How Long Can America Hold Out?

“Police in Scotland have arrested a man for painting “Islam is questionable” on his own house.

Arresting officers accused Graham Evans of “breach of peace” after the Edinburgh man painted “alarming” and “distressing” phrases on his own property, such as: “Islam is questionable”, “Leave Means Leave” and “Brexit”.”
But, that's over there! That could never happen here!
Watch out for them Mooslims!

Only Conservatives can protect us
I know a whole buncha Jew Boyz with a whole buncha fine firearms they know how to use. Them moose slimes get too outa control in the wrong place I wouldn't worry about Bob-Roy wiff granpas firty-firty brush gun.
Them Jew boys can put together organized groups better than anyone and show up with professional strategic plans and Galils and tear some shit up. No judge would take the case because half his family would be involved.
Bob-Roy can deliver the body bags in his pickmupp with that thar 'federate flag.
Some of you talk tough until the feds knock at your door and make an example of you.
“Police in Scotland have arrested a man for painting “Islam is questionable” on his own house.

Arresting officers accused Graham Evans of “breach of peace” after the Edinburgh man painted “alarming” and “distressing” phrases on his own property, such as: “Islam is questionable”, “Leave Means Leave” and “Brexit”.”
But, that's over there! That could never happen here!

That's gonna be over their heads.
“Police in Scotland have arrested a man for painting “Islam is questionable” on his own house.

Arresting officers accused Graham Evans of “breach of peace” after the Edinburgh man painted “alarming” and “distressing” phrases on his own property, such as: “Islam is questionable”, “Leave Means Leave” and “Brexit”.”
But, that's over there! That could never happen here!

That's gonna be over their heads.
They do lack the sarcasm gene
View attachment 270948 She's gonna rip you a new one PK....

If you mean she's going to post another wall of nonsensical alarmist nonsense, then yeah, she seems to have that in spades.

Clearly, my posts are over your head.....and it isn't your A.D.D. that is the bar, here.

It must be either education, or your ignoring that knock-down pitch.....

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Opinions, like yours, sold as fact are easy to reveal. Partisan hackery isn't intellectual, new or interesting. I have zero interest in indulging alarmist screeds, no matter which tribe you ascribe to belong.
2. Here’s another: warnings about the ascendancy of Islam in this country.

Will sharia be accepted as ‘law’?


Definitely not?

The handwriting is on the wall:

Be afraid of Sharia law, be very afraid.

".... the court can consider the Islamic passage referred to by plaintiff Awad in his last will and testament, as a means of ascertaining his wishes.

On the other hand, if his wishes somehow run afoul of U.S. laws — regardless of his personal wishes — then the court will rule them a violation of law."

Federal court deals blow to anti-Shariah efforts

But let the bed wetting begin.......

Aren't you the savage who said this?

"I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies."

Liberals On Abortion

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

Slither away.
View attachment 270948 She's gonna rip you a new one PK....

If you mean she's going to post another wall of nonsensical alarmist nonsense, then yeah, she seems to have that in spades.

Clearly, my posts are over your head.....and it isn't your A.D.D. that is the bar, here.

It must be either education, or your ignoring that knock-down pitch.....

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Opinions, like yours, sold as fact are easy to reveal. Partisan hackery isn't intellectual, new or interesting. I have zero interest in indulging alarmist screeds, no matter which tribe you ascribe to belong.
The definition of crazy.

Take the same path as other failed nations and expect different results (because WE are AMERICA)
View attachment 270948 She's gonna rip you a new one PK....

If you mean she's going to post another wall of nonsensical alarmist nonsense, then yeah, she seems to have that in spades.

Clearly, my posts are over your head.....and it isn't your A.D.D. that is the bar, here.

It must be either education, or your ignoring that knock-down pitch.....

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Opinions, like yours, sold as fact are easy to reveal. Partisan hackery isn't intellectual, new or interesting. I have zero interest in indulging alarmist screeds, no matter which tribe you ascribe to belong.

"I have zero interest in indulging alarmist screeds...."

Of course you do.....that's why you're here.

But....of course, you can't: I'm never wrong, and you've proven it.
2. Here’s another: warnings about the ascendancy of Islam in this country.

Will sharia be accepted as ‘law’?


Definitely not?

