How long til we start to see PC/Left controlled Righties start to gravitate toward whoever they think the Left will most approve of come November?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Hardcores like myself will be compelled to want to vote for whoever the Left hates the most…..whereas you’ll find PC controlled Righties who will want whoever the Left approves of….They don’t necessarily say that…but pay attention to their encrypted messaging…Vivek is dark with an unAmerican name and Nikki is dark with a vagina, for that alone they will end up Leftist faves….as we get closer to November look for all the leftist led righties to gravitate toward whoever the Left allows them to support….Guaranfuckinteed!
I will vote for whichever hopeful wins the nomination except Haley.....I'll just leave that space blank and vote the down ticket if the neocon's prom queen wins.
I will vote according to whoever I think can do the best job.

Right now Donald Trump has the best numbers, by far. Yeah, he's a nutcase. So what. They're all fucking nutcases. I don't care about his personality, I care how well he can do the job.
Nobody did it better for America than did Donald Trump….you watch, moving forward you’ll hear it more and more….”Trump comes with too much baggage”…etc etc
The more a candidate appeals to elements of both sides the easier it is to secure a win. I think some people are legitimately worried Trump will lose. He's possibly the most polarizing person in the history of United States politics.
Hardcores like myself will be compelled to want to vote for whoever the Left hates the most…..whereas you’ll find PC controlled Righties who will want whoever the Left approves of….They don’t necessarily say that…but pay attention to their encrypted messaging…Vivek is dark with an unAmerican name and Nikki is dark with a vagina, for that alone they will end up Leftist faves….as we get closer to November look for all the leftist led righties to gravitate toward whoever the Left allows them to support….Guaranfuckinteed!
I suppose it might look that way from a nut bag point of view, but a sane person would realize it's nothing more than right wingers moving to a sane party instead of staying in the batshit crazy MAGA/ cult party the repubs have become.
The more a candidate appeals to elements of both sides the easier it is to secure a win. I think some people are legitimately worried Trump will lose. He's possibly the most polarizing person in the history of United States politics.
I’m pretty sure all sane people paying attention know that ship sailed long ago. They know the parties are way too far apart, they know there is no way to appeal to both sides in any way shape or form.
I’m pretty sure all sane people paying attention know that ship sailed long ago. They know the parties are way too far apart, they know there is no way to appeal to both sides in any way shape or form.
No, but somebody closer to the middle appeals more to those elusive independents and swing voters.
I suppose it might look that way from a nut bag point of view, but a sane person would realize it's nothing more than right wingers moving to a sane party instead of staying in the batshit crazy MAGA/ cult party the repubs have become.
“nut bag point of view”….”batshit crazy”….WTF?
Don’t you think men can become women by proclamation?
Are you sure we should take you seriously on anything?
No, but somebody closer to the middle appeals more to those elusive independents and swing voters.
I don’t believe there are any independents anymore… Indys these days are simply people who don’t vote.
Either way ... it's still pork-barrel CR after pork-barrel CR ... both sides steal from tax-payers ...
Yes. But we usually get something, either a strong defense or better social conditions. These current clowns though, they're totally destructive. I don't know what kind of twisted thinking leads to an open border policy, but it's entirely destructive for many aspects of our country.
The more a candidate appeals to elements of both sides the easier it is to secure a win. I think some people are legitimately worried Trump will lose. He's possibly the most polarizing person in the history of United States politics.
Is he polarizing? Or has he been intentionally polarized?

What Trump policy specifically do you find polarizing?
I suppose it might look that way from a nut bag point of view, but a sane person would realize it's nothing more than right wingers moving to a sane party instead of staying in the batshit crazy MAGA/ cult party the repubs have become.
Repubs? Crazy? This is you, fool:

Is he polarizing? Or has he been intentionally polarized?

What Trump policy specifically do you find polarizing?
He is a polarizing person. His very personality is polarizing and divisive. That's why people love him. Lol

He says whatever the fuck he wants and has very little social tact.
He is a polarizing person. His very personality is polarizing and divisive. That's why people love him. Lol

He says whatever the fuck he wants and has very little social tact.
Isn't that what we want from a leader...a person who says what he means and does just tell you what you want to hear while working for what they really believe behind the scenes.

That is the approximate definition of a modern American politician... terrified to say the wrong thing so they pay lip service to whatever their focus group tells them is palatable to the most citizens, then advance their own agenda and the agenda of their donors behind closed doors.

Give me Trump over business as usual anyday.
He is a polarizing person. His very personality is polarizing and divisive. That's why people love him. Lol

He says whatever the fuck he wants and has very little social tact.
Trump has been compelled…the polarization is a defense mechanism…he’s had to be retaliatory every second of everyday.
Indys these days are simply people who don’t vote.
And there are more of these types of folks, waiting for a sane person to vote for, than folks that vote for either party.

The last election, was the anomaly, TBH. Or at least, that is what the establishment and the corporations that run the vote counting machines tell us. . . .

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