How many of you Biden supporters that said the ban on Oil exploration by Biden didn't have an affect on prices???

Look stupid shit, I have a minor is English Lit. I studied under Doris Betts. And good God Almighty Orwell was no communist. He actually went to fight in the Spanish Civil War, "to fight Fascism and defend Democracy". Francisco's government was authoritarian FROM THE RIGHT. Orwell was a Socialist Democrat, think Bernie Sanders. His first novel was "Down and Out in London and Paris", about living in poverty in those two big cities. I mean do you even know the difference between Communism and Socialism? Here, let me teach you. Communism is a command economy, the central government dictates production. Socialism is a demand economy in which the state owns the means of production. In Communism the state would tell Nike how many shoes to produce. In Socialism, the state would own Nike and let the "free market" determine production. North Dakota has two prime examples. The North Dakota bank, owned by the state. And North Dakota Mill and Elevator, also owned by the state. Alaska another example, owning the oil resources.

Perhaps you are confused, Orwell's "Animal Farm" was about the Soviet Revolution. But 1984 was about totalitarianism.

1984 is a political novel written with the purpose of warning readers in the West of the dangers of totalitarian government.

George Orwell’s novel 1984 inspires people to wonder how it would be if a totalitarian government took over the modern day society

In writing 1984, Orwell's main goal was to warn of the serious danger totalitarianism poses to society

Now ask yourself this, which party leans more toward totalitarianism? When you examine those parties under the lens of the themes within 1984 it is a no-brainer. It is the Republican party of TRUMP. Come on, look at how the party has punished those Republicans that stood against Trump, like Romney and Cheney. Demonizing the press, which is hysterical considering the press that distributes propaganda for the Republican party, like FOX news, is someone immune from this disdain. I mean it is nothing more than controlling the flow of information. Controlling history, a huge part of Winston Smith's job--reversing Roe v. Wade, Heller--both aggressive judicial activism and based on extreme historical revisionism. The litmus test for Republican candidates is not their experience, it is not their positions, it is rather they kiss the ring of the almighty Trump, the very definition of totalitarianism.

So you keep digging. At this point you are looking like a fool. Orwell was a communist, 1984 was about communism. And if you want to double down on stupid, be my guest. But know this, Orwell's wife worked for the Ministry of Information in London. I am quite sure that just flew right over your head.

Interesting argument you're picking.

kaz: You're a communist
Winston: Nuh uh, I'm a totalitarian
kaz: OK, how do you support totalitarianism then?
Winston: Marxism ...
Interesting argument you're picking.

kaz: You're a communist
Winston: Nuh uh, I'm a totalitarian
kaz: OK, how do you support totalitarianism then?
Winston: Marxism ...
Wow, stunningly delusional. You have been harping on this Winston thing in thread after thread with the primary theme being that Winston Smith was opposed to big government and yet you make the claim that I support big government. You also make the false claim that 1984 was about Communism, or Marxism. I really believe you need to pick up a dictionary.

Totalitarian: A government system that is centralized and a single person has complete power.

Is that not precisely what you support? Trump having complete power? And you don't get to that position without being completely manipulated, through language, through social media, through the demonizing of the press and the control of information. All components of the Big Brother government. The cognitive dissonance required to maintain your position is mind crippling. At this stage, you have digressed to the point of whimpering faux conversations, resembling the melting witch in the Wizard of Oz.
Wow, stunningly delusional. You have been harping on this Winston thing in thread after thread with the primary theme being that Winston Smith was opposed to big government and yet you make the claim that I support big government. You also make the false claim that 1984 was about Communism, or Marxism. I really believe you need to pick up a dictionary.

Totalitarian: A government system that is centralized and a single person has complete power.

Is that not precisely what you support? Trump having complete power? And you don't get to that position without being completely manipulated, through language, through social media, through the demonizing of the press and the control of information. All components of the Big Brother government. The cognitive dissonance required to maintain your position is mind crippling. At this stage, you have digressed to the point of whimpering faux conversations, resembling the melting witch in the Wizard of Oz.

I like the guy who didn't grasp 1984 and picked Winston because you thought he was pro-totalitarian, not pro-Marxist.

Winston: Nuh uh, Winston's pro-totalitarian. I picked the pro-totalitarian guy as my avatar, kaz, not the pro-Marxist. Bam! Kaz thinks I'm pro-Marxist, lol. I'm a totalitarian, he doesn't know what he's talking about.

LOL, what an idiot ...
I like the guy who didn't grasp 1984 and picked Winston because you thought he was pro-totalitarian, not pro-Marxist.

Winston: Nuh uh, Winston's pro-totalitarian. I picked the pro-totalitarian guy as my avatar, kaz, not the pro-Marxist. Bam! Kaz thinks I'm pro-Marxist, lol. I'm a totalitarian, he doesn't know what he's talking about.

LOL, what an idiot ...
So, Winston Smith was pro-totalitarian? Really? You have been subject to so much manipulation your brain has turned to shit.
Wow, stunningly delusional. You have been harping on this Winston thing in thread after thread with the primary theme being that Winston Smith was opposed to big government and yet you make the claim that I support big government. You also make the false claim that 1984 was about Communism, or Marxism. I really believe you need to pick up a dictionary.

Totalitarian: A government system that is centralized and a single person has complete power.

