how many people have frozen to death because of this statement??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I never thought I'd lived to see the day when a President wanted and much less SAID that he wanted these events to happen:
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,![/I][/B][/COLOR]""

Folks... do you understand that WHEN a President encourages skyrocketing utility rates PEOPLE DIE from freezing?
Do you understand that ALL of us are seeing the results of a President THAT WANTS to bankrupt utilities and have our utility bills skyrocket!

AND all supposedly because of "global warming" while 90-percent of the country below freezing Tuesday!
Weather Blog: Dangerous Cold Tuesday « CBS Philly

This is absolutely disgusting... YOU idiot supporters of global warming as Obama and today it is below FREEZING in parts of Florida!
When GOP proposed policies result in deaths the Left is up in arms and calls them killers.
When Dem policies result in deaths the Left considers it the cost of doing business.
I never thought I'd lived to see the day when a President wanted and much less SAID that he wanted these events to happen:
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,![/I][/B][/COLOR]""

Folks... do you understand that WHEN a President encourages skyrocketing utility rates PEOPLE DIE from freezing?
Do you understand that ALL of us are seeing the results of a President THAT WANTS to bankrupt utilities and have our utility bills skyrocket!

AND all supposedly because of "global warming" while 90-percent of the country below freezing Tuesday!
Weather Blog: Dangerous Cold Tuesday « CBS Philly

This is absolutely disgusting... YOU idiot supporters of global warming as Obama and today it is below FREEZING in parts of Florida!

Five years along in an Obama Administration and electricity prices have not skyrocketed, genius. They haven't even gone up as much as other commodities. They have barely kept up with inflation.

So to answer the retarded question in your topic title: Zero.

Welcome to reality.

Try to keep your idiocy under your hat.
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Here's how to actually cause electricity prices to skyrocket: 'Smoking gun' Enron memos / 'Death Star,' 'Get Shorty' strategies show how firm manipulated energy to state in attempt to boost profits - SFGate

"These memos are Exhibits A, B and C in the case of California versus the power generators," said Steve Maviglio, a Davis spokesman. "They establish market manipulation beyond a reasonable doubt. How many more smoking guns does FERC need before it acts to refund the billions Californians are owed from overcharges directly linked to the generators' cartel?"

In Washington, Feinstein asked Attorney General John Ashcroft to open a criminal inquiry into the company focusing on fraud. Feinstein noted that power costs in the state had risen from $7 billion in 1999 to $26.7 billion in 2001.
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A Shuffle of Aluminum, but to Banks, Pure Gold

This industrial dance has been choreographed by Goldman to exploit pricing regulations set up by an overseas commodities exchange, an investigation by The New York Times has found. The back-and-forth lengthens the storage time. And that adds many millions a year to the coffers of Goldman, which owns the warehouses and charges rent to store the metal. It also increases prices paid by manufacturers and consumers across the country.

Here's how to manipulate the prices of other commodities: Goldman Sachs’s Aluminum Pile

An official at MillerCoors told a Senate committee that the difficulty in getting metal supplies had cost it and other companies $3 billion last year.
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Check the prices of other things like milk, eggs, bread, and so forth here: Top Picks (Most Requested Statistics) : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

You will see electricity price increases have not outpaced these other goods. So the premise of this topic is false.

You will find electricity prices have actually risen in pace with...inflation: CPI Inflation Calculator

The electricity industry itself says the same thing:
As with virtually all other goods, the price of electricity has risen over the years. Underlying factors affecting this upward trend include higher prices for generating fuel (e.g. coal), the need for new infrastructure, and environmental concerns. Compared to other goods, the increase in electricity prices has been relatively low. - Rising Cost Of Electricity
Check the prices of other things like milk, eggs, bread, and so forth here: Top Picks (Most Requested Statistics) : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

You will see electricity price increases have not outpaced these other goods. So the premise of this topic is false.

You will find electricity prices have actually risen in pace with...inflation: CPI Inflation Calculator

The electricity industry itself says the same thing:
As with virtually all other goods, the price of electricity has risen over the years. Underlying factors affecting this upward trend include higher prices for generating fuel (e.g. coal), the need for new infrastructure, and environmental concerns. Compared to other goods, the increase in electricity prices has been relatively low. - Rising Cost Of Electricity

Not for lack of trying genus. More plants will be forced to close in the future, and if Obama continues with his EPA regulations on energy, and if he were able to enact his cap and trade crap ( which he wants) energy prices will skyrocket for everyone. food prices are up, fuel prices are way up since Obama. the only reason they are not worst then they are is because of fracking on private land, which Obama and his leftist friends don't like either.
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I never thought I'd lived to see the day when a President wanted and much less SAID that he wanted these events to happen:
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,![/I][/B][/COLOR]""

Folks... do you understand that WHEN a President encourages skyrocketing utility rates PEOPLE DIE from freezing?
Do you understand that ALL of us are seeing the results of a President THAT WANTS to bankrupt utilities and have our utility bills skyrocket!