The handwriting is on the wall:

Be afraid of Sharia law, be very afraid.

".... the court can consider the Islamic passage referred to by plaintiff Awad in his last will and testament, as a means of ascertaining his wishes.

On the other hand, if his wishes somehow run afoul of U.S. laws — regardless of his personal wishes — then the court will rule them a violation of law."

Federal court deals blow to anti-Shariah efforts

But let the bed wetting begin.......

Aren't you the savage who said this?

"I guess that's no, I don't really care about the lives of these babies."

Liberals On Abortion

Are you related to Heinrich Himmler?

Slither away.

Afraid to get called out again on another one of your constant lies and fear mongering campaign?

Must be embarrassing.
But....of course, you can't: I'm never wrong, and you've proven it.

:auiqs.jpg: In your own mind, of course. The one and only thing you've ever proven to me is that you're simply one of a million other shrill partisans blindly cheer leading for your tribe and posting alarmist nonsense anonymously on the intert00bs. Narcissistic remarks are pretty ineffective as well. Anything else before I continue ignoring your innocuous wall of text?
America will last longer than the British Empire. It is logical. We are new and improved.

Good guess, Sherlock.

The Brits are pretty much gone already.....

Worth reading:

But....of course, you can't: I'm never wrong, and you've proven it.

:auiqs.jpg: In your own mind, of course. The one and only thing you've ever proven to me is that you're simply one of a million other shrill partisans blindly cheer leading for your tribe and posting alarmist nonsense anonymously on the intert00bs. Narcissistic remarks are pretty ineffective as well. Anything else before I continue ignoring your innocuous wall of text?

Certainly in my own mind....but you've provided the evidence for same.

You voluntarily subscribed to the thread because it infuriated you.....and haven't been able to dispute any of it.

I always offer scintillating, evocative, well supported material....the brain-dead it, but can't refute any of it because....

.....wait for it....

...I'm never wrong!
1.Those who walk around with blinders on, i.e., Democrats/Liberals, who deny what right-thinking folks recognize as clear and evident dangers, continue to pooh-pooh the warnings.

Time after time, the Right has warned about things that will come to pass if the Left has control….things that would seem crazy just a few years ago- men claiming to be women, demanding to be considered normal would be an example.

But, the Left has one agenda: destroy tradition, morality, values.

And they’re darn good at it!

2. Here’s another: warnings about the ascendancy of Islam in this country.

Will sharia be accepted as ‘law’?


Definitely not?

The handwriting is on the wall:

"In a decision that Muslim legal advocates celebrated as a major win, a [United States] federal appeals court on Tuesday agreed with a lower court that blocked an Oklahoma law that would have barred state courts from considering or using Shariah law — the Islamic code of conduct." Federal court deals blow to anti-Shariah efforts - U.S. News

3. If and when the Democrats are in control.....
....well here’s the Liberal’s house organ, the Washington Post, papering the way:

“…on the whole and with legally imposed hard limitations, sharia courts, using Islamic law, can adapt to the American experience and become a part of the religious arbitration landscape of America.

Islamic courts are becoming common in North America. Muslims are building religious communities in America, and religious courts are part of the structure of many of these communities. These so-called sharia tribunals do what courts everywhere do: They provide a means for hearing and resolving disputes between members of their communities.”

4. What will it take for our blind brethren to see the light?
How about this article from our sister nation, with the shape of things to come:

“Police in Scotland have arrested a man for painting “Islam is questionable” on his own house.

Arresting officers accused Graham Evans of “breach of peace” after the Edinburgh man painted “alarming” and “distressing” phrases on his own property, such as: “Islam is questionable”, “Leave Means Leave” and “Brexit”.”
WATCH: UK man arrested and held for five weeks after painting ‘Islam is questionable’ on his own house

The major political party has embraced open anti-Semites and Islamists.
Don’t imagine for a moment that it ends there.

You really should read your own links.

"The Constitution of the United States, and the constitution of every state -- that is 51 constitutions -- already make it illegal to implement Islamic law,” said Feldman. “Just as Jewish law can’t be the law of the United States, and canon law can’t be the law of the United States, shariah law can’t be the law of the United States."

"It’s like a law that says we absolutely ban alligators on the South Pole," he said.

On one hand, the court can consider the Islamic passage referred to by plaintiff Awad in his last will and testament, as a means of ascertaining his wishes.

