How far will the corona virus hysteria go?

Time for a MOAB on that Chinese bioweapons lab.
I just wonder how it got out.

I read that some lab worker was attacked by an animal they were testing something on, and she had a catastrophic failure of her containment suit, and went to the hospital to get treatment for her injuries, not realizing she was carrying the COVID19 virus.
It did report that a significant number were in their 80’s and 90’s.

Please note I am not rooting for this thing to be worse than expectations. I am just trying to have a realistic view of what is happening, and I suspect this thing, by end of the year, will be far worse than the Spanish Flu, unless we get a miracle vaccine and cure.
I still believe it’s an overreaction. Once we get a better handle on how many are infected we can more accurately assess a mortality rate.
Again, look at So Korea’s numbers.
I think Ireland and UK are hoping more become infected and develop a natural resistance.
Italy is doing better than that. 2000 deaths out of 60,000,000 people is a really small percentage.
Dude, this thing is JUST STARTING.

Flus run for about 9 months, this thing has been rampant through Italy for all of about 3 weeks.

Talk about how minimal the numbers are July 31st, shall we?
Not sure what happens on July 31st but sure let's do that.
Italy is doing better than that. 2000 deaths out of 60,000,000 people is a really small percentage.
Dude, this thing is JUST STARTING.

Flus run for about 9 months, this thing has been rampant through Italy for all of about 3 weeks.

Talk about how minimal the numbers are July 31st, shall we?
Not sure what happens on July 31st but sure let's do that.
July 31st is the day my wife gives me the silent treatment for forgetting our anniversary on the 30th.
Shutting down our country to save a very small percentage of old people, of which I am one, is insanity. At some point, common sense has to enter the equation. Otherwise we are creating economic calamity in the middle of a robust economy. For what? Was this all calculated by China? The spawning of the virus, Xi hiding the outbreak, the temporary hospitals being built in days, all to amplify the effect?
60 million Americans are in the ''vulnerable'' category... that's not really ''a few''...?
July 31st is the day my wife gives me the silent treatment for forgetting our anniversary on the 30th.
I still believe it’s an overreaction. Once we get a better handle on how many are infected we can more accurately assess a mortality rate.
Again, look at So Korea’s numbers.

Without a doubt people are over reacting, but not the Trump administration.

And South Korea is kind of cherry picking data.

I think Ireland and UK are hoping more become infected and develop a natural resistance.

In other words, their normal overwhelming incompetency that they try to rebrand as a feature.
60 million Americans are in the ''vulnerable'' category... that's not really ''a few''...?
People like talking percentages and when it is in the single digits it makes them feel m,ore comfortable.

But a comparison here; the flu has a 0.1% mort5ality rate and around 50k die each year.

If we only consider healthy people not in a high risk group, that would be 500,000 healthy adults dying.

The percentages go way up if you have any complications like cardio disease, diabetes, cancer, ever smoked, or are just old, over 80.

That would be alot of people too as there are diabetic, around 36 million in the US. 36% are obese, and around 50% for Cardiovascular disease.
1. All sports gone. Check

2. All schools gone. Check

3. All restaurants gone. Check

With no end in sight.

What will the state come for next and is it worth the cost of combating what essentially is the flu? Will the media driven hysteria destroy what is left of the free market and usher in Bernie's utopia?

What the libs are really excited about is the closure of Trump Rallies and Christian churches.

Its just a bonus that a lot of small businesspeople are going to be ruined by this event.
1. All sports gone. Check

2. All schools gone. Check

3. All restaurants gone. Check

With no end in sight.

What will the state come for next and is it worth the cost of combating what essentially is the flu? Will the media driven hysteria destroy what is left of the free market and usher in Bernie's utopia?

Essentially the flu! Go tell Italy where it is killing 1 out of 15 who get it.
Sucks to be an 80 year old in a socialized medicine country

Anybody remember tards laughing at "death panels"
Forced vaccinate

this is your 911 dumb asses accept you can't see all the buildings falling douches bags learn about psyche warfare idiots maybe you won't be so fkn stupid. In the end.
This is not going to end well. For one thing the country is not unified. Democrats are convinced that Trump.created and spread the virus. Republicans correctly understand that democrats have blown a minor illness completely out of proportion and is using the hoax to strip away our constitutional rights. Not only does neither side trust the other but both sides are convinced of the evil intent of the other.

