How Many Times Does This Have to Happen Before We Enact Sensible Laws? We Need Tranny Control Now


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
So once again, it turns out the mass shooter is another tranny.
How many times do we have to see this before people face the facts- gender dysphoria is a severe mental derangement that needs treatment, not enabling?
Stop coddling these pervs & sickos.

I demand Tranny Control now!

Meanwhile, the lefty lapdogs on here have already taken marching orders to blame Republicans.
Or white supremacy, domestic terrorism, climate change, purebloods, DT, the patriarchy or Putin if this doesn't work.

Anyone that checks the "Non-Binary" box should be viewed as a mental defective and refused the sale.

So once again, it turns out the mass shooter is another tranny.
How many times do we have to see this before people face the facts- gender dysphoria is a severe mental derangement that needs treatment, not enabling?
Stop coddling these pervs & sickos.

I demand Tranny Control now!

Meanwhile, the lefty lapdogs on here have already taken marching orders to blame Republicans.
Or white supremacy, domestic terrorism, climate change, purebloods, DT, the patriarchy or Putin if this doesn't work.

Just more evidence that a tranny is a person with a mental issue.
It's why I won't pretend with them.
Yes, then we have this from the psycho they cheated into office,
March 31 is to be the tranny day of visibility? That school shooter in Tennessee today was jumping the gun ---- he's a tranny pretending to be female, apparently went to that school.

I am impressed at how bad the news situation is these days: all the major news sites said it was a FEMALE shooter, which just about never, never happens. I assumed immediately that it was a tranny, and so it was. They mess up all the statistics! No one can tell what is going on, the news is so irresponsible now.
It is my understanding once they get their penis chopped off, they deeply regret what they did and want to be a male again. :)

Happens a lot. Imagine a young girl who has her breasts cut off decides later that she wants to be a she, and be a mom, and have a baby that she wants to nurse with what were once her breasts.

I can't even imagine it.

The sadness.

Then the shop is not doing it's job.....The only optional question is your SS number.
What shop? Yeah, no SS question answered either. Also driver's license, unless it's government.

Also a whole lot of other impertinent., stupid, pointless, data-mining questions that are no business of theirs, including telephone numbers, which I no longer give out.

I was really bare-bones on the last dental office forms (I remember when dentists' offices didn't
HAVE forms --- why do they now? Name and address is all they need.) and nobody said boo to a goose.

Probably afraid of me. :stir: They better be.
So once again, it turns out the mass shooter is another tranny.
How many times do we have to see this before people face the facts- gender dysphoria is a severe mental derangement that needs treatment, not enabling?
Stop coddling these pervs & sickos.

I demand Tranny Control now!

Meanwhile, the lefty lapdogs on here have already taken marching orders to blame Republicans.
Or white supremacy, domestic terrorism, climate change, purebloods, DT, the patriarchy or Putin if this doesn't work.

Nauseating. You truly are a disgusting human being.

Happens a lot. Imagine a young girl who has her breasts cut off decides later that she wants to be a she, and be a mom, and have a baby that she wants to nurse with what were once her breasts.

I can't even imagine it.

The sadness.


And imagine a future where the victims of the surgeries retaliate in a very lethal way!
What shop? Yeah, no SS question answered either. Also driver's license, unless it's government.

Also a whole lot of other impertinent., stupid, pointless, data-mining questions that are no business of theirs, including telephone numbers, which I no longer give out.

I was really bare-bones on the last dental office forms (I remember when dentists' offices didn't
HAVE forms --- why do they now? Name and address is all they need.) and nobody said boo to a goose.

Probably afraid of me. :stir: They better be.
OK, so you have never filled out a 4473....Got it.
I knew a Trans at my job years ago. He wore tight skirts, heavy makeup, everything to the extreme. He was a male dressing as female. I have to say nobody would talk to him.

They make it very difficult to be around them. A lot of people don't want to hire them because they are such drama queens that they end up really not playing well with others.

And now you can't fire them.

Makes me glad I will never be in a position of having to interview people for a job.


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