On the other hand, if his wishes somehow run afoul of U.S. laws — regardless of his personal wishes — then the court will rule them a violation of law.

The final disposition of the case remains uncertain, but this decision strongly suggests the Oklahoma law ultimately will be defeated.
1.Those who walk around with blinders on, i.e., Democrats/Liberals, who deny what right-thinking folks recognize as clear and evident dangers, continue to pooh-pooh the warnings.

Time after time, the Right has warned about things that will come to pass if the Left has control….things that would seem crazy just a few years ago- men claiming to be women, demanding to be considered normal would be an example.

But, the Left has one agenda: destroy tradition, morality, values.

And they’re darn good at it!

2. Here’s another: warnings about the ascendancy of Islam in this country.

Will sharia be accepted as ‘law’?


Definitely not?

The handwriting is on the wall:

"In a decision that Muslim legal advocates celebrated as a major win, a [United States] federal appeals court on Tuesday agreed with a lower court that blocked an Oklahoma law that would have barred state courts from considering or using Shariah law — the Islamic code of conduct." Federal court deals blow to anti-Shariah efforts - U.S. News

3. If and when the Democrats are in control.....
....well here’s the Liberal’s house organ, the Washington Post, papering the way:

“…on the whole and with legally imposed hard limitations, sharia courts, using Islamic law, can adapt to the American experience and become a part of the religious arbitration landscape of America.

Islamic courts are becoming common in North America. Muslims are building religious communities in America, and religious courts are part of the structure of many of these communities. These so-called sharia tribunals do what courts everywhere do: They provide a means for hearing and resolving disputes between members of their communities.”

4. What will it take for our blind brethren to see the light?
How about this article from our sister nation, with the shape of things to come:

“Police in Scotland have arrested a man for painting “Islam is questionable” on his own house.

Arresting officers accused Graham Evans of “breach of peace” after the Edinburgh man painted “alarming” and “distressing” phrases on his own property, such as: “Islam is questionable”, “Leave Means Leave” and “Brexit”.”
WATCH: UK man arrested and held for five weeks after painting ‘Islam is questionable’ on his own house

The major political party has embraced open anti-Semites and Islamists.
Don’t imagine for a moment that it ends there.

You really should read your own links.

"The Constitution of the United States, and the constitution of every state -- that is 51 constitutions -- already make it illegal to implement Islamic law,” said Feldman. “Just as Jewish law can’t be the law of the United States, and canon law can’t be the law of the United States, shariah law can’t be the law of the United States."

"It’s like a law that says we absolutely ban alligators on the South Pole," he said.

On one hand, the court can consider the Islamic passage referred to by plaintiff Awad in his last will and testament, as a means of ascertaining his wishes.

On the other hand, if his wishes somehow run afoul of U.S. laws — regardless of his personal wishes — then the court will rule them a violation of law.

The final disposition of the case remains uncertain, but this decision strongly suggests the Oklahoma law ultimately will be defeated.

Maybe you should recognize that law means nothing to the Left.

The hermeneutic key to understanding the future is here:

“…on the whole and with legally imposed hard limitations, sharia courts, using Islamic law, can adapt to the American experience and become a part of the religious arbitration landscape of America.

Islamic courts are becoming common in North America. Muslims are building religious communities in America, and religious courts are part of the structure of many of these communities. These so-called sharia tribunals do what courts everywhere do: They provide a means for hearing and resolving disputes between members of their communities.”

Judges, and Justices discount the laws, including the Constitution on a regular basis. Stop being a child and recognize where this is going.

Look at our sister nation and be warned:
"A poll conducted by the Guardian newspaper found that 61 percent of British Muslims wanted to be governed by Islamic law, operating on Sharia principles—"so long as the penalties did not contravene British law." A clear majority wanted Islamic law introduced into Britain in civil cases relating to their own community. In addition, 88 percent wanted to see British schools and workplaces accommodating Muslim prayer times as part of their normal working day.

The Association of Muslim Lawyers went even further, saying that it wanted formal recognition of a Muslim man's right under Sharia law to have up to four wives. Ahmad Thomson, a member of the AML, said: "Under the Human Rights Act they actually have a right to live and practise as Muslims and part of that is having this principle recognised by the law of the land." Thomson, who has given the Blair government legal advice on official recognition of the Sharia legal system, is now one of the advisers to the British government on dealing with Muslim extremism.” Phillips, “Londonistan,” p.96-97

How do you suppose American jurists…..deeply enmeshed in Liberal activism, will respond?