In such a volatile mix the last thing you want is people sitting home nursing those grievances. Yet here we stupidly are doing that very thing.
That is crazy and dead wrong. Democrats do not believe trump created and spread the virus, Tipsy. You should be ashamed to suggest it. They even know that he locked down travel from China to stop it. But, they also know that he told us all this was not going to be a serous thing. Speaking for the administration Kudlow even said it was almost totally contained. Then the people started dying at the nursing home in Kirkland, Wa. Trump over rode instructions from CDC and brought back those people from the cruise ship, officials over rode objections from CDC and even brought them back on the same airplane, the sick and the uninfected. Administration had them met in California with personnel not properly brief on precautions and unprotected from the disease themselves and they spread it in the long beach area and return home to bring it to cities in the eastern United States. The president was more worried about the economy and how this looked for his campaign than those that were getting sick and minimized the danger and effects we were to see. The infection at the nursing home ran rampant and still is. Nothing trump said has turned out to be true. He lied to the country and the country knows it. His own pronouncement spooked the financial industry and destroy chunks of the public's retirement account and still he minimized the danger. His erroneous statements, outright falsehoods and missteps of his administration's response, handling the pandemic have made it worse, for for our country. Most of us not panicking, while others panic just because sports team owners, not wanting to risk their players or endanger fans shut down sports entertainment, causing another cry across the land. The country hears republicans trying to compare to Obama, but the public knows Obama is not president, Trump is in charge of this fiasco and that fact scares them. The panic buying will end, my guess within 3 weeks, even though the infection numbers are going to go way, way up, because now, they are starting to test for it, those it is no longer containable and the public knows that also. It does not help that there are Republicans (some right here on this board) still minimizing, saying it will mainly effect older Americans and poor Democrats, as cold, uncaring, and heartless as that sounds. We are in for a rough road, but panic in the herd is wasted energy. Right wing trump supporters need to be rallying around their country, not their President. He's toast.
I don’t see you bemoaning the greater number and disproportionate deaths of old people from flu.
I try to be philosophical. $hit happens. True we haven't seen this $hit. before in present memory as a country, and this modern societal generation, indeed seems more fragile and self centered than optimum to face it, but we've read about it in other places and times, and the world got back to normal and went on. We will this time also.
1. All sports gone. Check

2. All schools gone. Check

3. All restaurants gone. Check

With no end in sight.

What will the state come for next and is it worth the cost of combating what essentially is the flu? Will the media driven hysteria destroy what is left of the free market and usher in Bernie's utopia?
You should be listening right now to the presser being given right no by Maotse Cuomo.

He is demanding the Stats be allowed to follow ONLY one set of rules. He is whining that if the states next to NY don't follow suit, then people will just drive to a state that has a different policy than NY, because you know. His is the only one that matter and that whole FREEDOM thing is bad for all of us.
This is not going to end well. For one thing the country is not unified. Democrats are convinced that Trump.created and spread the virus. Republicans correctly understand that democrats have blown a minor illness completely out of proportion and is using the hoax to strip away our constitutional rights. Not only does neither side trust the other but both sides are convinced of the evil intent of the other.

In such a volatile mix the last thing you want is people sitting home nursing those grievances. Yet here we stupidly are doing that very thing.
What Democrats have said trump created the virus?

What constitutional rights have been stripped away from you?
New York Times
Opinion | Let’s Call It Trumpvirus

Freedom of assembly so far
Time for a MOAB on that Chinese bioweapons lab.
I just wonder how it got out.

I read that some lab worker was attacked by an animal they were testing something on, and she had a catastrophic failure of her containment suit, and went to the hospital to get treatment for her injuries, not realizing she was carrying the COVID19 virus.
It is quite common for the Chinese to take the animals they use for lab testing and sell them in the wet market for food.
This is not going to end well. For one thing the country is not unified. Democrats are convinced that Trump.created and spread the virus. Republicans correctly understand that democrats have blown a minor illness completely out of proportion and is using the hoax to strip away our constitutional rights. Not only does neither side trust the other but both sides are convinced of the evil intent of the other.

