How luxurious is it to be on Food Stamps or Unemployment?


Senior Member
Dec 4, 2014
I am not sure how to live my life.
My family seems to think that people on Food Stamps or Unemployment are living a luxurious life-- No work, free food, free money, what's not to love? I take everything they say with a grain of salt. So what's the truth here, is it as luxurious as my family says it is? What are your personal circumstances/experiences with food stamps or unemployment? Did it help you out? What's your story?
who say everyone unemployed goes out and gets welfare and food stamps?
Is that the new way of living in this day and age or what. ?

If it is, you should be ashamed when you are able bodied you could get a job cleaning toilets if you have to until you got something else
My step granddaughter does phenomenally well. She has a three bed two bath apartment. She gets EBT and WIC. The older kids eat two meals a day at school anyway. Utilities are reduced. She has a home phone with lifeline service so its only five bucks a month. She has two obama cell phones. She has a bus pass and gets cab vouchers every month. Two of her children are considered disabled so they get SSI. She has never had to buy the kids any clothes or toys. Everyone has free medical and dental care.

We tried to add up all her cash and benefits. She takes in about $7,000 a month.

After my husband died I moved to Nevada for awhile. I was just on social security. I had a brand new two bedroom two bath apartment with all new appliances including washer and dryer for $400.00 a month. Twice a month the pantry gave me about 6 bags of groceries. I gave some away. All my utilities were reduced. I turned down the EBT and obamaphone. It was Nevada so every month the casinos sent out a free buffet coupon and a $10.00 gambling voucher. I could go to any show for $5.00. That's was about 6 free buffets and a total of $60.00 gambling money.

Being poor isn't nearly as poor as some would have you believe.
who say everyone unemployed goes out and gets welfare and food stamps?
Is that the new way of living in this day and age or what. ?

If it is, you should be ashamed when you are able bodied you could get a job cleaning toilets if you have to until you got something else
great story, how does it end?
who say everyone unemployed goes out and gets welfare and food stamps?
Is that the new way of living in this day and age or what. ?

If it is, you should be ashamed when you are able bodied you could get a job cleaning toilets if you have to until you got something else
great story, how does it end?
Not the point.
The government should have enforcement people in place to seek out, find and kick off programs those who are gaming the system.
who say everyone unemployed goes out and gets welfare and food stamps?
Is that the new way of living in this day and age or what. ?

If it is, you should be ashamed when you are able bodied you could get a job cleaning toilets if you have to until you got something else
great story, how does it end?
Not the point.
The government should have enforcement people in place to seek out, find and kick off programs those who are gaming the system.
They do, if they catch them...
Our family lived in poverty for about seven straight years from '67-'73.
A 45 year old widow with seven kids aged 3-17. There were none of these bullshit handouts back then.
We survived by sheer determination and will. It was fucking hell.

The result? Eight Republicans.

Fuck you mother fuckers.
Our family lived in poverty for about seven straight years from '67-'73.
A 45 year old widow with seven kids aged 3-17. There were none of these bullshit handouts back then.
We survived by sheer determination and will. It was fucking hell.

The result? Eight Republicans.

Fuck you mother fuckers.
Interesting. I never experienced poverty growing up. Basically went to good schools, got a $500 allowance in the bank, ate at nice restaurants several nights as week, and only one of my parents had to work. Things could have been better, but I didn't really want for anything. I am apathetic about politics as GOP or Dems aren't going to fix America.
I used to be a volunteer at a food panty.
I don't get the impression that these people who are happy to get a jar of peanut butter and a few cans of soup are otherwise living luxuriously.
They all have this far-away look.
It's not "luxurious", but it can be abused in such a way as to provide you enough to live on (very low end lifestyle) without having to do much in the way of actual work.
But it smells black.
I am not sure how to live my life.
My family seems to think that people on Food Stamps or Unemployment are living a luxurious life-- No work, free food, free money, what's not to love? I take everything they say with a grain of salt. So what's the truth here, is it as luxurious as my family says it is? What are your personal circumstances/experiences with food stamps or unemployment? Did it help you out? What's your story?

