How much do you pay for health insurance, and does Obamacare impact cost?

Through the hubby's work, for a 60/40 company contributing $700 to an account for some of the deductible/out of pocket, can carry over and build up the account it's $300 a month for two people, for a 70/30 it's $550 a month for the 2 of us.... I think his company pays nearly 70% of Matt's premium, but as his wife, they pay nothing for my contribution.

Going to the exchange for Blue Cross/ Blue Shield individual plan for me alone, IF healthcare insurance was not available through his work is $1150 a month. 1 person....70/30 $2000 deductible, $6000 a year out of pocket before insurance kicks in paying 100%

Group Rate insurance through an employer is much cheaper than Individual Insurance policies....

My State stinks, there has never been competition here among insurers before the ACA....90% of those covered were with just 2 insurance companies....a duopoly....

it's still messed up, no one really wants to offer insurance here in Maine....

This lack of competition and I suppose the logistics of people being so spread out, makes insurance so so so expensive!!!

Wow, $1150 a month for one person. Which plan was that?
BC/BS 70/30....The lowest cost silver level, I believe?

But even before Ocare became law, it was very expensive....when the hubby and I moved here 10 years ago, we were paying nearly $700 a month for his COBRA, so we priced a BC/BS individual policy to see if we could find coverage for less money, neither of us had jobs yet and $700 a month was a lot! BC/BS Anthem, for the 2 of us, was $2500 a month, $1250 per person with $2500 each total out of was an 80/20 though and it was 10 years ago, so we were 10 years younger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, we passed and kept paying COBRA till he got a job.
Whatever the plan is THEY MUST HOLD PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE Free stuff only works for the TRULY handicapped and children. Might not be a bad Idea to research adding some clinics on the govts. dime for the free-loaders. Be sure the care should be less than desirable.
Wow, Rdean is one heck of a shill... I wonder how much he saves on his OCare bill by shilling here.
Whatever the plan is THEY MUST HOLD PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE Free stuff only works for the TRULY handicapped and children. Might not be a bad Idea to research adding some clinics on the govts. dime for the free-loaders. Be sure the care should be less than desirable.
Ah yes, another despotic republican (the party of god), issuing schadenfreude to show his love of his fellow man...and woman..
I pay the IRS fine for not having insurance for me and my family, i've never have had insurance in my life I've always paid out-of-pocket. Insurance to me if it's mandatory is nothing more than legalized extortion. Something I will never use…
I've had insurance since I was very young, my very first jjob, until now....never had to use it but once, and the Insurance company refused to pay the bill, it took us 6 months and then finally contacting the State Insurance Commissioner, to get them to finally pay the bill and the Hospital off our butts. 5 years later we went to buy a house and found out our credit rating went in to the toilet because they had us down for not paying the bill and reported it to the credit agencies, and had to contact the State Insurance commissioner's office again, to have them help us get the black marks against us for the bill not being paid, and we finally got the black marks on our credit rating removed and could get the mortgage....

I hate health insurance companies! but I still have paid for coverage my whole life.... this way, I will not feel an ounce of guilt when I get old and need lots of coverage, as most older folks do.... I know that I have paid my dues, year after year after year after when I need health care coverage, I'm the one who has paid for it....:D
Whatever the plan is THEY MUST HOLD PEOPLE ACCOUNTABLE Free stuff only works for the TRULY handicapped and children. Might not be a bad Idea to research adding some clinics on the govts. dime for the free-loaders. Be sure the care should be less than desirable.
Ah yes, another despotic republican (the party of god), issuing schadenfreude to show his love of his fellow man...and woman..

You should take in the homeless dude. Square things up.
I pay the IRS fine for not having insurance for me and my family, i've never have had insurance in my life I've always paid out-of-pocket. Insurance to me if it's mandatory is nothing more than legalized extortion. Something I will never use…

Your tough and lucky. God forbid you don't run into a major health problem.
When I just joined this board I had the same argument with fellow member Bear.
About 5 or so of my employees choice to work as per diem no health insurance benefits. Around 2012 one of these employees had a heart attack while on vacation in Las Vegas.
Fast forward....... he sold his house, lost most of his savings to cover medical expenses then file bankruptcy. And it's now renting an apartment.
Think about that.
I'm real lucky, mine is approx.$80 a month for PPO. Covers nothing short of $1800, less a few check-ups and teeth cleanings for free. Dental up to $1,000 and no glasses. The "company" kicks in the rest of the premium. Most years the plan contributes to an account, say $900. With accumulation that would cover my max out of pocket and more, because I tend to avoid visits. It has been affected by Obamacare (documented), such as 70/30 Vs what was 80/20...............On another note, I just had a conversation with a guy who is self-employed. He pays $2800 a month for family of five. Wholly shit. That's near 70% my take home. I suspect he's wealthy and picking up the tab, so to speak.

