How long will it take Obama to remind everyone what he thinks of marriage?


Senior Member
Aug 19, 2009
Last campaign he didn't reveal he viewed marriage as between man and woman until the last day.

Or this time around will he just skip that little detail in order to keep from upsetting gay people with what he actually thinks?

It'd be nice if the media put some pressure on him to expose his views a little earlier, but is there anyone who expects him to do that.

Imagine the media posting a truthful headline. "Obama shares Santorum and Bachmann's view on gay marriage."
Last campaign he didn't reveal he viewed marriage as between man and woman until the last day.

Or this time around will he just skip that little detail in order to keep from upsetting gay people with what he actually thinks?

It'd be nice if the media put some pressure on him to expose his views a little earlier, but is there anyone who expects him to do that.

Imagine the media posting a truthful headline. "Obama shares Santorum and Bachmann's view on gay marriage."

Oh I imagine he will avoid the question.....but he will have a lot more flexibility to answer it after the election is over.
Last campaign he didn't reveal he viewed marriage as between man and woman until the last day.

Or this time around will he just skip that little detail in order to keep from upsetting gay people with what he actually thinks?

It'd be nice if the media put some pressure on him to expose his views a little earlier, but is there anyone who expects him to do that.

Imagine the media posting a truthful headline. "Obama shares Santorum and Bachmann's view on gay marriage."

In August 2008, here is how he felt about marriage:

[ame=]Obama @ Saddleback Church -Defines Marriage - YouTube[/ame]
Last campaign he didn't reveal he viewed marriage as between man and woman until the last day.

Or this time around will he just skip that little detail in order to keep from upsetting gay people with what he actually thinks?

It'd be nice if the media put some pressure on him to expose his views a little earlier, but is there anyone who expects him to do that.

Imagine the media posting a truthful headline. "Obama shares Santorum and Bachmann's view on gay marriage."

He's happily married with two beautiful children....Nothing speaks louder than example.
Last campaign he didn't reveal he viewed marriage as between man and woman until the last day.

Or this time around will he just skip that little detail in order to keep from upsetting gay people with what he actually thinks?

It'd be nice if the media put some pressure on him to expose his views a little earlier, but is there anyone who expects him to do that.

Imagine the media posting a truthful headline. "Obama shares Santorum and Bachmann's view on gay marriage."

He's happily married with two beautiful children....Nothing speaks louder than example.

I'm talking about what he thinks about you and the person you're either married to or want to be married to for example.

I think the main reason is the republican party wants the monopoly on being anti-gay marriage and the democrat party wants to pretend they favor gay rights. Both are lies in order to get votes and the media shows their ever-present obedience to gov't by not questioning it.
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Last campaign he didn't reveal he viewed marriage as between man and woman until the last day.

Or this time around will he just skip that little detail in order to keep from upsetting gay people with what he actually thinks?

It'd be nice if the media put some pressure on him to expose his views a little earlier, but is there anyone who expects him to do that.

Imagine the media posting a truthful headline. "Obama shares Santorum and Bachmann's view on gay marriage."

Oh I imagine he will avoid the question.....but he will have a lot more flexibility to answer it after the election is over.

He will indeed. Once re-elected he will come out in support of full marriage equality.

As it is, of the two candidates, President Obama wants to repeal DOMA while Mittens wants a Constitutional amendment to prohibit marriage equality. The choice is clear.
Last campaign he didn't reveal he viewed marriage as between man and woman until the last day.

Or this time around will he just skip that little detail in order to keep from upsetting gay people with what he actually thinks?

It'd be nice if the media put some pressure on him to expose his views a little earlier, but is there anyone who expects him to do that.

Imagine the media posting a truthful headline. "Obama shares Santorum and Bachmann's view on gay marriage."

Oh I imagine he will avoid the question.....but he will have a lot more flexibility to answer it after the election is over.

He will indeed. Once re-elected he will come out in support of full marriage equality.

As it is, of the two candidates, President Obama wants to repeal DOMA while Mittens wants a Constitutional amendment to prohibit marriage equality. The choice is clear.

2 questions

1.) Why does he have to wait to be re-elected to do something he supposedly supports and believes in?

2.) Why didn't he do it before? Especially with all those dems in Congress?
The fact of the matter is that anti-homosexuality is not a right-wing copyright. Bigotry toward gays streaks clear across the entire spectrum, and every politician is aware of this. Thus the very careful wording in their responses to questions on the matter. There is no finer parsing of words in national politics than you will see on the gay marriage question.

For now, the politicians are comforted by the ignorance of the masses which believe "civil unions" are equal on every level to "marriage". The truth is they are not equal. They are not even "separate but equal". Until a gay "civil union" is recognized throughout the land, and the gay couple gets the identical cash and prizes from the federal government that Ward and June Cleaver get, then they are most decidedly NOT equal in the eyes of the law.

What Obama knows is that if he openly supported gay marriage on the federal level, every black church in America would burn him in effigy.

But at least no one would ever mistake him for a Muslim again. :lol:
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The fact of the matter is that anti-homosexuality is not a right-wing copyright. Bigotry toward gays streaks clear across the entire spectrum, and every politician is aware of this. Thus the very careful wording in their responses to questions on the matter. There is no finer parsing of words in national politics than you will see on the gay marriage question.