AND all supposedly because of "global warming" while 90-percent of the country below freezing Tuesday!
Weather Blog: Dangerous Cold Tuesday « CBS Philly

This is absolutely disgusting... YOU idiot supporters of global warming as Obama and today it is below FREEZING in parts of Florida!

Five years along in an Obama Administration and electricity prices have not skyrocketed, genius. They haven't even gone up as much as other commodities. They have barely kept up with inflation.

So to answer the retarded question in your topic title: Zero.

Welcome to reality.

Try to keep your idiocy under your hat.
IDIOCY?? OBAMA SAID he wanted rates to skyrocket! That's the point! Are you that dumb to defend an idiot THAT WANTS rates to increase??

HOW f...king stupid to make the statement and even dumber to defend someone who makes!
The point was RATHER then working on LOWERING RATES much less keeping them the same HE ENCOURAGED EPA etc. to make rates skyrocket!

Thank God the utilities weren't as lazy as Obama and worked to keep the rates from SKYROCKETING which is WHAT THIS idiot and you wanted!

AGAIN... what kind of person WOULD want rates to skyrocket?? Instead of working to lower them HE DID EVERYTHING to increase them!
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Check the prices of other things like milk, eggs, bread, and so forth here: Top Picks (Most Requested Statistics) : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

You will see electricity price increases have not outpaced these other goods. So the premise of this topic is false.

You will find electricity prices have actually risen in pace with...inflation: CPI Inflation Calculator

The electricity industry itself says the same thing:
As with virtually all other goods, the price of electricity has risen over the years. Underlying factors affecting this upward trend include higher prices for generating fuel (e.g. coal), the need for new infrastructure, and environmental concerns. Compared to other goods, the increase in electricity prices has been relatively low. - Rising Cost Of Electricity

Not for lack of trying genus. More plants will be forced to close in the future, and if Obama continues with his EPA regulations on energy, and if he were able to enact his cap and trade crap ( which he wants) energy prices will skyrocket for everyone. food prices are up, fuel prices are way up since Obama. the only reason they are not worst then they are is because of fracking on private land, which Obama and his leftist friends don't like either.

Trick question: Who had higher gas prices, Obama or Bush? - San Jose Mercury News

On fracking.

The Obama administration’s proposed new fracking rules cover federal lands. The administration hopes they can also be a model for state regulations on private lands, where most fracking occurs.

The rules would set standards for integrity of wells and managing polluted water that flows back to the surface. It’s the first big attempt at federal oversight of the fracking boom sweeping across the country.

Read more here: WASHINGTON: Obama position on fracking leaves both sides grumbling | National | McClatchy DC
Check the prices of other things like milk, eggs, bread, and so forth here: Top Picks (Most Requested Statistics) : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

You will see electricity price increases have not outpaced these other goods. So the premise of this topic is false.

You will find electricity prices have actually risen in pace with...inflation: CPI Inflation Calculator

The electricity industry itself says the same thing:
As with virtually all other goods, the price of electricity has risen over the years. Underlying factors affecting this upward trend include higher prices for generating fuel (e.g. coal), the need for new infrastructure, and environmental concerns. Compared to other goods, the increase in electricity prices has been relatively low. - Rising Cost Of Electricity

The PREMISE is the idiot in chief WANTED people to FREEZE to death as HE WANTED as he said:
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

The point is IF more logical rational people then this idiot hadn't worked to find alternatives IN SPITE of his efforts to make RATES skyrocket they didn't!
Obama doesn't care if people froze to death as long as the utility rates skyrocketed and utilities went bankrupt!
WHY is that attitude an acceptable attitude for the chief Executive of the USA?
I AGREE rates haven't BUT IN SPITE of the idiot in chief's desire to have them skyrocket they haven't!
YET you idiots ignore that! THINK for a second!
IF INSTEAD Obama said.. "i'm all in favor of REDUCING utility rates "... where would they be TODAY???
Check the prices of other things like milk, eggs, bread, and so forth here: Top Picks (Most Requested Statistics) : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

You will see electricity price increases have not outpaced these other goods. So the premise of this topic is false.