In such a volatile mix the last thing you want is people sitting home nursing those grievances. Yet here we stupidly are doing that very thing.
That is crazy and dead wrong. Democrats do not believe trump created and spread the virus, Tipsy. You should be ashamed to suggest it. They even know that he locked down travel from China to stop it. But, they also know that he told us all this was not going to be a serous thing. Speaking for the administration Kudlow even said it was almost totally contained. Then the people started dying at the nursing home in Kirkland, Wa. Trump over rode instructions from CDC and brought back those people from the cruise ship, officials over rode objections from CDC and even brought them back on the same airplane, the sick and the uninfected. Administration had them met in California with personnel not properly brief on precautions and unprotected from the disease themselves and they spread it in the long beach area and return home to bring it to cities in the eastern United States. The president was more worried about the economy and how this looked for his campaign than those that were getting sick and minimized the danger and effects we were to see. The infection at the nursing home ran rampant and still is. Nothing trump said has turned out to be true. He lied to the country and the country knows it. His own pronouncement spooked the financial industry and destroy chunks of the public's retirement account and still he minimized the danger. His erroneous statements, outright falsehoods and missteps of his administration's response, handling the pandemic have made it worse, for for our country. Most of us not panicking, while others panic just because sports team owners, not wanting to risk their players or endanger fans shut down sports entertainment, causing another cry across the land. The country hears republicans trying to compare to Obama, but the public knows Obama is not president, Trump is in charge of this fiasco and that fact scares them. The panic buying will end, my guess within 3 weeks, even though the infection numbers are going to go way, way up, because now, they are starting to test for it, those it is no longer containable and the public knows that also. It does not help that there are Republicans (some right here on this board) still minimizing, saying it will mainly effect older Americans and poor Democrats, as cold, uncaring, and heartless as that sounds. We are in for a rough road, but panic in the herd is wasted energy. Right wing trump supporters need to be rallying around their country, not their President. He's toast.
It depends on which Democrats are talking. Turn on the TV and there is no shortage of Democratic mouthpieces blaming Trump for his incompetence. Apparently he was supposed to be able to snap his fingers and have 10 million COVID-19 test kits drop out of the sky. Since he didn't he is directly responsible for the spread and subsequent deaths, so say the mouthpieces. They don't all say it, but you can't claim "Democrats aren't saying that". Maybe you aren't but many of your leaders are.
It goes back the the saying, "You can delegate authority at times, but you can Never delegate responsibility." It is the first tenant of Leadership. He was never trained in leadership. He doesn't get it. Making excuses, blaming others, minimizing his assessments of the situation(s), public falsehoods, actually making the statement publicly "I accept no responsibility," are all key indicators of unfitness to lead and command. They don't teach it much in regular schools, but many of us had it pounded into us early in our careers, and never forget it. It is no surprise to me. I had already identified him as unfit to command, years ago. He has learned nothing in the 3 1/2 years in the position. He has almost no potential for improvement. We'll get through this, even with him uselessly there.
Shutting down our country to save a very small percentage of old people, of which I am one, is insanity. At some point, common sense has to enter the equation. Otherwise we are creating economic calamity in the middle of a robust economy. For what? Was this all calculated by China? The spawning of the virus, Xi hiding the outbreak, the temporary hospitals being built in days, all to amplify the effect?
60 million Americans are in the ''vulnerable'' category... that's not really ''a few''...?
Gee. Wonder how the Red Chinese got that # from the DNC who knows most older people have a useful brain and know a party of INFANTICIDE film flam when they see one.....Kill them over 65 types, and brainwash even further maniac teachers and their young heads full of do realize that China has been looking for a KIND OF LEGITIMATE way to reduce its millions of old population over decades..... FYI there are over 123 MILLION CHINESE OVER 65 TODAY.....DATS A LOT A FRIED RICE, AND TREE BARK!
This is not going to end well. For one thing the country is not unified. Democrats are convinced that Trump.created and spread the virus. Republicans correctly understand that democrats have blown a minor illness completely out of proportion and is using the hoax to strip away our constitutional rights. Not only does neither side trust the other but both sides are convinced of the evil intent of the other.

In such a volatile mix the last thing you want is people sitting home nursing those grievances. Yet here we stupidly are doing that very thing.
What Democrats have said trump created the virus?

What constitutional rights have been stripped away from you?
New York Times
Opinion | Let’s Call It Trumpvirus

Freedom of assembly so far
The New York Times isn't a Democrat, you idiot, it's an entity.

You haven't lost your right to free assembly, lying asshole.

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