How history repeats itself....Pence and Nixon

The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate
Agreed,Watergate was not founded on butt-hurt losing.
For once I agree with Vice President Torquemada, time to stop wasting tax payer money on this political fishing expedition and move on, Dudley Do Right needs to release whatever hard evidence he and his gang of Kojaks have come up with relating to the original scope of this investigation, that is, if they have any at all.

"He's as pointless as Mass Effect 3's multiple endings. I mean, he's a completely useless appendage, and we all know it." -- Gilfoyle, Silicon Valley

It took Ken Starr about 7 years to find something on B. Clinton then they had to send Monica in to lure him.

Yeah and? Are you suggesting that since we've had long, drawn-out, wasteful, partisan political fishing expeditions in the past that we should just keep having them ?
The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate
That's why there's no indictments/guilty pleas/convictions, right?
All of which will be filthy rich after your boy screws it all up
Which he has a history of doing
The problem with the left is that they are still using the old Watergate playbook in the age of information. They hope (against all logic) that history will repeat itself and the angry vindictive media will get away with unverified anonymous leaks by unidentified sources. Bill Clinton was arguably the most interesting president in modern history and sex drugs and rock&roll and mysterious deaths marked his administration but so-called "investigative reporters" weren't interested. Instead the media circled the wagons around the criminal enterprise of the Clinton administration. The hard core angry democrat base today may not understand it but people are smarter and better informed than they were when the red diaper baby and the young arrogant Post reporter used an informant that wasn't identified until he was dead and couldn't verify the breathless leaks. Bill and Hill made Nixon look like a choir boy.
The Watergate playbook seemed to work OK back in the day. The overall tally during that period of the GOP get was;

1. One presidential resignation
2. One vice-presidential resignation – unrelated to Watergate
3. 40 government officials indicted or jailed
4. GOP corruption laid open with a mass exodus from a once decent political party with a moral backbone which has continued to rot.

Hey, shit-for-brains, the SUBSTANCE of those incriminating tapes of Nixon in the Oval Office had not a damn thing to do with Woodward and Bernstein's sources and their WAPO disclosures!! And that type of evidence is what will eventually catch the fuck up with that Orange Assed Clown!

The Watergate playbook worked back in the day because the only information available to the public was filtered through liberal media outlets. There was no talk radio or fair and balanced reporting. How many people know that one half of the Washington Post reporter team was the son of card carrying communists and was brought up with an abiding hatred for HUAC prosecutor Richard Nixon? How far could today's media go with unverified anonymous reports from a "source" who wasn't identified until thirty years later when he was dead? LBJ was such a joke that corruption in the administration was routinely overlooked. It was alleged that LBJ had Barry Goldwater's plane bugged. Black bag operations were common in government going back to FDR but the media only took notice and pretended outrage when a hated republican was in office.
Won't speak directly to my criticisms of what you wrote. Gotta wander off and meander around that junk yard of your mind rambling incoherently about LBJ, FDR, Goldwater and Bernstein's heritage with not even a nod to the Watergate era corruption when YOU broached the topic. You're fucking unhinged, so go fuck yourself, dumb ass. You're not worth any more of my time ya useless shit!
Watergate break in was a crime. You know. A crime that needed to be investigated.

No crime in Mueller's probe of Russian collusion.
Watergate break in was a crime. You know. A crime that needed to be investigated.

No crime in Mueller's probe of Russian collusion.
The crimes committed AFTER the break in at the Hotel were the subject of the Watergate investigation and centered on the bloody cover up by the ADMINISTRATION IN THE WH!

How do you KNOW there were no crimes? Have you been privileged access to ALL THE BOXES the files of the Special Counsel has collected over the last year? Why all the charges, subpoenas, court proceedings and guilty pleas if there were no crimes? You're not in Kansas anymore, and that jerk behind the curtain is a fucking liar, darlin'! You only have a snowballs chance in Hell of being correct, but hey, it's a chance RIGHT?? :eusa_naughty:
The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate
So you keep hoping.

It’s not a matter of hoping. There was no underlying charge. It’s just not there
Of course it is mere disillusioned hope on your part. The investigations, the indictments, the convictions, the continual Trumplian lying, crying, and whying shows that he and his ilk know the hammer is coming.

He us laying ground work for an Iranian war right now. Yup...he is a master at deception.....
Some day (maybe) Trump cult members will understand that with Watergate, it was NOT the break-in that caused Nixon's resignation, IT WAS THE COVER-UP.......

Now take the time to ponder how Trump has tried to "cover-up" Flynn's crimes, and the stupidity of his son, son-in-law,and his beloved Manafort ........and how now we have Cohen in the mix.
The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate
So far it is multiple crimes

People are talking to save their ass
For once I agree with Vice President Torquemada, time to stop wasting tax payer money on this political fishing expedition and move on, Dudley Do Right needs to release whatever hard evidence he and his gang of Kojaks have come up with relating to the original scope of this investigation, that is, if they have any at all.

