How is it Democratic? We keep hearing from the Marxists that the Republicans want to destroy Democracy.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
How is it Democratic to make your citizens lives much harder by almost doubling fuel prices?

How is it Democratic to cause your citizens to have less food in their houses because of the inflationary demands of the dollar?
4 Factors Driving Food Price Inflation.
On the one hand, the increase in money supply decreases the value of each dollar, leading to higher prices to make up the difference.

How is it Democratic to allow millions of diseased illegals to cross the Southern Border who arent checked for Covid, yet kick out thousands of US military because they dont get the Kung Flu Jab?

How is it Democratic to starve newborn babies, that arent aborted, by causing a massive shortage of baby formula?

How is it Democratic to give billions of dollars to Ukraine so they can prevent an invading horde from taking over their country, but do nothing for out Southern Border which is allowing millions of diseased illegals to cross into our country, driving up fuel costs, housing costs, food costs, baby formula costs, school costs, and healthcare costs?

No, they say ''this is extremely dangerous to our Democracy :mad:''

''A Democracy'' and democracy are antithetical and the difference must be made clear in discussion.

"A Democracy'' is a specific FORM of government whereas rule by omnipotent majority prevails. Here the Individual and the Minority be damned.

Democracy itself is a popular TYPE governance and an aspect of a Republican FORM of government whereas the rights of the Individual and the Minority are protected.
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So what they're basically saying is that they view the act of defending ''our Republic'' as a threat to their movement to replace it with "A Democracy.''

Screw them! lolol...

Not that Republicans are any great defenders of our Republic. They're not. They regurgitate the same ''our Democracy spew. Like it's some kind of FORM of government we have or something.

They always say this is extremely dangerous to''our Democracy'' rather than saying this is dangerous to democracy.

You see? It's purposeful, strategic brainwashing. If they repeat the lie long enough people begin to accept it as truth and then they start repeating the same bullshit until it becomes mainstream.

Well, guess what. It's not truth. Again, it's antithetical. It's the polar opposite of the truth.
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Gasoline price has dropped to around $3.20, not even close to doubling the $2.40 it was when Trump left.... Though it did get above $5 up here with the shortage.... Good to see prices falling.
Gasoline price has dropped to around $3.20, not even close to doubling the $2.40 it was when Trump left.... Though it did get above $5 up here with the shortage.... Good to see prices falling.

Gasoline has dropped because China is AGAIN shut down due to the bioweapon they co-developed with democrats and used against the world.

Gas should be about 10 cents a gallon given global demand, but the disastrous policies of Xi's Biden administration keep them high.
Gasoline has dropped because China is AGAIN shut down due to the bioweapon they co-developed with democrats and used against the world.

Gas should be about 10 cents a gallon given global demand, but the disastrous policies of Xi's Biden administration keep them high.
So in 2020 with no demand and covid, gasoline should have been 10 cents, but President Trump F-d it up, so it was $2.00?
No, they say ''this is extremely dangerous to our Democracy :mad:''

''A Democracy'' and democracy are antithetical and the difference must be made clear in discussion.

"A Democracy'' is a specific FORM of government whereas rule by omnipotent majority prevails. Here the Individual and the Minority be damned.

Democracy itself is a popular TYPE governance and an aspect of a Republican FORM of government whereas the rights of the Individual and the Minority are protected.

They don't understand that. They literally believe that the definition of "democracy" is "ruled by us democrats".


So in 2020 with no demand and covid, gasoline should have been 10 cents, but President Trump F-d it up, so it was $2.00?

It was under $2 in most of the country. And remember, the world was starting back up by the end of summer.

Think China regrets using biological weapons?

Do you? Millions dead - but you seized power - and democrats have priorities.
Our version of "democracy" is strengthened when the party that fairly wins an election carries out the promises that it made while campaigning.

Ignoring for a moment the eminently dubious nature of the Democrat victory of 2020,
  • Did they campaign on flooding the country with illegals?
  • Did they campaign on dramatically increasing fuel costs?
  • Did they campaign on paying millions of people hundreds of billions of dollars not to work?
  • Did they campaign on massive borrowing and its inevitable round of inflation?
  • Did they promise to try to eradicate the differences between boys and girls, or to normalize sexual perversion in its many forms?
  • Did the people vote to illegally and unconstitutionally expunge half a trillion dollars in student-loan debt?
And cannot help but wonder...WTF the American people were thinking when they re-elected most of the bastards who betrayed them in the period from January 2021 through November 2022?

If the 2022 election was a test, "we" flunked. Big time.
It's pretty ironic when the ones orchestrating totally fake elections claim the other side is a danger to "democracy".

Lefties- "It's OK to cheat in elections to protect democracy".
It's amazing they can stand up with all the circular logic spinning in their pea brains like a cyclone of contradictions
It's pretty ironic when the ones orchestrating totally fake elections claim the other side is a danger to "democracy".

Lefties- "It's OK to cheat in elections to protect democracy".
It's amazing they can stand up with all the circular logic spinning in their pea brains like a cyclone of contradictions

We have only ourselves to blame.

'All that was required for evil men to prevail was for good men to do nothing"
The Founding Fathers KNEW evil would raise it's ugly head again and thus the 2A.
What they didn't know was how pathetic, cowardly and spineless the Conservative Right would become.

You can give a coward a gun, but you can't make him fight.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
The Dirty Corrupt Democratic Party's version of 'democracy' looks a lot like a lawless banana republic political cult neo-marxist one party totalitarian police state where the Dissenters are censored, and the Opposition are arrested and imprisoned.
Meanwhile....over at your "friends" at NEWSMAX.......

Their TOP STORY this morning is........

57.5% of Twitter Users Vote for Musk to Step Down

NOT the border, NOT inflation......
And did they ever say how many people hated Jack Dorsey when that Commie was at the helm?

FUCK Newsmax (and ALL the Left Corporate Cartel Propaganda Media)
Wasn't "NewsMax" going to change it's name to "Lincoln Project TV?"
How is it Democratic to make your citizens lives much harder by almost doubling fuel prices?

How is it Democratic to cause your citizens to have less food in their houses because of the inflationary demands of the dollar?
4 Factors Driving Food Price Inflation.

How is it Democratic to allow millions of diseased illegals to cross the Southern Border who arent checked for Covid, yet kick out thousands of US military because they dont get the Kung Flu Jab?

How is it Democratic to starve newborn babies, that arent aborted, by causing a massive shortage of baby formula?

How is it Democratic to give billions of dollars to Ukraine so they can prevent an invading horde from taking over their country, but do nothing for out Southern Border which is allowing millions of diseased illegals to cross into our country, driving up fuel costs, housing costs, food costs, baby formula costs, school costs, and healthcare costs?

you mean asylum seekers from communist countries lol, hypocrite? The war in Ukraine causes this inflation, both food because of all the grain, and gas prices... We are doing better than anyone else too. Thanks president Biden. Everything you know is wrong.

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