I have benefits through my employer.

My costs have gone up by 60% in the last two years and will be going up again.

I called HR to find out what the hell was going on and they advised me that the price hikes were due to the ACA.

The ACA is way more expensive than the Dem idiots who passed it thought it would be. Of course they don't give a shit because we, the taxpayer, are paying their costs.
I pay the IRS fine for not having insurance for me and my family, i've never have had insurance in my life I've always paid out-of-pocket. Insurance to me if it's mandatory is nothing more than legalized extortion. Something I will never use…

Your tough and lucky. God forbid you don't run into a major health problem.
When I just joined this board I had the same argument with fellow member Bear.
About 5 or so of my employees choice to work as per diem no health insurance benefits. Around 2012 one of these employees had a heart attack while on vacation in Las Vegas.
Fast forward....... he sold his house, lost most of his savings to cover medical expenses then file bankruptcy. And it's now renting an apartment.
Think about that.
:lmao:No thanks, I will never buy into legalized extortion.
Even if I was interested in purchasing Obama shit care... The deductible/premium would be so fucking high I would have to be a blithering idiot to buy into it. Progressives can take the Obamacare and keep it to themselves… I don't want nothing to do with it.:itsok:
Oh, and I heard a business leader this morning say if they lose health care, they will apply for workmen's comp and that will cost him a lot more. His suggestion was that everyone have 3 or 4% of their income go to healthcare. Everyone, no exceptions.
Except ocare eats lots more than that for many......
No, the costs are merely moved. With people going to a regular doctor, they catch illness before it becomes catastrophic. Every single Obamacare policy is also part of a "wellness program" that monitors a patients health. They try to work with the patient to live a healthier life style and part of that is regular checkups and free mammograms and colonoscopies. The bottom line is "stay away from the emergency room" because that just eats us the bucks.

A lot of the fault is the news media not educating people. And politics for trying to keep people stupid for their own political agenda.
I'm real lucky, mine is approx.$80 a month for PPO. Covers nothing short of $1800, less a few check-ups and teeth cleanings for free. Dental up to $1,000 and no glasses. The "company" kicks in the rest of the premium. Most years the plan contributes to an account, say $900. With accumulation that would cover my max out of pocket and more, because I tend to avoid visits. It has been affected by Obamacare (documented), such as 70/30 Vs what was 80/20...............On another note, I just had a conversation with a guy who is self-employed. He pays $2800 a month for family of five. Wholly shit. That's near 70% my take home. I suspect he's wealthy and picking up the tab, so to speak.

I have benefits through my employer.

My costs have gone up by 60% in the last two years and will be going up again.

I called HR to find out what the hell was going on and they advised me that the price hikes were due to the ACA.

The ACA is way more expensive than the Dem idiots who passed it thought it would be. Of course they don't give a shit because we, the taxpayer, are paying their costs.
Either I don't believe you or it's the state you live in or they lied to you.

First, under George W. Bush, health care costs skyrocketed. Medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

Second, Republican governors worked to keep the government from helping support the ACA.

Third, before I retired, the company I worked at had a 10% reduction in health care costs and it's a big company with over two billion in revenue. A company that's all over the world. They used Aetna. And they told us the reduction was due to the ACA.
I pay the IRS fine for not having insurance for me and my family, i've never have had insurance in my life I've always paid out-of-pocket. Insurance to me if it's mandatory is nothing more than legalized extortion. Something I will never use…

Your tough and lucky. God forbid you don't run into a major health problem.
When I just joined this board I had the same argument with fellow member Bear.
About 5 or so of my employees choice to work as per diem no health insurance benefits. Around 2012 one of these employees had a heart attack while on vacation in Las Vegas.
Fast forward....... he sold his house, lost most of his savings to cover medical expenses then file bankruptcy. And it's now renting an apartment.
Think about that.
:lmao:No thanks, I will never buy into legalized extortion.
Even if I was interested in purchasing Obama shit care... The deductible/premium would be so fucking high I would have to be a blithering idiot to buy into it. Progressives can take the Obamacare and keep it to themselves… I don't want nothing to do with it.:itsok:
So what do you use?
I'm real lucky, mine is approx.$80 a month for PPO. Covers nothing short of $1800, less a few check-ups and teeth cleanings for free. Dental up to $1,000 and no glasses. The "company" kicks in the rest of the premium. Most years the plan contributes to an account, say $900. With accumulation that would cover my max out of pocket and more, because I tend to avoid visits. It has been affected by Obamacare (documented), such as 70/30 Vs what was 80/20...............On another note, I just had a conversation with a guy who is self-employed. He pays $2800 a month for family of five. Wholly shit. That's near 70% my take home. I suspect he's wealthy and picking up the tab, so to speak.

