Obamacare rage: one family of 4 in Virginia is faced with pay 3,000 a month for health insurance

Thank the GOP for owning ACA and refusing to get it right.
Not one Republican voted for it. Democrats own this failure 100%.

Yet they did everything to destroy it since inception. the GOP own its failure.

Hold on there Penislope, is BOcare a great thing owned my the Dems, or a colossal failure under the GOP? So far you have called it the best thing to ever happen in the US, and now you are saying it is a failure on the plate of the GOP. Or did it change from post #12 from a success to a failure in post 16? Hard to keep up with liberal logic, especially female liberal logic, that is the most mysterious thing of all.
Quite on the contrary. Were the Dems in control, they would be trying to change the ACA to make it work better for all. But the GOP has tried since it's inception to destroy it by putting hurdles in the way, and killing as much funding for it as they could. The GOP owns the shortcomings of the ACA in toto, and the Dems own the part that is allowing millions of people that could not previously have health care insurance have the insurance. And now those people are realizing just how much they would lose if the GOP gets it's way.
I agree they own it by the fact they have the power to repeal and replace it, but they didn’t destroy it. It was faulty by design and is collapsing because the creators made it faulty. It is horrible legislation created by Dems and allowed to continue by Repubs, straight and simple, those are the facts.

The power of the tongue is what destroyed the ACA, the threats since its inception. GOP could not even repeal and replace, they are so stupid and support the elites.
Had Obama had enough democrats with fuckin balls to rally for ACA and defend it and not allow the GOP to define it, ACA would have been a plus for democrats to run on.... instead they allowed the GOP to run every single election year on false claims and win time and time again. Just another reason why I loathe democrats.
Obama care was ran through both houses as fast as they could. Democrats own this 100%. Pelosi we have to pass it, to find out what is in it.
Obamacare took almost 15 months. The GOP refused to co-operate. And now, since the GOP cannot replace and will not repeal, it owns TrumpCare.

Keep spinning FAKEY. The Dems OWN Obabblecare.

Say, where is our $2,500 per family savings? We're waaaaaiiiiitttttttinnnnnggggg.
Only in your silly minds, boedicca and otto.

We said we WOULD repeal and replace and make it better.

We have not.

We own it.
Hold on there Penislope, is BOcare a great thing owned my the Dems, or a colossal failure under the GOP? So far you have called it the best thing to ever happen in the US, and now you are saying it is a failure on the plate of the GOP. Or did it change from post #12 from a success to a failure in post 16? Hard to keep up with liberal logic, especially female liberal logic, that is the most mysterious thing of all.

The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.
What has the gop done to it?
What has the GOP done???? For 8 years through sheer lies, they've vilified ACA, lied about its effects and ran relentlessly on repealing it for something better......8 years of this shit. All the while, they themselves were benefiting from being able to chose thier own healthcare plans through the very exchanges denied tax payers. They've threatened to defund it, to dismantle the mandate....what have they done? Need you ask
Everything that was predicted came true. So telling the truth about Obama care did it in?
I wish people like you weren't so afraid of facts, the truth....ACA was and still is a success....the people that complain about it, had governors that opted out of the program or failed to implement it and take advantage of gov. help, that is fact...google it, do the fuckin homework. What fuckin planet have you lived on the last 30 years where health premiums did not increase annually, that deductibles did not increase? Truth be told, the industry got overwhelmed with so many unhealthy people that their profits decreased; they began pulling out....okay, so the cost once again, you moron is laid at our feet, you and I who pay taxes....when the emergency rooms across the country once again become primary care faclities for those without insurance, just sit back fool and get the fuck over it!!
So more Americans got sick when they had Obama care? Obama care was designed to fail from the start. Thank God Hillary didn't win. Because we would be heading to single payer.
The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.
What has the gop done to it?
What has the GOP done???? For 8 years through sheer lies, they've vilified ACA, lied about its effects and ran relentlessly on repealing it for something better......8 years of this shit. All the while, they themselves were benefiting from being able to chose thier own healthcare plans through the very exchanges denied tax payers. They've threatened to defund it, to dismantle the mandate....what have they done? Need you ask
Everything that was predicted came true. So telling the truth about Obama care did it in?
I wish people like you weren't so afraid of facts, the truth....ACA was and still is a success....the people that complain about it, had governors that opted out of the program or failed to implement it and take advantage of gov. help, that is fact...google it, do the fuckin homework. What fuckin planet have you lived on the last 30 years where health premiums did not increase annually, that deductibles did not increase? Truth be told, the industry got overwhelmed with so many unhealthy people that their profits decreased; they began pulling out....okay, so the cost once again, you moron is laid at our feet, you and I who pay taxes....when the emergency rooms across the country once again become primary care faclities for those without insurance, just sit back fool and get the fuck over it!!
So more Americans got sick when they had Obama care? Obama care was designed to fail from the start. Thank God Hillary didn't win. Because we would be heading to single payer.