You will find electricity prices have actually risen in pace with...inflation: CPI Inflation Calculator

The electricity industry itself says the same thing: - Rising Cost Of Electricity

Not for lack of trying genus. More plants will be forced to close in the future, and if Obama continues with his EPA regulations on energy, and if he were able to enact his cap and trade crap ( which he wants) energy prices will skyrocket for everyone. food prices are up, fuel prices are way up since Obama. the only reason they are not worst then they are is because of fracking on private land, which Obama and his leftist friends don't like either.

Trick question: Who had higher gas prices, Obama or Bush? - San Jose Mercury News

On fracking.

The Obama administration’s proposed new fracking rules cover federal lands. The administration hopes they can also be a model for state regulations on private lands, where most fracking occurs.

The rules would set standards for integrity of wells and managing polluted water that flows back to the surface. It’s the first big attempt at federal oversight of the fracking boom sweeping across the country.

Read more here: WASHINGTON: Obama position on fracking leaves both sides grumbling | National | McClatchy DC

gas price was $1.86 per gallon when Obama came I and when Obama opens up more federal land for energy exploration get back to me I don't haft to look at your links also your boy wants "Cap and trade" do you favor that?
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Check the prices of other things like milk, eggs, bread, and so forth here: Top Picks (Most Requested Statistics) : U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

You will see electricity price increases have not outpaced these other goods. So the premise of this topic is false.

You will find electricity prices have actually risen in pace with...inflation: CPI Inflation Calculator

The electricity industry itself says the same thing:
As with virtually all other goods, the price of electricity has risen over the years. Underlying factors affecting this upward trend include higher prices for generating fuel (e.g. coal), the need for new infrastructure, and environmental concerns. Compared to other goods, the increase in electricity prices has been relatively low. - Rising Cost Of Electricity

The PREMISE is the idiot in chief WANTED people to FREEZE to death as HE WANTED as he said:
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

The point is IF more logical rational people then this idiot hadn't worked to find alternatives IN SPITE of his efforts to make RATES skyrocket they didn't!
Obama doesn't care if people froze to death as long as the utility rates skyrocketed and utilities went bankrupt!
WHY is that attitude an acceptable attitude for the chief Executive of the USA?
I AGREE rates haven't BUT IN SPITE of the idiot in chief's desire to have them skyrocket they haven't!
YET you idiots ignore that! THINK for a second!
IF INSTEAD Obama said.. "i'm all in favor of REDUCING utility rates "... where would they be TODAY???

Ohio coal industry says Obama promised to bankrupt coal-fired power plant builders | PolitiFact Ohio

I don't think what he said means what you think it does. Inconceivable!

[ame=]Princess Bride - Inconceivable Mashup - YouTube[/ame]
We are on our way to producing more and more oil, yet the price at the pump keeps going up. Those who say its tied to demand are in the pockets of big oil. We could build 50 million more electrical plants and I don't care what kind. Prices would NOT come down even if demand went down. Some companies do whatever they want how they want. Case closed. Nothing we can do about it.
No people have frozen to death because of that statement. Thankfully, cap and trade was one of the campaign promises Obama hasn't followed through on.

Of course, Energy prices have still been skyrocketing due to his inflationary policies, but that's another policy than this one.
Liberals will follow a black Democrat anywhere. Pathetic lemmings...

Sent from my ass using
I never thought I'd lived to see the day when a President wanted and much less SAID that he wanted these events to happen:
"Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket." Obama: I?ll make energy prices ?skyrocket? « Hot Air

"if somebody wants to build coal utility plant it’s just that it will bankrupt them,![/I][/B][/COLOR]""

Folks... do you understand that WHEN a President encourages skyrocketing utility rates PEOPLE DIE from freezing?
Do you understand that ALL of us are seeing the results of a President THAT WANTS to bankrupt utilities and have our utility bills skyrocket!

AND all supposedly because of "global warming" while 90-percent of the country below freezing Tuesday!
Weather Blog: Dangerous Cold Tuesday « CBS Philly

This is absolutely disgusting... YOU idiot supporters of global warming as Obama and today it is below FREEZING in parts of Florida!

About as many that froze to death in Obamas good ol buddy Tony Rezko's slums.

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