I have benefits through my employer.

My costs have gone up by 60% in the last two years and will be going up again.

I called HR to find out what the hell was going on and they advised me that the price hikes were due to the ACA.

The ACA is way more expensive than the Dem idiots who passed it thought it would be. Of course they don't give a shit because we, the taxpayer, are paying their costs.
Either I don't believe you or it's the state you live in or they lied to you.

First, under George W. Bush, health care costs skyrocketed. Medical bills became the number one cause of bankruptcy.

Second, Republican governors worked to keep the government from helping support the ACA.

Third, before I retired, the company I worked at had a 10% reduction in health care costs and it's a big company with over two billion in revenue. A company that's all over the world. They used Aetna. And they told us the reduction was due to the ACA.

If you say so. LOL
I pay the IRS fine for not having insurance for me and my family, i've never have had insurance in my life I've always paid out-of-pocket. Insurance to me if it's mandatory is nothing more than legalized extortion. Something I will never use…

Your tough and lucky. God forbid you don't run into a major health problem.
When I just joined this board I had the same argument with fellow member Bear.
About 5 or so of my employees choice to work as per diem no health insurance benefits. Around 2012 one of these employees had a heart attack while on vacation in Las Vegas.
Fast forward....... he sold his house, lost most of his savings to cover medical expenses then file bankruptcy. And it's now renting an apartment.
Think about that.
:lmao:No thanks, I will never buy into legalized extortion.
Even if I was interested in purchasing Obama shit care... The deductible/premium would be so fucking high I would have to be a blithering idiot to buy into it. Progressives can take the Obamacare and keep it to themselves… I don't want nothing to do with it.:itsok:
So what do you use?
What do you mean?
I have been self-employed for over 20 years I pay for my own shit, I don't expect anyone else to pay for my shit.
Through the hubby's work, for a 60/40 company contributing $700 to an account for some of the deductible/out of pocket, can carry over and build up the account it's $300 a month for two people, for a 70/30 it's $550 a month for the 2 of us.... I think his company pays nearly 70% of Matt's premium, but as his wife, they pay nothing for my contribution.

Going to the exchange for Blue Cross/ Blue Shield individual plan for me alone, IF healthcare insurance was not available through his work is $1150 a month. 1 person....70/30 $2000 deductible, $6000 a year out of pocket before insurance kicks in paying 100%

Group Rate insurance through an employer is much cheaper than Individual Insurance policies....

My State stinks, there has never been competition here among insurers before the ACA....90% of those covered were with just 2 insurance companies....a duopoly....

it's still messed up, no one really wants to offer insurance here in Maine....

This lack of competition and I suppose the logistics of people being so spread out, makes insurance so so so expensive!!!

Wow, $1150 a month for one person. Which plan was that?
BC/BS 70/30....The lowest cost silver level, I believe?

But even before Ocare became law, it was very expensive....when the hubby and I moved here 10 years ago, we were paying nearly $700 a month for his COBRA, so we priced a BC/BS individual policy to see if we could find coverage for less money, neither of us had jobs yet and $700 a month was a lot! BC/BS Anthem, for the 2 of us, was $2500 a month, $1250 per person with $2500 each total out of was an 80/20 though and it was 10 years ago, so we were 10 years younger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, we passed and kept paying COBRA till he got a job.
I retired early so I can't get Medicare yet. So I had Cobra for awhile. Over $750 a month. I signed up for the ACA and started on Jan 1st. and my payments dropped to around $500 a month. But that's because of how much I made last year. This year, it will probably drop further since I have so much less coming in.
I pay the IRS fine for not having insurance for me and my family, i've never have had insurance in my life I've always paid out-of-pocket. Insurance to me if it's mandatory is nothing more than legalized extortion. Something I will never use…