the affordable care act was not designed to fail and worked well where gop trash didn't purposely obstruct it.

donald said he'd destroy the ACA by screwing with it. congrats. you ijits own it, baby.
I agree they own it by the fact they have the power to repeal and replace it, but they didn’t destroy it. It was faulty by design and is collapsing because the creators made it faulty. It is horrible legislation created by Dems and allowed to continue by Repubs, straight and simple, those are the facts.

The power of the tongue is what destroyed the ACA, the threats since its inception. GOP could not even repeal and replace, they are so stupid and support the elites.
Had Obama had enough democrats with fuckin balls to rally for ACA and defend it and not allow the GOP to define it, ACA would have been a plus for democrats to run on.... instead they allowed the GOP to run every single election year on false claims and win time and time again. Just another reason why I loathe democrats.
Obama care was ran through both houses as fast as they could. Democrats own this 100%. Pelosi we have to pass it, to find out what is in it.
Obamacare took almost 15 months. The GOP refused to co-operate. And now, since the GOP cannot replace and will not repeal, it owns TrumpCare.

Keep spinning FAKEY. The Dems OWN Obabblecare.

Say, where is our $2,500 per family savings? We're waaaaaiiiiitttttttinnnnnggggg.
Fakey jakey can't answer that, he would have to admit, Obama lied to him.
Thank the GOP for owning ACA and refusing to get it right.
Not one Republican voted for it. Democrats own this failure 100%.

Yet they did everything to destroy it since inception. the GOP own its failure.

Hold on there Penislope, is BOcare a great thing owned my the Dems, or a colossal failure under the GOP? So far you have called it the best thing to ever happen in the US, and now you are saying it is a failure on the plate of the GOP. Or did it change from post #12 from a success to a failure in post 16? Hard to keep up with liberal logic, especially female liberal logic, that is the most mysterious thing of all.
Quite on the contrary. Were the Dems in control, they would be trying to change the ACA to make it work better for all. But the GOP has tried since it's inception to destroy it by putting hurdles in the way, and killing as much funding for it as they could. The GOP owns the shortcomings of the ACA in toto, and the Dems own the part that is allowing millions of people that could not previously have health care insurance have the insurance. And now those people are realizing just how much they would lose if the GOP gets it's way.
Dems on this failure 100%
What has the gop done to it?
What has the GOP done???? For 8 years through sheer lies, they've vilified ACA, lied about its effects and ran relentlessly on repealing it for something better......8 years of this shit. All the while, they themselves were benefiting from being able to chose thier own healthcare plans through the very exchanges denied tax payers. They've threatened to defund it, to dismantle the mandate....what have they done? Need you ask
Everything that was predicted came true. So telling the truth about Obama care did it in?
I wish people like you weren't so afraid of facts, the truth....ACA was and still is a success....the people that complain about it, had governors that opted out of the program or failed to implement it and take advantage of gov. help, that is fact...google it, do the fuckin homework. What fuckin planet have you lived on the last 30 years where health premiums did not increase annually, that deductibles did not increase? Truth be told, the industry got overwhelmed with so many unhealthy people that their profits decreased; they began pulling out....okay, so the cost once again, you moron is laid at our feet, you and I who pay taxes....when the emergency rooms across the country once again become primary care faclities for those without insurance, just sit back fool and get the fuck over it!!
So more Americans got sick when they had Obama care? Obama care was designed to fail from the start. Thank God Hillary didn't win. Because we would be heading to single payer.

