How many think the science is decided???

Only about 8% of the population agrees with the denier kooks here. 8%. That's how marginalized the denier kook losers are.

And that's just 8% in the USA. It's much smaller in the rest of the world. Being that denier kooks only hang out with other denier kooks (as the cult commands), they tend to have no idea of what a tiny lunatic fringe they really are.

Did that number come out of your ass with a hairball admiral?

You know what.......this poll is devastating to the religion!! They'll respond with some kind of absurd drivel like they always so but shit......this is a gut punch.:beer: Honestly, even I didn't think their fall would be this epic!!! And heres the would think they would hit the re-set button on their strategy. But no......they keep doing the same bomb throwing stuff but its become even more absurd over the years.......all these bold predictions that fall flat on their face.:poke:

This poll also tells us.......there are always going to be 20% of the people who are pure suckers. But it also means......fully :eek:80%:eek: of the people think this consensus science is nothing but a sack of bull crap. No wonder the thread PROOF THE SKEPTICS ARE WINNING is so damn popular in here!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Again, kooks, 8%. Just 8% of the US population agrees with your hysterical shrieking that global warming is a fraud. That would be the dumbest 8%.

You can all keep screaming at me, but the world still classifies you as cult loonies. And your hysteria isn't improving your images any.
Again, kooks, 8%. Just 8% of the US population agrees with your hysterical shrieking that global warming is a fraud. That would be the dumbest 8%.

You can all keep screaming at me, but the world still classifies you as cult loonies. And your hysteria isn't improving your images any.

You WOULD have to ignore my post about your LIE in order to sustain your "beliefs"..
That's a pretty sure sign of being the zealot you accuse others of being..
Well.....this story today sure does not help the cause of the AGW nutters.......although the AGW nutters on this board IM sure think its awesome news for THEIR side!!

Top story on DRUDGE right now!!! >>>>

Polar Vortex returns next week!!!!

Poor man?s polar vortex to make shocking summer return in eastern U.S. next week

Temps in the 50's for a lot of the mid-July!!!!:D:D:D:D

Wonder why only 20% think the science is settled??????

There ya go!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Can anybody


this thread for/4 me?


Sure -- The propaganda machine ain't working. All that shouting about the "science being settled" didn't take hold. And the political wing of the Warmer Church is wasting time and money trying to INTIMIDATE folks into accepting that premise..

You're Welcome !!! :eusa_angel:
You WOULD have to ignore my post about your LIE in order to sustain your "beliefs"..

Ooh, somebody certainly has an amusingly inflated sense of his own importance. He demands I pay attention to him!

Flac, if you stop raving, you might be worth speaking to. But you'd also have to remove yourself from the cult of the kook 8% that say AGW is a fraud.
:D:DThat's right......a polar vortex in mid-July sure will convince the masses that this global warming is getting out of control!!:eusa_dance::up:

This forum gets to be more fun every day........but a train wreck for the k00ks.
:D:DThat's right......a polar vortex in mid-July sure will convince the masses that this global warming is getting out of control!!:eusa_dance::up:

This forum gets to be more fun every day........but a train wreck for the k00ks.

Damn Skooks --- you're a lifesaver.. NOBODY warned me about that. Now I gotta take time off to reorganize my closet between now and Polar Vortex.. Can't face a crisis like that with all my summer stuff towards the front ! :eek:

Poor Polar Bears, they are gonna be panting for air in July when it all leaks down here to Tennessee..
:D:DThat's right......a polar vortex in mid-July sure will convince the masses that this global warming is getting out of control!!:eusa_dance::up:

This forum gets to be more fun every day........but a train wreck for the k00ks.

Damn Skooks --- you're a lifesaver.. NOBODY warned me about that. Now I gotta take time off to reorganize my closet between now and Polar Vortex.. Can't face a crisis like that with all my summer stuff towards the front ! :eek:

Poor Polar Bears, they are gonna be panting for air in July when it all leaks down here to Tennessee..

Hey on Long Island, I am a 20 minute drive to the ocean. People have been bumming that we have seen so few hot days......the ocean water is still cold as shit!! The "global warming" jokes have been running rampant for months since back late last year with month after month of bitter this!! A total Jonestown if you are a greenie asshat.:itsok:

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