For now, the politicians are comforted by the ignorance of the masses which believe "civil unions" are equal on every level to "marriage". The truth is they are not equal. They are not even "separate but equal". Until a gay "civil union" is recognized throughout the land, and the gay couple gets the identical cash and prizes from the federal government that Ward and June Cleaver get, then they are most decidedly NOT equal in the eyes of the law.

What Obama knows is that if he openly supported gay marriage on the federal level, every black church in America would burn him in effigy. The left wing white churches would lynch him in effigy.

But at least no one would ever mistake him for a Muslim again. :lol:

I agree with all this except any implication that he would lose the black vote. He's still a democrat and he's still a black guy running against a white guy.
The fact of the matter is that anti-homosexuality is not a right-wing copyright. Bigotry toward gays streaks clear across the entire spectrum, and every politician is aware of this. Thus the very careful wording in their responses to questions on the matter. There is no finer parsing of words in national politics than you will see on the gay marriage question.

For now, the politicians are comforted by the ignorance of the masses which believe "civil unions" are equal on every level to "marriage". The truth is they are not equal. They are not even "separate but equal". Until a gay "civil union" is recognized throughout the land, and the gay couple gets the identical cash and prizes from the federal government that Ward and June Cleaver get, then they are most decidedly NOT equal in the eyes of the law.

What Obama knows is that if he openly supported gay marriage on the federal level, every black church in America would burn him in effigy. The left wing white churches would lynch him in effigy.

But at least no one would ever mistake him for a Muslim again. :lol:

I agree with all this except any implication that he would lose the black vote. He's still a democrat and he's still a black guy running against a white guy.

It's not like the black demographic will rush out to vote for Romney. They would just stay home. Which is like each black voter casting half a vote for Romney from Obama's perspective.

The black vote was a deciding factor in California on Prop 8.
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The fact of the matter is that anti-homosexuality is not a right-wing copyright. Bigotry toward gays streaks clear across the entire spectrum, and every politician is aware of this. Thus the very careful wording in their responses to questions on the matter. There is no finer parsing of words in national politics than you will see on the gay marriage question.

For now, the politicians are comforted by the ignorance of the masses which believe "civil unions" are equal on every level to "marriage". The truth is they are not equal. They are not even "separate but equal". Until a gay "civil union" is recognized throughout the land, and the gay couple gets the identical cash and prizes from the federal government that Ward and June Cleaver get, then they are most decidedly NOT equal in the eyes of the law.

What Obama knows is that if he openly supported gay marriage on the federal level, every black church in America would burn him in effigy. The left wing white churches would lynch him in effigy.

But at least no one would ever mistake him for a Muslim again. :lol:

I agree with all this except any implication that he would lose the black vote. He's still a democrat and he's still a black guy running against a white guy.

It's not like the black demographic will rush out to vote for Romney. They would just stay home. Which is like casting half a vote for Romney from Obama's perspective.

The black vote was a deciding factor in California on Prop 8.

Yeah but i think him being a D and a black man would outweigh him potentially supporting equal marriage rights. Who knows though it's all a hypothetical.

I think they would vote for him still but in an unenthusiastic way. Kinda like the way reps voted for McCain and will vote for Romney, doing it with a groan.
Yeah but i think him being a D and a black man would outweigh him potentially supporting equal marriage rights. Who knows though it's all a hypothetical.

Who is first on the scene when a white person does something offensive to a black person?

The REVEREND Al Sharpton, with the REVEREND Jesse Jackson often not far behind.

This behavior is mimicked in every black neighborhood in America. The preachers are very powerful in those communities.

These are the disciples of the Reverend MLK.

This is the center of black power.

Obama would be playing with fire if he pisses off the black preachers of America. Remember he had to kiss Sharpton's ass in Chicago? There was the famous picture of Obama actually blushing in the embrace of Sharpton.

Sharpton himself actually favors gay marriage. But a great number of black churches do not. In fact, they get REAL pissed off if you compare gay rights to the civil rights movement.

Yeah but i think him being a D and a black man would outweigh him potentially supporting equal marriage rights. Who knows though it's all a hypothetical.

Who is first on the scene when a white person does something offensive to a black person?

The REVEREND Al Sharpton, with the REVEREND Jesse Jackson often not far behind.

This behavior is mimicked in every black neighborhood in America. The preachers are very powerful in those communities.

These are the disciples of the Reverend MLK.

This is the center of black power.

Obama would be playing with fire if he pisses off the black preachers of America. Remember he had to kiss Sharpton's ass in Chicago? There was the famous picture of Obama actually blushing in the embrace of Sharpton.

Sharpton himself actually favors gay marriage. But a great number of black churches do not. In fact, they get REAL pissed off if you compare gay rights to the civil rights movement.


But what's Al Sharpton going to spend his time to focus on? Obama and his stance on gay marriage? Or a random crime of a white or white looking person against a black guy that he can politicize and make money off of?
But what's Al Sharpton going to spend his time to focus on? Obama and his stance on gay marriage? Or a random crime of a white or white looking person against a black guy that he can politicize and make money off of?

Why risk it? There is far more downside risk to supporting gay marriage than there is to being non-committal.

We do not live in an age of courageous leaders. This is the Age of Triangulation.
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