the affordable care act was not designed to fail and worked well where gop trash didn't purposely obstruct it.

donald said he'd destroy the ACA by screwing with it. congrats. you ijits own it, baby.
Yeah right, people's insurance went up and the deductibles were set at 7000 dollars. Yeah people got insurance, but couldn't afford to use it.
What has the gop done to it?
What has the GOP done???? For 8 years through sheer lies, they've vilified ACA, lied about its effects and ran relentlessly on repealing it for something better......8 years of this shit. All the while, they themselves were benefiting from being able to chose thier own healthcare plans through the very exchanges denied tax payers. They've threatened to defund it, to dismantle the mandate....what have they done? Need you ask
Everything that was predicted came true. So telling the truth about Obama care did it in?
I wish people like you weren't so afraid of facts, the truth....ACA was and still is a success....the people that complain about it, had governors that opted out of the program or failed to implement it and take advantage of gov. help, that is fact...google it, do the fuckin homework. What fuckin planet have you lived on the last 30 years where health premiums did not increase annually, that deductibles did not increase? Truth be told, the industry got overwhelmed with so many unhealthy people that their profits decreased; they began pulling out....okay, so the cost once again, you moron is laid at our feet, you and I who pay taxes....when the emergency rooms across the country once again become primary care faclities for those without insurance, just sit back fool and get the fuck over it!!
So more Americans got sick when they had Obama care? Obama care was designed to fail from the start. Thank God Hillary didn't win. Because we would be heading to single payer.

the affordable care act was not designed to fail and worked well where gop trash didn't purposely obstruct it.

donald said he'd destroy the ACA by screwing with it. congrats. you ijits own it, baby.
Nothing has been done and it's failing. With premiums up to $30.000 a year.
As I have since 2009, and several years before that, I will once again crack 100K this year. Millwright in a steel mill. Paid $160 a month in addition to what my employer paid for the insurance With the ACA, went to a higher deduct system, higher co-pay and the company paid the total cost of the insurance. But have only used the deduct once, so made a bundle off the change in the last 6 years or so.
wow, look at all your greed on full display. More than 100k a year and whines if he has to pay for his fair share.
Dumb ass, 100K is on the low end of the upper middle class. And I was pointing out that for some of us, the ACA actually worked in our favor, even though we do not use any of the subsidies. The reduced cost for the company I work for, because they went to the higher deduct system, allowed them to pay the total cost of the insurance. So that was a savings of $160 a month. And, being lucky in health, I have only had to pay a bit more in co-pays, and one $750 deduct on surgery since the ACA went into effect.

it went up to $3000 a month for his family because Trump killed the cost sharing subsidies for the poorest, so to cover the cost sharing reduction provisions for the poorest, ALL POLICIES on the exchange had to go up 40% for all other policies on the exchange without CSR provisions.... our govt is now having to pay those higher premiums for everyone else. and it ended up costing our govt more than if they had just continued paying the extra money to cover the poorest!

customer prices on the exchange who get just premium subsidies do NOT pay these increased prices, the gvt pays it for them....

the people hurt are the ones who are richer and do not qualify for a subsidy


president trump
People who weren't bullshited to by the assholes MSM knew this would happen we also told you stupid fks what Obamacare was going to do and the proof is in these headlines last year, etc.

View attachment 161414

Simple question for you trumpturd, was healthcare spending increasing at a higher rate per year before the PPACA or after it?

Hint, there is only one correct answer.
Socialism, when it comes to healthcare, is the only option

And it works in every first world developed country on earth and it cost less. Why the hell not go the single payer. Oh'yesss, the right believes the rich should be able to feast on the poors guts.