Your tough and lucky. God forbid you don't run into a major health problem.
When I just joined this board I had the same argument with fellow member Bear.
About 5 or so of my employees choice to work as per diem no health insurance benefits. Around 2012 one of these employees had a heart attack while on vacation in Las Vegas.
Fast forward....... he sold his house, lost most of his savings to cover medical expenses then file bankruptcy. And it's now renting an apartment.
Think about that.
:lmao:No thanks, I will never buy into legalized extortion.
Even if I was interested in purchasing Obama shit care... The deductible/premium would be so fucking high I would have to be a blithering idiot to buy into it. Progressives can take the Obamacare and keep it to themselves… I don't want nothing to do with it.:itsok:
So what do you use?
What do you mean?
I have been self-employed for over 20 years I pay for my own shit, I don't expect anyone else to pay for my shit.
Clearly you don't understand the concept of insurance. Do you pay for car insurance and housing insurance? If you don't, you've been lucky. So far. It won't last.
I pay the IRS fine for not having insurance for me and my family, i've never have had insurance in my life I've always paid out-of-pocket. Insurance to me if it's mandatory is nothing more than legalized extortion. Something I will never use…

Your tough and lucky. God forbid you don't run into a major health problem.
When I just joined this board I had the same argument with fellow member Bear.
About 5 or so of my employees choice to work as per diem no health insurance benefits. Around 2012 one of these employees had a heart attack while on vacation in Las Vegas.
Fast forward....... he sold his house, lost most of his savings to cover medical expenses then file bankruptcy. And it's now renting an apartment.
Think about that.
:lmao:No thanks, I will never buy into legalized extortion.
Even if I was interested in purchasing Obama shit care... The deductible/premium would be so fucking high I would have to be a blithering idiot to buy into it. Progressives can take the Obamacare and keep it to themselves… I don't want nothing to do with it.:itsok:
So what do you use?
What do you mean?
I have been self-employed for over 20 years I pay for my own shit, I don't expect anyone else to pay for my shit.
Clearly you don't understand the concept of insurance. Do you pay for car insurance and housing insurance? If you don't, you've been lucky. So far. It won't last.
First of all I pay for everything with cash I don't have checks/credit cards/debit cards, second I have been debt-free for over 20 years I mean zero debt. Mandatory insurance is absolutely legalized extortion. I don't like the concept of insurance whatsoever, paying into a pool? It's a recipe for deadbeats to take advantage of… No doubt.
My hope is never been in the fucking federal government... :lmao:
I pay the IRS fine for not having insurance for me and my family, i've never have had insurance in my life I've always paid out-of-pocket. Insurance to me if it's mandatory is nothing more than legalized extortion. Something I will never use…

Your tough and lucky. God forbid you don't run into a major health problem.
When I just joined this board I had the same argument with fellow member Bear.
About 5 or so of my employees choice to work as per diem no health insurance benefits. Around 2012 one of these employees had a heart attack while on vacation in Las Vegas.
Fast forward....... he sold his house, lost most of his savings to cover medical expenses then file bankruptcy. And it's now renting an apartment.
Think about that.
:lmao:No thanks, I will never buy into legalized extortion.
Even if I was interested in purchasing Obama shit care... The deductible/premium would be so fucking high I would have to be a blithering idiot to buy into it. Progressives can take the Obamacare and keep it to themselves… I don't want nothing to do with it.:itsok:

You don't have to buy Obamacare to protect yourself. You probably don't have car insurance either.
People are getting sicker not getting healthier.
I pay the IRS fine for not having insurance for me and my family, i've never have had insurance in my life I've always paid out-of-pocket. Insurance to me if it's mandatory is nothing more than legalized extortion. Something I will never use…

Your tough and lucky. God forbid you don't run into a major health problem.
When I just joined this board I had the same argument with fellow member Bear.
About 5 or so of my employees choice to work as per diem no health insurance benefits. Around 2012 one of these employees had a heart attack while on vacation in Las Vegas.
Fast forward....... he sold his house, lost most of his savings to cover medical expenses then file bankruptcy. And it's now renting an apartment.
Think about that.
:lmao:No thanks, I will never buy into legalized extortion.
Even if I was interested in purchasing Obama shit care... The deductible/premium would be so fucking high I would have to be a blithering idiot to buy into it. Progressives can take the Obamacare and keep it to themselves… I don't want nothing to do with it.:itsok:
So what do you use?
What do you mean?
I have been self-employed for over 20 years I pay for my own shit, I don't expect anyone else to pay for my shit.

You better pray you don't suffer any major illnesses.
I consider myself very healthy exercise almost daily, eat proper diet, no donut,no bagel, rare any soda, rare process meat, lots of vegetables, check my B/P regularly, * BLOOD TEST EVERY OTHER MONTH WITH MULTIPLE PANELS WITH EXCELLENT RESULTS * and I can afford without insurance either but I still have United Health Care Insurance.

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