How many must die?

Tell me what Your strategy would have been when the outbreak started.

Watch this folks. Well see how smart he is now.
The only people who know the real numbers of actual covid 19 deaths are the medical field I'm not buying the lie they sold America that over 600,000 died because of covid 19. When we find out the true numbers anyone can pick a plan and find out that it works.

Great! Are you pre-planning your funeral?
fuck you and covid19 and your fear of it
It's a pussy not my fault fake media purposely misquoted the death numbers
so fuck you once again live in fear of the common flu

And what are the real numbers big mouth?
Why are they counting all deaths as caused by Covid 19 even though covid 19 was not the cause of death?asshat

Where's your evidence they are doing that because I believe you have nothing.
Post it or say nothing.
I've posted many links go fetch

It's not evidence . If it was it would have been corrected. Why are you the only person who knows it?
You're as dumb as a stump.
what's not evidence?
You want me to use fake news democrat controlled media don't you?

Certainly not but I can't see where your evidence is verified by the authorities.
You cherry pick anything that denigrates democrats . You know that and usually it's lies because that's all you have.

Rant all you want. You're wrong. End of story.
dumbass it was explained to you by another member that his grandfather had died of colon cancer but on the death certificate covid 19 was the cause. It was explained that the authorities lied to you and why they would lie to you.

I recall a very famous democrat who once was quoted saying never allow a good crisis go to waste
No you listen dumbass. He was a republican and concocted the whole story to denigrate dems somehow.
I told him it was a lie until he produced the death certificate and it's still a lie.
Like I told him, piss off and get some facts.
yet you'll believe the lies coming from the media even when they have been busted for lying countless time
Now that stupid.
Should we go over the stories of the 600k+ who've died of covid?
There's no link in your link and a search of the name returns a bunch of truly questionable "sources"
I mean when "newswars" is literally the most "reliable" return from a search there's reason to mistrust the entire claim.
dying with covid doesn't mean people died because of covid
Suppose you have covid but you die in a wreck or are murdered
did covid cause the person to die?
Do you have specific stats on people with covid murdered?
How about people with covid dying in auto accidents?

Well before bringing the argument I'd have at least SOME evidence to support it.
Otherwise, I'll trust the doctor who can be arrested for filing false death reports
Over the ICC who thinks his secret identity is safe.
Once again dying with covid 19 is not the same as dying because of covid 19
Try to learn the difference between anecdotal and scientific evidence.
Than get back to us during the next GOP caused pandemic.
stupid you love believing those lies you were fed for the last 5 and a half years
No, I pretty much accepted that everything Trump said was a lie.
Puts me pretty close to 90-10 being correct with just that one rule.
What's your excuse?

Well, how many have died from the virus and how many have died from the vaccine?

Because the Zionist leftist alliance for treason keeps lying, it is hard to tell how many died because of Covid, but 30k max is a reasonable guess.

Vas has killed over 4K, and that is their number which we cannot trust and they would bias it down.

There is no Covid. Ignore it. Do not allow the Zionist left to make you part of the solution to the problem of human overpopulation....
Will you shut the fuck up you dumbass mother fucker. The Jews aren’t to blame for you being a flaming retard who deserves a punch is his ugly fat fucking face.
We have found ourselves in a terrible, no-win situation.

I wore a mask, and got vaccinated, not just for my own safety, but for that of my loved ones, friends, and anyone else I might come near.

I was more than happy to contribute my small share, as an American who knows it's about far more than just ME.
That's the problem, I suppose.

Everyone expects me to give a single fuck about them. I don't. Everyone can die. It does not bother me. Nor should GOVERNMENT force me to do ANYTHING for the bullshit "greater good." Terrible things are done in the name of the "greater good." Anything goes, as long as it serves the "greater good."
Pal, I don't expect a fucking thing from you. A fundamental lack of empathy is a sure sign of mental psychopathy. Usually (but not always) leaning towards sociopath. You continuously assert your entitlement with little support beyond the impotent shell you were born into.

It's unimpressive and boring.
"The Basic Trolley Problem

A version of this moral dilemma was first put forward in 1967 by the British moral philosopher Phillipa Foot, well-known as one of those responsible for reviving virtue ethics.

Here’s the basic dilemma: A tram is running down a track and is out control. If it continues on its course unchecked and undiverted, it will run over five people who have been tied to the tracks. You have the chance to divert it onto another track simply by pulling a lever. If you do this, though, the tram will kill a man who happens to be standing on this other track. What should you do?"

Trump supporters: My answer depends on who is President at the time.

Well, how many have died from the virus and how many have died from the vaccine?