Is that not precisely what you support? Trump having complete power? And you don't get to that position without being completely manipulated, through language, through social media, through the demonizing of the press and the control of information. All components of the Big Brother government. The cognitive dissonance required to maintain your position is mind crippling. At this stage, you have digressed to the point of whimpering faux conversations, resembling the melting witch in the Wizard of Oz.
What exactly is the " the mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information."....i.e. "cognitive dissonance " you describe?

You use a term that you evidently feel "confident" to use, so give me an example where it is "mind crippling"?
So, Winston Smith was pro-totalitarian? Really? You have been subject to so much manipulation your brain has turned to shit.


My God you're stupid.

No, I didn't say that, you did and I'm mocking you for it, dumb ass
What exactly is the " the mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information."....i.e. "cognitive dissonance " you describe?

You use a term that you evidently feel "confident" to use, so give me an example where it is "mind crippling"?
I don't like your posted definition, this one is more appropriate

the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

In the case with Kaz--she claims she is against totalitarianism, but she supports Trump's iron-fisted rule over the party, and he LOST. Trump even expressed admiration for Kim Jong Un, perhaps the best example of a totalitarian ruler in the modern world.

For the Republican party, proclaiming to support limited government and yet allowing the government to restrict municipalities from instigating regulations, like implementing mask mandates, banned by several state governments. Then there is immigration, allowing a government to dictate who can and who cannot enter the country is allowing that same government to pick and chose it's electors, a sure recipe for disaster and a clear example of "big government". The stance against abortion contrasted with supporting capital punishment. Defining marriage, claiming the press is bad and then holding up FOX news as the arbiter of truth
I don't like your posted definition, this one is more appropriate

the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.

In the case with Kaz--she claims she is against totalitarianism, but she supports Trump's iron-fisted rule over the party, and he LOST. Trump even expressed admiration for Kim Jong Un, perhaps the best example of a totalitarian ruler in the modern world.

For the Republican party, proclaiming to support limited government and yet allowing the government to restrict municipalities from instigating regulations, like implementing mask mandates, banned by several state governments. Then there is immigration, allowing a government to dictate who can and who cannot enter the country is allowing that same government to pick and chose it's electors, a sure recipe for disaster and a clear example of "big government". The stance against abortion contrasted with supporting capital punishment. Defining marriage, claiming the press is bad and then holding up FOX news as the arbiter of truth
So why can't you provide the substantiation for your definition? That absence speaks volumes for your scholarship!
So why can't you provide the substantiation for your definition? That absence speaks volumes for your scholarship!
There is no expense in not purchasing a lease nor will it increase the cost of drilling or exploring on another site.

If there was an extended pause on drilling permits you might have a point.
So if oil exploration on land that provides 24% oil production is stopped, those private lands simply increase their
prices to do exploration on their land. Thus raising prices for oil production companies, that pass on the increased costs to oil refineries who pass on to gas stations and ergo... you pay!
Take away exploration on Federal lands means more demand from private lands. Simple supply/demand.
So if oil exploration on land that provides 24% oil production is stopped, those private lands simply increase their
prices to do exploration on their land. Thus raising prices for oil production companies, that pass on the increased costs to oil refineries who pass on to gas stations and ergo... you pay!
Take away exploration on Federal lands means more demand from private lands. Simple supply/demand.
Exploration for oil on federal leases has not been stopped.
Exploration for oil on federal leases has not been stopped.

Biden’s Order to Freeze New Oil Drilling on Federal Land: What You Need to Know​

The administration is halting new drilling permits on U.S. lands as it seeks to fight climate change. Here’s how that affects American production.​

Political Spectrum (2).jpg

The Nazis were the Socialist Democrat Party. They were LEFTISTS, not "right wingers" as Dimocrats have been ignorantly screaming for decades.

Dimocrats demand more and bigger government, which is socialism.

The FIRST FASCIST was Benito Mussolini, who started out as a school teacher. Today, professors dominate socialism and Marxism in America.



Biden’s Order to Freeze New Oil Drilling on Federal Land: What You Need to Know​

The administration is halting new drilling permits on U.S. lands as it seeks to fight climate change. Here’s how that affects American production.​

Worst drilling freeze ever.

"But one year after announcing a halt to any new federal oil and gas leasing, Biden has outpaced Donald Trump in issuing drilling permits on public lands."

Drill baby drill.
You're saying the oil companies are conspiring to keep the prices high to make huge profits.

They could have done that during Trump, and yet they haven't done it. Why not?

No one is saying that they are conspiring. What increase in drilling has come from privately held oil companies. 59% of oil executives say that shareholders are the reason they are not increasing drilling. Only 7% say politicians are preventing them from drilling.
You are one dumb slut.

That we produced more than we used IS THE DEFINITION of energy independence.

What a stupid dyke you are that you don't grasp oil is a commodity and it's stupid to ship it around the world rather than minimizing transportation costs.

You don't even understand what I just said, do you? Be honest

No it is not. We still imported oil.
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The Nazis were the Socialist Democrat Party. They were LEFTISTS, not "right wingers" as Dimocrats have been ignorantly screaming for decades.

Dimocrats demand more and bigger government, which is socialism.

The FIRST FASCIST was Benito Mussolini, who started out as a school teacher. Today, professors dominate socialism and Marxism in America.

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View attachment 649676

The Republican Party is the party of fascism.

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