"He's as pointless as Mass Effect 3's multiple endings. I mean, he's a completely useless appendage, and we all know it." -- Gilfoyle, Silicon Valley

It took Ken Starr about 7 years to find something on B. Clinton then they had to send Monica in to lure him.
Starr planted that stain
The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate
You guys keep spouting that nonsense.

Have you noticed that every time there is some sorta revelation in the investigation it turns out Mueller has been there first? Ususally months before the media got wind of it? Like this Russian payment to Cohen, we just found out, but Mueller was questioning the ologarch named months before we heard anything.

Neither you nor I have any idea what Mueller knows, what he has, or who he has it on. And we won't either. Not until he decides it's time.

So you keep telling yourself he's got nothing, if it helps you sleep at night.

But be prepared, because you can bet Mueller will be when he lays out his conclusions.

You mean the truth? I can’t imagine why we keep repeating it.

Want to prove me wrong? What’s the underlying statute that was violated that Is the basis for muellers investigation?
I'm not a lawyer.

Neither are you.
Want to prove me wrong? What’s the underlying statute that was violated that Is the basis for muellers investigation?

The answer is so damn simple that most Trump ass kissers simply refuse to make the connection.......

Although Trump has the"executive privilege" to fire whomever works in government, we also know that firing someone who is investigating the possible wrongdoings of that CIC, constitutes an attempt to obstruct justice......
Did Debbie Wasserman-Schultz's terrorist-connected Pakistani Spies, to whom she gave access to the DNC severs, the list of all DNC members' e-mail addresses, their usernames, and passwords work for the Russians?

'Cause that's the only way the 'Russians' hacked the DNC server and leaked all the damaging facts about what the Democrats were up to.

(Funny - the DEMOCRATS were caught and exposed being racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-Semitic and illegally rigging primaries, cheating in debates, committing election fraud, violating lection laws, violating campaign finance laws, and with the help of their Lame Stream Fake News media they were able to turn the entire story around to make themselves look like victims while perpetuating the 'Illegal Russian Collusion' lie / Witch Hunt..... Bravo, Democrats - you TRULY are the 'Masters of BS & Spin'!)

Wow.... Can you buy guns as well?

Good Alternative world your living in there
Says the guys who refuses to accept the outcome of the 2016 election yet believes every Conspiracy Theory BS fed to him by butt-hurt hate-driven Democrats who have no evidence to support their claims...after almost 2 years of digging. :p

You have been told this time and time again...

Trump fired Comey, he is a Republican.
Trump appointed Rosenstein, he is a Republican.
Rosenstein hires Mueller, he is a Republican.

This is the FBI and the DOJ....

No Democrats... This is you problem... You are full of sh*t... you can't help it, the Orange Jesus looks to have been surrounded by conmen... He tells 5+ lies a day, sorry lets correct that untruths, Trump might be so ill informed he doesn't know the truth...

Listen man, if you think Democrats this, the information your being fed is wrong, I suggest find proper news sources...
The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate
You guys keep spouting that nonsense.

Have you noticed that every time there is some sorta revelation in the investigation it turns out Mueller has been there first? Ususally months before the media got wind of it? Like this Russian payment to Cohen, we just found out, but Mueller was questioning the ologarch named months before we heard anything.

Neither you nor I have any idea what Mueller knows, what he has, or who he has it on. And we won't either. Not until he decides it's time.

So you keep telling yourself he's got nothing, if it helps you sleep at night.

But be prepared, because you can bet Mueller will be when he lays out his conclusions.

You mean the truth? I can’t imagine why we keep repeating it.

Want to prove me wrong? What’s the underlying statute that was violated that Is the basis for muellers investigation?

Schlonging Hillary and denying her the opportunity to complete Soros's destruction of America
The difference of course being that watergate had an underlying crime to investigate and Mueller, after more than a year of agencies searching, doesn’t have evidence of an underlying crime to investigate
You guys keep spouting that nonsense.

Have you noticed that every time there is some sorta revelation in the investigation it turns out Mueller has been there first? Ususally months before the media got wind of it? Like this Russian payment to Cohen, we just found out, but Mueller was questioning the ologarch named months before we heard anything.

Neither you nor I have any idea what Mueller knows, what he has, or who he has it on. And we won't either. Not until he decides it's time.

So you keep telling yourself he's got nothing, if it helps you sleep at night.

But be prepared, because you can bet Mueller will be when he lays out his conclusions.

The Orange King is lining up Iran for war when Mueller report shows him as the criminal he is.
He learned from GWB
Everyone knows Trump won't be impeached, or otherwise be forced out of office.

But the investigations will prove to the American people that Trump is in fact unfit to be president, facilitating his being voted out of office in 2020.

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