How long can Joe’s governance be defined by free ____ offerings?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
So far he’s shoved thousands of Mexico’s finest in the laps of America’s best, he’s made us energy deficient, he’s issued criminals and degenerate lowlifes a mandate to behave as they do without consequences, he’s denigrated core American Caucasians almost daily....The only thing positive (if you want to see it that way) that he’s done is spend like a rich 18 year old virgin sailor on viagra trapped in a whorehouse full of Playboy models.
How long can the flow of free shit keep him propped up?
How long can the flow of free shit keep him propped up?
It depends on whether or not the Dems can abolish the filibuster, if they can do that or are allowed to get around the 60 vote req't to end debate on a bill, then it's Katy bar the door and they'll spend money like it was water. They bitch about Trump's deficits, but compared to Biden he's a cheapskate.
How long can the flow of free shit keep him propped up?
It depends on whether or not the Dems can abolish the filibuster, if they can do that or are allowed to get around the 60 vote req't to end debate on a bill, then it's Katy bar the door and they'll spend money like it was water. They bitch about Trump's deficits, but compared to Biden he's a cheapskate.

The Democrat Leadership doesn't want to get rid of the Filibuster.

The Filibuster is a convenient excuse when they don't pass something through that they promised.

Further, the absence of the filibuster would be more "voting for real" and wobbly leftards like Manchin and Sinema might be more ready to defect rather than vote "aye" and chock up the filibuster as the reason why the policy didn't go through.

Getting rid of the filibuster would hurt Liberal Loyalty.
So far he’s shoved thousands of Mexico’s finest in the laps of America’s best, he’s made us energy deficient, he’s issued criminals and degenerate lowlifes a mandate to behave as they do without consequences, he’s denigrated core American Caucasians almost daily....The only thing positive (if you want to see it that way) that he’s done is spend like a rich 18 year old virgin sailor on viagra trapped in a whorehouse full of Playboy models.
How long can the flow of free shit keep him propped up?
beyond "free shit", the other important focus is making sure people are still able to vote.
Preventing voter disenfranchisement is a big deal.
So far he’s shoved thousands of Mexico’s finest in the laps of America’s best, he’s made us energy deficient, he’s issued criminals and degenerate lowlifes a mandate to behave as they do without consequences, he’s denigrated core American Caucasians almost daily....The only thing positive (if you want to see it that way) that he’s done is spend like a rich 18 year old virgin sailor on viagra trapped in a whorehouse full of Playboy models.
How long can the flow of free shit keep him propped up?
Who are we energy deficient too?
I've gotten a hell of a lot more "free shit" during Trump than I will ever see out of Biden..
How long can the flow of free shit keep him propped up?
It depends on whether or not the Dems can abolish the filibuster, if they can do that or are allowed to get around the 60 vote req't to end debate on a bill, then it's Katy bar the door and they'll spend money like it was water. They bitch about Trump's deficits, but compared to Biden he's a cheapskate.

The Democrat Leadership doesn't want to get rid of the Filibuster.

The Filibuster is a convenient excuse when they don't pass something through that they promised.

Further, the absence of the filibuster would be more "voting for real" and wobbly leftards like Manchin and Sinema might be more ready to defect rather than vote "aye" and chock up the filibuster as the reason why the policy didn't go through.

Getting rid of the filibuster would hurt Liberal Loyalty.

I think you make a valid point here, right now with the filibuster in place the establishment democrats can blame those bastard republicans for not passing everything that the Far Left wants, and brother do they want a lot of stuff. But if the filibuster goes away or the dems find a way to get around it procedurally then they've got no excuse for not passing anything and everything. Which in the minds of many probably leads to the next great shellacking in 2022; those in deep blue states would survive but too many other dems in red or purple states probably wouldn't, especially after the new district lines are drawn by state legislatures around the country.

What a dilemma, vote for whatever the Far Left wants and lose your seat to a repub in the next general election, or vote against whatever the Far Left wants and get primaried out of office by a screamin' progressive. And those people have long memories and not much restraint, they'll come after you and your family, your home or business, and they don't care about the law.
How long can the flow of free shit keep him propped up?
It depends on whether or not the Dems can abolish the filibuster, if they can do that or are allowed to get around the 60 vote req't to end debate on a bill, then it's Katy bar the door and they'll spend money like it was water. They bitch about Trump's deficits, but compared to Biden he's a cheapskate.

The Democrat Leadership doesn't want to get rid of the Filibuster.

The Filibuster is a convenient excuse when they don't pass something through that they promised.

Further, the absence of the filibuster would be more "voting for real" and wobbly leftards like Manchin and Sinema might be more ready to defect rather than vote "aye" and chock up the filibuster as the reason why the policy didn't go through.

Getting rid of the filibuster would hurt Liberal Loyalty.

I think you make a valid point here, right now with the filibuster in place the establishment democrats can blame those bastard republicans for not passing everything that the Far Left wants, and brother do they want a lot of stuff. But if the filibuster goes away or the dems find a way to get around it procedurally then they've got no excuse for not passing anything and everything. Which in the minds of many probably leads to the next great shellacking in 2022; those in deep blue states would survive but too many other dems in red or purple states probably wouldn't, especially after the new district lines are drawn by state legislatures around the country.

What a dilemma, vote for whatever the Far Left wants and lose your seat to a repub in the next general election, or vote against whatever the Far Left wants and get primaried out of office by a screamin' progressive. And those people have long memories and not much restraint, they'll come after you and your family, your home or business, and they don't care about the law.

Back in 2007-2008, the narrow "Employee Free Choice Act" passed Congress a number of times easily. The act would have been a massive help to Big Labor bosses seeking to take over businesses, and the D's were supposedly anxious to give this windfall to their labor goon and racketeer friends.

But even after the D's swept the 2008 election, schlonged the GOP convincingly in both houses of Congress and elected B. Hussein O as our autocrat- they suddenly couldn't move on it.

The Filibuster is great for them, it gives them a good "reason" why their goofiness doesn't get through.

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