How is China still a ranking member of the United Nations?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Not only is China still a member, they are one of the five ranking members of the UN Security Council! They should be kicked out immediately not only for their bio attack on the world but their decades of well known human rights abuses and brutality toward Tibet, the Muslim Uighur population and political prisoners.

If China isn't removed from the UN, then the UN should be disbanded. It adds nothing of value and gives the most evil regime in the world legitmacy it does not deserve.

Not only is China still a member, they are one of the five ranking members of the UN Security Council! They should be kicked out immediately not only for their bio attack on the world but their decades of well known human rights abuses and brutality toward Tibet, the Muslim Uighur population and political prisoners.

If China isn't removed from the UN, then the UN should be disbanded. It adds nothing of value and gives the most evil regime in the world legitmacy it does not deserve.

Amen. The world would be a better place without those communist, dog eating bastards
Not only is China still a member, they are one of the five ranking members of the UN Security Council! They should be kicked out immediately not only for their bio attack on the world but their decades of well known human rights abuses and brutality toward Tibet, the Muslim Uighur population and political prisoners.

If China isn't removed from the UN, then the UN should be disbanded. It adds nothing of value and gives the most evil regime in the world legitmacy it does not deserve.


Come on . . . you know how. China is the most powerful evil empire to ever rise in human history. Thus far they didn't even have to go to shooting war with us (America) in order to bring us to our knees. Their political and espionage networks are millions of tendrils extending into the daily lives of most people on the planet. China is the UN and the UN is China. How else can you explain the Chinese government murdering and imprisoning millions of people and yet our mainstream media protects them like rabid hounds of hell . . . even though the CCP is the most blatantly racist government on the planet?
Not only is China still a member, they are one of the five ranking members of the UN Security Council! They should be kicked out immediately not only for their bio attack on the world but their decades of well known human rights abuses and brutality toward Tibet, the Muslim Uighur population and political prisoners.

If China isn't removed from the UN, then the UN should be disbanded. It adds nothing of value and gives the most evil regime in the world legitmacy it does not deserve.


Come on . . . you know how. China is the most powerful evil empire to ever rise in human history. Thus far they didn't even have to go to shooting war with us (America) in order to bring us to our knees. Their political and espionage networks are millions of tendrils extending into the daily lives of most people on the planet. China is the UN and the UN is China. How else can you explain the Chinese government murdering and imprisoning millions of people and yet our mainstream media protects them like rabid hounds of hell . . . even though the CCP is the most blatantly racist government on the planet?
Yes you are right. China's concerted efforts on the release of COVID-19 was the tipping point. If the nations of the world can't unite on the death and economic destruction China caused, maybe it's too late.
Not only is China still a member, they are one of the five ranking members of the UN Security Council! They should be kicked out immediately not only for their bio attack on the world but their decades of well known human rights abuses and brutality toward Tibet, the Muslim Uighur population and political prisoners.

If China isn't removed from the UN, then the UN should be disbanded. It adds nothing of value and gives the most evil regime in the world legitmacy it does not deserve.

The UN turns a blind eye on China, with respect to its continued human right's abuses. Although there has been noted progress with respect to China's abuses of human rights, the Chinese government forces impoverished farmers to buy washer and dryers (to "participate" in their economy" when they are unable to buy seed to grow food for their family to exist. It matters little to the Chinese government that so many continue to starve to death due to these type of forced measures. It seems the Chinese government is aware that due to having 1.439 billion people, a few million dying is of little concern as long as it's not harmful to their economy. Asia has reportedly over 381 million undernourished people, but I have little doubt the true number is greater. The UN's Zero Hunger Challenge was launched in 2012 with target date set for 2030. What do they think is happening in China with government continuing to place its own goals over the lives of their people? I will look for information about Chinese billionaires directly helping their starving farmers and hope to find many. The Chinese government cares mostly about saving face. The intentional cover-up of the initial spread of COVID-19 SARS prevented the window of time that would have eliminated world contamination. It's all on China with our current, global pandemic, and I have to wonder how many other Chinese cover-ups (disease and otherwise) went undetected by world attention. Thankfully, access to global information is continuing to be tweaked, and having the ability to view primary facts without political interpretations is a true gift to be utilized to the max. Along that line, thank you for posting that Wiki piece as it gives details of which I was unaware regarding the history of China's membership. I agree completely that China should have never been given member status of the Security Council. What a short-sighted mistake that was indeed. They will continue to block Taiwan's efforts for membership, even observatory status it seems. You'd think the UN would at least have specific requirements for members to abide with respect to human right's violations. The UN itself is a antiquated organization that needs to improve significantly as their reputation is mostly in the gutter.
Not only is China still a member, they are one of the five ranking members of the UN Security Council! They should be kicked out immediately not only for their bio attack on the world but their decades of well known human rights abuses and brutality toward Tibet, the Muslim Uighur population and political prisoners.

If China isn't removed from the UN, then the UN should be disbanded. It adds nothing of value and gives the most evil regime in the world legitmacy it does not deserve.