Because the Zionist leftist alliance for treason keeps lying, it is hard to tell how many died because of Covid, but 30k max is a reasonable guess.

Vas has killed over 4K, and that is their number which we cannot trust and they would bias it down.

There is no Covid. Ignore it. Do not allow the Zionist left to make you part of the solution to the problem of human overpopulation....
Will you shut the fuck up you dumbass mother fucker. The Jews aren’t to blame for you being a flaming retard who deserves a punch is his ugly fat fucking face.


This is supposed to be a debate forum. If you have no clue except parroting foxnews about Covid, you hence have nothing but pathetic empty threats and no attempt to add to the discussion.

It is pretty obvious. Whiteys, white nationalists, white supremacists, black supremacists, black bigots, islamofascists, nazis, fascist gays, gaystapo

Those words are used here all the time.


Jew or Zionist

And Jew supremacists and self proclaimed sub humans will spazz, make threats, and try to censor.....

If it bothers you, it is because it is true....

Well, how many have died from the virus and how many have died from the vaccine?

Because the Zionist leftist alliance for treason keeps lying, it is hard to tell how many died because of Covid, but 30k max is a reasonable guess.

Vas has killed over 4K, and that is their number which we cannot trust and they would bias it down.

There is no Covid. Ignore it. Do not allow the Zionist left to make you part of the solution to the problem of human overpopulation....
Will you shut the fuck up you dumbass mother fucker. The Jews aren’t to blame for you being a flaming retard who deserves a punch is his ugly fat fucking face.


This is supposed to be a debate forum. If you have no clue except parroting foxnews about Covid, you hence have nothing but pathetic empty threats and no attempt to add to the discussion.

It is pretty obvious. Whiteys, white nationalists, white supremacists, black supremacists, black bigots, islamofascists, nazis, fascist gays, gaystapo

Those words are used here all the time.


Jew or Zionist

And Jew supremacists and self proclaimed sub humans will spazz, make threats, and try to censor.....

If it bothers you, it is because it is true....
It is true. I know Where you are right now. Enjoy that.

Well, how many have died from the virus and how many have died from the vaccine?

Because the Zionist leftist alliance for treason keeps lying, it is hard to tell how many died because of Covid, but 30k max is a reasonable guess.

Vas has killed over 4K, and that is their number which we cannot trust and they would bias it down.

There is no Covid. Ignore it. Do not allow the Zionist left to make you part of the solution to the problem of human overpopulation....
Will you shut the fuck up you dumbass mother fucker. The Jews aren’t to blame for you being a flaming retard who deserves a punch is his ugly fat fucking face.


This is supposed to be a debate forum. If you have no clue except parroting foxnews about Covid, you hence have nothing but pathetic empty threats and no attempt to add to the discussion.

It is pretty obvious. Whiteys, white nationalists, white supremacists, black supremacists, black bigots, islamofascists, nazis, fascist gays, gaystapo

Those words are used here all the time.


Jew or Zionist

And Jew supremacists and self proclaimed sub humans will spazz, make threats, and try to censor.....

If it bothers you, it is because it is true....
It is true. I know Where you are right now. Enjoy that.

And hence you prove you are too cowardly to back up your pathetic post above.

Sub humans are extreme mental cases, parrots plus.....

Well, how many have died from the virus and how many have died from the vaccine?

Because the Zionist leftist alliance for treason keeps lying, it is hard to tell how many died because of Covid, but 30k max is a reasonable guess.

Vas has killed over 4K, and that is their number which we cannot trust and they would bias it down.

There is no Covid. Ignore it. Do not allow the Zionist left to make you part of the solution to the problem of human overpopulation....
Will you shut the fuck up you dumbass mother fucker. The Jews aren’t to blame for you being a flaming retard who deserves a punch is his ugly fat fucking face.


This is supposed to be a debate forum. If you have no clue except parroting foxnews about Covid, you hence have nothing but pathetic empty threats and no attempt to add to the discussion.

It is pretty obvious. Whiteys, white nationalists, white supremacists, black supremacists, black bigots, islamofascists, nazis, fascist gays, gaystapo

Those words are used here all the time.


Jew or Zionist

And Jew supremacists and self proclaimed sub humans will spazz, make threats, and try to censor.....

If it bothers you, it is because it is true....
It is true. I know Where you are right now. Enjoy that.

And hence you prove you are too cowardly to back up your pathetic post above.

Sub humans are extreme mental cases, parrots plus.....
Back up what? I agree With you. We are the root of all that is evil. I created COVID. You found our secret and now we have to see what to do next. Boo!
Did you not notice? The criminal invaders do not need a vaccine, nor masks. They are distributed around the US without regard to infection. That means it's a fake and the politicians know it.

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