Wise up, you dunce.
Wise up, you dunce.

“Just as Jewish law can’t be the law of the United States, and canon law can’t be the law of the United States, shariah law can’t be the law of the United States."

Mormons might be interested however........
1.Those who walk around with blinders on, i.e., Democrats/Liberals, who deny what right-thinking folks recognize as clear and evident dangers, continue to pooh-pooh the warnings.

Time after time, the Right has warned about things that will come to pass if the Left has control….things that would seem crazy just a few years ago- men claiming to be women, demanding to be considered normal would be an example.

But, the Left has one agenda: destroy tradition, morality, values.

And they’re darn good at it!

2. Here’s another: warnings about the ascendancy of Islam in this country.

Will sharia be accepted as ‘law’?


Definitely not?

The handwriting is on the wall:

"In a decision that Muslim legal advocates celebrated as a major win, a [United States] federal appeals court on Tuesday agreed with a lower court that blocked an Oklahoma law that would have barred state courts from considering or using Shariah law — the Islamic code of conduct." Federal court deals blow to anti-Shariah efforts - U.S. News

3. If and when the Democrats are in control.....
....well here’s the Liberal’s house organ, the Washington Post, papering the way:

“…on the whole and with legally imposed hard limitations, sharia courts, using Islamic law, can adapt to the American experience and become a part of the religious arbitration landscape of America.

Islamic courts are becoming common in North America. Muslims are building religious communities in America, and religious courts are part of the structure of many of these communities. These so-called sharia tribunals do what courts everywhere do: They provide a means for hearing and resolving disputes between members of their communities.”

4. What will it take for our blind brethren to see the light?
How about this article from our sister nation, with the shape of things to come:

“Police in Scotland have arrested a man for painting “Islam is questionable” on his own house.

Arresting officers accused Graham Evans of “breach of peace” after the Edinburgh man painted “alarming” and “distressing” phrases on his own property, such as: “Islam is questionable”, “Leave Means Leave” and “Brexit”.”
WATCH: UK man arrested and held for five weeks after painting ‘Islam is questionable’ on his own house

The major political party has embraced open anti-Semites and Islamists.
Don’t imagine for a moment that it ends there.

You really should read your own links.

"The Constitution of the United States, and the constitution of every state -- that is 51 constitutions -- already make it illegal to implement Islamic law,” said Feldman. “Just as Jewish law can’t be the law of the United States, and canon law can’t be the law of the United States, shariah law can’t be the law of the United States."

"It’s like a law that says we absolutely ban alligators on the South Pole," he said.

On one hand, the court can consider the Islamic passage referred to by plaintiff Awad in his last will and testament, as a means of ascertaining his wishes.

On the other hand, if his wishes somehow run afoul of U.S. laws — regardless of his personal wishes — then the court will rule them a violation of law.

The final disposition of the case remains uncertain, but this decision strongly suggests the Oklahoma law ultimately will be defeated.

“In 2008 a Moroccan man and his 17-year old wife immigrated to America.

Not long after she filed a restraining order against him, claiming her husband was raping her. The husband did not deny their sexual relations were non-consensual, but said that in his religion, the wife was supposed to submit and do all that he desired of her. The New Jersey judge found that given his understanding of Islam, he did not intend to commit a crime, and was therefore innocent. The restraining order was denied.

Cases like this set off alarm bells that shariah law is coming to America, and in fact is already here. Called “creeping shariah,” this case is given as just one further example of our nation forsaking its heritage in an effort to be politically correct and yield to the pressures of local Muslims to live by their own laws, and not our own.”
The Application of Sharia Law in the United States

( “…overturned by a higher court which granted the restraining order.” Ibid.)

It is not difficult to see where this is going, with the schools, Democrats, and media preaching that America need be destroyed.
1.Those who walk around with blinders on, i.e., Democrats/Liberals, who deny what right-thinking folks recognize as clear and evident dangers, continue to pooh-pooh the warnings.