The UN turns a blind eye on China, with respect to its continued human right's abuses. Although there has been noted progress with respect to China's abuses of human rights, the Chinese government forces impoverished farmers to buy washer and dryers (to "participate" in their economy" when they are unable to buy seed to grow food for their family to exist. It matters little to the Chinese government that so many continue to starve to death due to these type of forced measures. It seems the Chinese government is aware that due to having 1.439 billion people, a few million dying is of little concern as long as it's not harmful to their economy. Asia has reportedly over 381 million undernourished people, but I have little doubt the true number is greater. The UN's Zero Hunger Challenge was launched in 2012 with target date set for 2030. What do they think is happening in China with government continuing to place its own goals over the lives of their people? I will look for information about Chinese billionaires directly helping their starving farmers and hope to find many. The Chinese government cares mostly about saving face. The intentional cover-up of the initial spread of COVID-19 SARS prevented the window of time that would have eliminated world contamination. It's all on China with our current, global pandemic, and I have to wonder how many other Chinese cover-ups (disease and otherwise) went undetected by world attention. Thankfully, access to global information is continuing to be tweaked, and having the ability to view primary facts without political interpretations is a true gift to be utilized to the max. Along that line, thank you for posting that Wiki piece as it gives details of which I was unaware regarding the history of China's membership. I agree completely that China should have never been given member status of the Security Council. What a short-sighted mistake that was indeed. They will continue to block Taiwan's efforts for membership, even observatory status it seems. You'd think the UN would at least have specific requirements for members to abide with respect to human right's violations. The UN itself is a antiquated organization that needs to improve significantly as their reputation is mostly in the gutter.
Great post!
Reason why is World Leaders believe keeping China in the U.N. and part of the Five will make it easier to deal with China and when she goes off rails...

Is it logical?

No, but the U.N. has become a failure and waste of money and personally what Truman envisioned has failed to materialize in reality...
Reason why is World Leaders believe keeping China in the U.N. and part of the Five will make it easier to deal with China and when she goes off rails...

Is it logical?

No, but the U.N. has become a failure and waste of money and personally what Truman envisioned has failed to materialize in reality...
The U.N. is a farce. They give China legitamacy when every member nation should be screaming at them for the death and destruction China caused. Yet they do and say NOTHING. The U.N. should be dismantled and their buildings repurposed for low income housing.
Reason why is World Leaders believe keeping China in the U.N. and part of the Five will make it easier to deal with China and when she goes off rails...

Is it logical?

No, but the U.N. has become a failure and waste of money and personally what Truman envisioned has failed to materialize in reality...
The U.N. is a farce. They give China legitamacy when every member nation should be screaming at them for the death and destruction China caused. Yet they do and say NOTHING. The U.N. should be dismantled and their buildings repurposed for low income housing.
Indeed. The previous two posters nailed it. I only have a slight difference in opinion Marathon Mike- I'd put my money on UN building space going to Amazon, as they continue to seek more and more storage space to enhance delivery speeds. Malls and the like will resemble models about what the world would look like without humans...well minus the 24 hour daily shifting going on with Amazon's warehouses;P
Reason why is World Leaders believe keeping China in the U.N. and part of the Five will make it easier to deal with China and when she goes off rails...

Is it logical?

No, but the U.N. has become a failure and waste of money and personally what Truman envisioned has failed to materialize in reality...
The U.N. is a farce. They give China legitamacy when every member nation should be screaming at them for the death and destruction China caused. Yet they do and say NOTHING. The U.N. should be dismantled and their buildings repurposed for low income housing.
Indeed. The previous two posters nailed it. I only have a slight difference in opinion Marathon Mike- I'd put my money on UN building space going to Amazon, as they continue to seek more and more storage space to enhance delivery speeds. Malls and the like will resemble models about what the world would look like without humans...well minus the 24 hour daily shifting going on with Amazon's warehouses;P
That would be the more likely outcome. I was foolishly thinking the U.N. would want to leave a legacy of doing something good in the world, but big money always wins.
Reason why is World Leaders believe keeping China in the U.N. and part of the Five will make it easier to deal with China and when she goes off rails...

Is it logical?

No, but the U.N. has become a failure and waste of money and personally what Truman envisioned has failed to materialize in reality...
The U.N. is a farce. They give China legitamacy when every member nation should be screaming at them for the death and destruction China caused. Yet they do and say NOTHING. The U.N. should be dismantled and their buildings repurposed for low income housing.
Indeed. The previous two posters nailed it. I only have a slight difference in opinion Marathon Mike- I'd put my money on UN building space going to Amazon, as they continue to seek more and more storage space to enhance delivery speeds. Malls and the like will resemble models about what the world would look like without humans...well minus the 24 hour daily shifting going on with Amazon's warehouses;P
That would be the more likely outcome. I was foolishly thinking the U.N. would want to leave a legacy of doing something good in the world, but big money always wins.
On that note, we sadly agree 100% about big money usually taking the upper hand over a good deed for a community/state/nation. I look for a new competitor (backed by AI investors) to come into play at some point. The lion usually doesn't fare well when other lions view the large kills. Being the massive giant that Amazon has become, Walmart's attempts to regain some of the market by adding features isn't keeping up. Many experts over the years have warned us about monopolies and the fate of consumers, but the question has now become what to do about corporations that act like monopolies. That's where the legal terms need to be either defined better or redefined. They seem to be stuck on passing the buck; Amazon pays bookoo dollars in taxes which buys a lot of regulation support. An example of dubious business practices: If Amazon discovers that Walmart lowers a price on a good that's advertised on Amazon's site, the seller of that good is immediately notified to either raise the price back up at Walmart (to match their own listed price) or take down the listing on Amazon altogether. Something about that requirement doesn't seem to fall under fair, ethical business practices, but I'm not a business nor legal expert to know how they get by with that. If I were the seller and was told to either lower the price at Walmart or hit the road, I know how i would respond even if it meant losing substantial revenue. I might not take my listing down from Amazon immediately, but I'd work hard to find other ways to recoup that money, lose the Amazon account, and sleep much better at night by doing so.
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