I just tell Persons on the Right to quit their day jobs so they won't have to pay any Taxes and stop being such whiners.
Our family lived in poverty for about seven straight years from '67-'73.
A 45 year old widow with seven kids aged 3-17. There were none of these bullshit handouts back then.
We survived by sheer determination and will. It was fucking hell.

The result? Eight Republicans.

Fuck you mother fuckers.
Interesting. I never experienced poverty growing up. Basically went to good schools, got a $500 allowance in the bank, ate at nice restaurants several nights as week, and only one of my parents had to work. Things could have been better, but I didn't really want for anything. I am apathetic about politics as GOP or Dems aren't going to fix America. current standards, my family would have been considered "impoverished". Eight children raised, none starved, all successful as adults. Hhhmmm...
Our family lived in poverty for about seven straight years from '67-'73.
A 45 year old widow with seven kids aged 3-17. There were none of these bullshit handouts back then.
We survived by sheer determination and will. It was fucking hell.

The result? Eight Republicans.

Fuck you mother fuckers.
Interesting. I never experienced poverty growing up. Basically went to good schools, got a $500 allowance in the bank, ate at nice restaurants several nights as week, and only one of my parents had to work. Things could have been better, but I didn't really want for anything. I am apathetic about politics as GOP or Dems aren't going to fix America.
I will offer that we did receive Social Security Survivor's Benefits and Veteran's Benefits. But back then it wasn't nearly enough to feed us, let alone keep seven kids in clothes. When I was 14, I was left the male head of the household and charged with taking care of my three younger siblings. I took a job making $1.10/hour and loaned much of that to our mother to pay bills and buy groceries. My younger brother dealt weed to his Junior High School friends in order to buy staples for the family.

This was the gravity of the situation. We went where the gravity took us.

Our mother often drank herself into an alcoholic stupor, rendering herself useless. It was up to me to pick up the slack. And I did.

I've carried the weight of my family for the past 46 years, and I'm tired. I am so fucking tired.
Mr. H. I understand your exhaustion. As eldest of the kiddoes, I was expected to contribute my earnings to the family. "Room and board" they called it My mother put up with my Da's alcoholism.
How does a muscle grow? It must be WORKED. How does a man grow? He must WORK.

If you are young and do not work- you will never be happy.
Our family lived in poverty for about seven straight years from '67-'73.
A 45 year old widow with seven kids aged 3-17. There were none of these bullshit handouts back then.
We survived by sheer determination and will. It was fucking hell.

The result? Eight Republicans.

Fuck you mother fuckers.
Interesting. I never experienced poverty growing up. Basically went to good schools, got a $500 allowance in the bank, ate at nice restaurants several nights as week, and only one of my parents had to work. Things could have been better, but I didn't really want for anything. I am apathetic about politics as GOP or Dems aren't going to fix America. current standards, my family would have been considered "impoverished". Eight children raised, none starved, all successful as adults. Hhhmmm...
Poverty is relative, and often the poverty line is redefined. When my father was growing up, a tv set was seen as a luxury and something you worked hard to get. Now most people see it as a necessity like a mobile phone or a computer.
I am not sure how to live my life.
My family seems to think that people on Food Stamps or Unemployment are living a luxurious life-- No work, free food, free money, what's not to love? I take everything they say with a grain of salt. So what's the truth here, is it as luxurious as my family says it is? What are your personal circumstances/experiences with food stamps or unemployment? Did it help you out? What's your story?
I would suggest you get off welfare and support your kids. Then you won't have to listen to it.
How sad that alcoholic parents are the reason often that their kids are poor. All the charity in the world won't help people who are ill and remain untreated. I sympathise with these young men who had to become the adults.
I believe Labor should have "full-duplex" recourse to a federal Doctrine and State laws regarding the concept of employment at will, and unemployment compensation that clears our poverty guidelines on that same basis.

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