
he won re-election because the Republicans put up a guy who was from the same Barrel bottom that Obama was dug out of....
"How electable would a far-left presidential candidate be?"

He wouldn't be electable at all, just as a far-right candidate wouldn't be electable.

Americans despise extremism, be it left or right.
yea right support that kind of shit with dozens of your posts.....
Hillary admitted she did so only for political purposes. And Obama of course opposed it.
They are both liberals, with long liberal records.

You also said Romney was not Conservative. Your opinion about this (and all other matters with the exception of your expertise on black penises) is useless.
Romney is not conservative. SHow me one person in the GOP who said he was.
I appreciate your compliments about my expertise, esp coming from a tranny like you

You're the authority on black mention it every time you can for some reason. I think you were probably a crack baby or started smoking the pipe at the early age if you know what I mean.

Who says he's a conservative? Mitt Romney for one.
That's a fail. Werent you one of the ones talking about how Obamacare was just a national version of Romneycare? WHat makes you think that's conservative?

The same things that made you think Rick Perry's mandatory Gardasil injections for all girls in the 6th grade in Texas is a sign of conservatism...or did you not know about that?

What the ACA does is force people to pay for insurance so they aren't using public monies when they show up at the County trama center. Either that or they pay a penalty on their income taxes. Basically it makes you be responsible for your own healthcare costs.

You'd have to have turned off Fox News long enough to understand it. So it's no wonder that you don't know.
Gosh, how many fallacies were packed into that one post?
For starters just because someone is a conservative does not mean everything they do is conservative. BEsides, I though you supported kids not getting sick.
Second, how does offering subsidies to people for insurance mean they arent using public funds? Most people who go to ERs actually have insurance. That's part of the problem, btw.
How does covering every medical event, which means a third party is paying for it, make people more responsible? It is the very opposite.
You'd have to get your head out of your girlfriend's cooch long enough to grasp any of this.
What you guys need to understand about this far-right/far-left comparison is that the moderates are now seen as the far left. The reason is because the far right has moved further to the right. It's no longer about tax cuts and strong's about invading other nations that didn't attack us and secession and civil war if they don't get their way.

Whether or not the Democrats can hold the left wing is not important in this binary system...who else would they vote for? That the GOP willingly gives up the middle is likely the key reason that it has won exactly one popular vote since 1992.
people like Dean,guno,dottie and Franco are not moderates......they are far left.....and there are lots of them out there.......
how far to the left do you have to be to think obama and hill are moderates?

good lord

I'm not sure why you think Obama and Hillary are liberals. Hillary voted for the war...
So, the fact more have been killed under Obama than Bush, means what?
And no mention of the US deaths from Truman's Korean excursion or LBJ's into Viet Nam.
Korea- Us deaths 33,686
Viet Nam- US deaths 47,424
Afghanistan under Bush 575, under Obama 1779

You're comparing drone strikes to the commitment of tens of thousands of soldiers. I'll take hypocrisy over naivety any day.

You're leaving out Bush's invasion of Iraq and citing stats from the 1950's...and you are calling me a hypocrite? Run along sonny.

WW1 (D)
WW2 (D)
Korea (D)
VN (D)

and so on and so on
Well, at least you moved your silly diatribe up to the 60's....fifty years ago. It reminds me of the chuckle I get when you guys bring up Ted Kennedy when women's issues arise.

So what are you saying...we should have let the Nazi's rule Eurpoe and Japan bomb Pearl Harbor uncontested? Is that the principle your grasping for so desperately in trying to salvage what little hope you have left to score some points?
If we stayed out of WW1, WW2 never would have occurred.
No evidence of that except WWI would have lasted much longer with trench warfare and the like.

And there was no reason for us to attack germany since it was Japan that attacked us

so lets be clear, all the warmongering you claim the right does was all started b/c leftist refused to let the world fight it's wars w/o us.
You've obviously never seen Ken Burn's documentary about The War. You've likely never opened a History book either so let me explain something to you.

American ships were sunk by the Germans in 1942 and 1943 in the Gulf of Mexico, attacked on the east coast.

There was a 30 person German spy ring here...still the largest spy ring found in the nation. The Zimmerman note, the detailed plans the Nazi's had for conquering the US.

You're simply speaking from ignorance.
You also said Romney was not Conservative. Your opinion about this (and all other matters with the exception of your expertise on black penises) is useless.
Romney is not conservative. SHow me one person in the GOP who said he was.
I appreciate your compliments about my expertise, esp coming from a tranny like you

You're the authority on black mention it every time you can for some reason. I think you were probably a crack baby or started smoking the pipe at the early age if you know what I mean.

Who says he's a conservative? Mitt Romney for one.
That's a fail. Werent you one of the ones talking about how Obamacare was just a national version of Romneycare? WHat makes you think that's conservative?

The same things that made you think Rick Perry's mandatory Gardasil injections for all girls in the 6th grade in Texas is a sign of conservatism...or did you not know about that?

What the ACA does is force people to pay for insurance so they aren't using public monies when they show up at the County trama center. Either that or they pay a penalty on their income taxes. Basically it makes you be responsible for your own healthcare costs.

You'd have to have turned off Fox News long enough to understand it. So it's no wonder that you don't know.
Gosh, how many fallacies were packed into that one post?
For starters just because someone is a conservative does not mean everything they do is conservative. BEsides, I though you supported kids not getting sick.
Forced inoculations for kids in 6th grade.

Lets run down the list....

The inoculations were to prevent cevical cancer--not exactly something a lot of elementary aged kids get
The inoculations would be a series of 3 shots costing up to $140 per child (3 kids cost you $420)
The inoculations were only mandated after Perry's former COS became a representative of the company who produced the vaccine.
The inoculations were implemented by....wait for it....AN EXECUTIVE ORDER BY RICK PERRY

Yes. the same thing you call unconstitutional was attempted by Rick Perry. I guess its only unconstitutional when the black guy does it...right?

Second, how does offering subsidies to people for insurance mean they arent using public funds?
Subsidize=pay part of the costs
Non-subsidize=pay all of the costs.
Most people would think it's a better idea that the user of the service should pay at least some of the costs and taxpayers should pay as little as possible. I'm not sure why you favor the taxpayers paying all of it as they were before the ACA.

Most people who go to ERs actually have insurance.
Factually incorrect. Those going to the County hospitals are the uninsured. Hence the "county hospital" dumbass.

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