Time after time, the Right has warned about things that will come to pass if the Left has control….things that would seem crazy just a few years ago- men claiming to be women, demanding to be considered normal would be an example.

But, the Left has one agenda: destroy tradition, morality, values.

And they’re darn good at it!

2. Here’s another: warnings about the ascendancy of Islam in this country.

Will sharia be accepted as ‘law’?


Definitely not?

The handwriting is on the wall:

"In a decision that Muslim legal advocates celebrated as a major win, a [United States] federal appeals court on Tuesday agreed with a lower court that blocked an Oklahoma law that would have barred state courts from considering or using Shariah law — the Islamic code of conduct." Federal court deals blow to anti-Shariah efforts - U.S. News

3. If and when the Democrats are in control.....
....well here’s the Liberal’s house organ, the Washington Post, papering the way:

“…on the whole and with legally imposed hard limitations, sharia courts, using Islamic law, can adapt to the American experience and become a part of the religious arbitration landscape of America.

Islamic courts are becoming common in North America. Muslims are building religious communities in America, and religious courts are part of the structure of many of these communities. These so-called sharia tribunals do what courts everywhere do: They provide a means for hearing and resolving disputes between members of their communities.”

4. What will it take for our blind brethren to see the light?
How about this article from our sister nation, with the shape of things to come:

“Police in Scotland have arrested a man for painting “Islam is questionable” on his own house.

Arresting officers accused Graham Evans of “breach of peace” after the Edinburgh man painted “alarming” and “distressing” phrases on his own property, such as: “Islam is questionable”, “Leave Means Leave” and “Brexit”.”
WATCH: UK man arrested and held for five weeks after painting ‘Islam is questionable’ on his own house

The major political party has embraced open anti-Semites and Islamists.
Don’t imagine for a moment that it ends there.

You really should read your own links.

"The Constitution of the United States, and the constitution of every state -- that is 51 constitutions -- already make it illegal to implement Islamic law,” said Feldman. “Just as Jewish law can’t be the law of the United States, and canon law can’t be the law of the United States, shariah law can’t be the law of the United States."

"It’s like a law that says we absolutely ban alligators on the South Pole," he said.

On one hand, the court can consider the Islamic passage referred to by plaintiff Awad in his last will and testament, as a means of ascertaining his wishes.

On the other hand, if his wishes somehow run afoul of U.S. laws — regardless of his personal wishes — then the court will rule them a violation of law.

The final disposition of the case remains uncertain, but this decision strongly suggests the Oklahoma law ultimately will be defeated.

“In 2008 a Moroccan man and his 17-year old wife immigrated to America.

Not long after she filed a restraining order against him, claiming her husband was raping her. The husband did not deny their sexual relations were non-consensual, but said that in his religion, the wife was supposed to submit and do all that he desired of her. The New Jersey judge found that given his understanding of Islam, he did not intend to commit a crime, and was therefore innocent. The restraining order was denied.

Cases like this set off alarm bells that shariah law is coming to America, and in fact is already here. Called “creeping shariah,” this case is given as just one further example of our nation forsaking its heritage in an effort to be politically correct and yield to the pressures of local Muslims to live by their own laws, and not our own.”
The Application of Sharia Law in the United States

( “…overturned by a higher court which granted the restraining order.” Ibid.)

It is not difficult to see where this is going, with the schools, Democrats, and media preaching that America need be destroyed.

The appellate court reversed, writing (among other things):

Defendant’s conduct in engaging in nonconsensual sexual intercourse was unquestionably knowing, regardless of his view that his religion permitted him to act as he did.

As the judge recognized, the case thus presents a conflict between the criminal law and religious precepts. In resolving this conflict, the judge determined to except defendant from the operation of the State’s statutes as the result of his religious beliefs. In doing so, the judge was mistaken.

The appellate court remanded for entry of a restraining order. Note that the woman was pregnant with the couple’s child at the time of the initial hearing, so that despite the divorce it seemed likely that the man and the woman would remain in contact; this is legally relevant because restraining orders are designed to prevent future harm, not to punish for past misbehavior. The opinion is quite detailed both in its summary of the factual allegations and as to the legal analysis; those who are especially interested in the case may want to read it closely.

Cultural Defense Accepted as to Nonconsensual Sex in New Jersey Trial Court, Rejected on Appeal - The Volokh Conspiracy

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