How Many Will Die Over Obama's "Red Lines"?


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
Sun, Sand And Palm Trees
We have watched Obama go to his crayon box at least three times. EACH time drawing out his communist red one and start to color. One red line was about North Korea getting nukes and when they did he erased that line and drew another.

"North Korea will NOT be allowed to get a three stage rocket"... Well Dog Dung Dick GOT ONE. Launched and it made space. Our own islamic democrats now argue that Dog Dung Dick CANNOT be accurate with his rockets.

Its a NUKE folks and CLOSE counts. When the bomb was dropped on Hiroshima they say it was 6.5 miles OFF. Do you recall any Japanese standing and laughing and saying "YOU MISSED!"?

So lets say old Dog Dung Dick launches with his target being New York, but the retard with a bowl haircut hits Seattle OR Houston. Who lost folks? Who the hell lost? NO rational sane American is going to stand and laugh and say you missed!

Unless of course you are a democrat in which case "Rational and Sane" were NEVER on the table. A three stage rocket WAS Obama's SECOND red line. NOW erased just like the other. Total bullsh#t from a 3rd rate community complainer.
Here's the twist folks.

Iran just purchased several Nam era Soviet targeting systems according to "Janes". And while they are not the most up to date they are MORE then good enough to pin point a city. Your computer program person does not even need to change the math. Just change the language from Russian to Arabic.

So Iran has the targeting and North Korea the rockets. And they ARE trading partners! And you CAN'T miss with a NUKE. Dog Dung Dick might miss America but who gets it? Canada? Mexico? When you fire a NUKE somebody DIES. And THAT is what YOUR party YOUR community complainer has handed the WORLD.

I will take the debt of two land wars over this sh#t anytime. Now all we have to do is sit back and see WHO you killed. Because you can damn sure bet handing those two idiots NUKES, well........SOMEBODY is going to DIE. And YOU and YOUR party and YOUR community complainer OWN it.


We have watched Obama go to his crayon box at least three times. EACH time drawing out his communist red one and start to color. One red line was about North Korea getting nukes and when they did he erased that line and drew another.

So you blame Obama for North Korea having 'nukes'?

You RWNJ's are so ignorant.

On October 9, 2006, North Korea announced it had successfully conducted its first nuclear test. An underground nuclear explosion was detected, its yield was estimated as less than a kiloton, and some radioactive output was detected.[9][10][11]
On January 6, 2007, the North Korean government further confirmed that it had nuclear weapons.[12]
In April 2009, reports surfaced that North Korea has become a "fully fledged nuclear power", an opinion shared by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Mohamed ElBaradei.[13] On May 25, 2009, North Korea conducted a second nuclear test, resulting in an explosion estimated to be between 2 and 7 kilotons.[14] The 2009 test, like the 2006 test, is believed to have occurred at Mantapsan, Kilju County, in the north-eastern part of North Korea.[15]
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We have watched Obama go to his crayon box at least three times. EACH time drawing out his communist red one and start to color. One red line was about North Korea getting nukes and when they did he erased that line and drew another.

So you blame Obama for North Korea having 'nukes'?

You RWNJ's are so ignorant.

On October 9, 2006, North Korea announced it had successfully conducted its first nuclear test. An underground nuclear explosion was detected, its yield was estimated as less than a kiloton, and some radioactive output was detected.[9][10][11]
On January 6, 2007, the North Korean government further confirmed that it had nuclear weapons.[12]
In April 2009, reports surfaced that North Korea has become a "fully fledged nuclear power", an opinion shared by International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Director General Mohamed ElBaradei.[13] On May 25, 2009, North Korea conducted a second nuclear test, resulting in an explosion estimated to be between 2 and 7 kilotons.[14] The 2009 test, like the 2006 test, is believed to have occurred at Mantapsan, Kilju County, in the north-eastern part of North Korea.[15]
The 06 test took the country by somewhat of a surprise. You can blame our CIA for that one. Who was president during the 09 test? Who IS president during the first three stage rocket launch?
We have watched Obama go to his crayon box at least three times. EACH time drawing out his communist red one and start to color. One red line was about North Korea getting nukes and when they did he erased that line and drew another.

I love how you rubes make shit up, trying to mimic your favorite propaganda outlets. :lol:


Please tell us that cool story again about Obama and North Korea's nukes. It is especially amusing since the DPRK has had them since 2006.

Obama's half-ass plans aren't deserving of congressional buy-in and so his arguments to point blame elsewhere are totally lame. But then Reagan managed to get plenty killed for what?
Active duty military deaths:
1981 Ronald Reagan 2,380
1982 Ronald Reagan 2,319
1983 Ronald Reagan 2,465
1984 Ronald Reagan 1,999
1985 Ronald Reagan 2,252
1986 Ronald Reagan 1,984
1987 Ronald Reagan 1,983
1988 Ronald Reagan 1,819
1989 George H.W. Bush 1,636
1990 George H.W. Bush 1,507
1991 George H.W. Bush 1,787
1992 George H.W. Bush 1,293
1993 Bill Clinton 1,213
1994 Bill Clinton 1,075
1995 Bill Clinton 1,040
1996 Bill Clinton 974
1997 Bill Clinton 817
1998 Bill Clinton 827
1999 Bill Clinton 796
2000 Bill Clinton 758
2001 George W. Bush 891
2002 George W. Bush 999
2003 George W. Bush 1,228
2004 George W. Bush 1,874
2005 George W. Bush 1,942
2006 George W. Bush 1,858
Still looking for Obama's
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We have watched Obama go to his crayon box at least three times. EACH time drawing out his communist red one and start to color. One red line was about North Korea getting nukes and when they did he erased that line and drew another.

I love how you rubes make shit up, trying to mimic your favorite propaganda outlets. :lol:


Please tell us that story again about Obama and North Korea's nukes. It is especially amusing since the DPRK has had them since 2006.

Like I said 06 the CIA was surprised. 09 NO excuse at all.
"North Korea will NOT be allowed to get a three stage rocket"...

How about YOU apologize to ALL the islamic RAPE victims FIRST?
YOU remember them, you were LAUGHING at them. Quid Pro Quo.
No, I was laughing at you retards. You exploited the victims of brutal rape to further a Nazi agenda.

Nice try.

And Quid Pro Quo doesn't mean you make a claim and then not support it just because I bitch slapped the shit out of you genocidal maniacs.

And now I am laughing even harder at your retarded claims which I am very much enjoying taking apart.
Poor DarkFury. Makes the most hilarious claims, gets slammed, and doesn't learn.
"North Korea will NOT be allowed to get a three stage rocket"...

Obama said this, huh?


Kwangmyŏngsŏng-1 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

North Korea launched a THREE STAGE ROCKET in 1998, retard.
From YOUR link...
"While the North Korean government claimed that the launch was successful, no objects were ever tracked inorbit from the launch,[1] and outside North Korea it is considered to have been a failure"

Launched and NOT able to be tracked? It blew the f#uck up retard.
ALSO from YOUR link.."
"It is thought that the Paektusan-1 solid propellant third stage both demonstrated a near full duration burn and the spin up of the stage and satellite along its longitudinal axis. However, the third stage solid motor ruptured, de-orbiting the satellite almost immediately after orbital insertion while achieving orbital velocity. U.S. officials said the launching represented North Korea's interests to build longer-range missiles.[6]"

Third stage RUPTURED, it blew the f#ck up.

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