Selling medical treatment to the highest bidder
Yet they did everything to destroy it since inception. the GOP own its failure.

Hold on there Penislope, is BOcare a great thing owned my the Dems, or a colossal failure under the GOP? So far you have called it the best thing to ever happen in the US, and now you are saying it is a failure on the plate of the GOP. Or did it change from post #12 from a success to a failure in post 16? Hard to keep up with liberal logic, especially female liberal logic, that is the most mysterious thing of all.

The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.

I agree they own it by the fact they have the power to repeal and replace it, but they didn’t destroy it. It was faulty by design and is collapsing because the creators made it faulty. It is horrible legislation created by Dems and allowed to continue by Repubs, straight and simple, those are the facts.

The power of the tongue is what destroyed the ACA, the threats since its inception. GOP could not even repeal and replace, they are so stupid and support the elites.
Had Obama had enough democrats with fuckin balls to rally for ACA and defend it and not allow the GOP to define it, ACA would have been a plus for democrats to run on.... instead they allowed the GOP to run every single election year on false claims and win time and time again. Just another reason why I loathe democrats.
Dammit, wrong attitude! Join one of the political parties, and jump in with both feet in an attempt to change the parties direction, and the people running the party. Start with a legislative repeal of the Citizens United law that makes corporations individuals, and gives them the right of unlimited funding of political people.
The second our party said it would Repeal and Replace, we have owned it.

Now our party is deliberately hurting millions and millions of Americans by refusing to fund it adequately or by competently replacing it.

Noi points.

Misuse of term "our" by an ultra-liberal Democrat.
The GOP promised to Repeal and Replace.

Right, jknowgood? :)
Yes, they did they won't do anything to make Trump look good. They will pay next year. But that doesn't give them ownership of Obama care. Obama care is failing because it was designed to. I wish Trump would've took congresses subsidies away, then they would fix obama care.
Yes, they did they won't do anything to make Trump look good. They will pay next year. But that doesn't give them ownership of Obama care. Obama care is failing because it was designed to. I wish Trump would've took congresses subsidies away, then they would fix obama care.
Yes, the GOP will pay for no Repeal and Replace of the TrumpCare they inherited from Obama.

Right, jknowgood?
Yes, they did they won't do anything to make Trump look good. They will pay next year. But that doesn't give them ownership of Obama care. Obama care is failing because it was designed to. I wish Trump would've took congresses subsidies away, then they would fix obama care.
Yes, the GOP will pay for no Repeal and Replace of the TrumpCare they inherited from Obama.

Right, jknowgood?
If nothing is done to it, and when it fails. The democrats own it.
The power of the tongue is what destroyed the ACA, the threats since its inception. GOP could not even repeal and replace, they are so stupid and support the elites.
Had Obama had enough democrats with fuckin balls to rally for ACA and defend it and not allow the GOP to define it, ACA would have been a plus for democrats to run on.... instead they allowed the GOP to run every single election year on false claims and win time and time again. Just another reason why I loathe democrats.
Obama care was ran through both houses as fast as they could. Democrats own this 100%. Pelosi we have to pass it, to find out what is in it.
Obamacare took almost 15 months. The GOP refused to co-operate. And now, since the GOP cannot replace and will not repeal, it owns TrumpCare.

Keep spinning FAKEY. The Dems OWN Obabblecare.

Say, where is our $2,500 per family savings? We're waaaaaiiiiitttttttinnnnnggggg.
Only in your silly minds, boedicca and otto.

We said we WOULD repeal and replace and make it better.

We have not.

We own it.

There is no "we" here, kemo-sabe.

Obabblecare is working as designed. The Big Reason why the Dems were so desperate to jam it through is that once an entitlement is started, no matter how toxic, it's nearly politically unfeasible to unwind.

So, let's watch it collapse financially under its own weight, and undo the illegal regulations and executive actions that Obama put in place. IOW, neuter it so that it's politically viable to repeal.
The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.
What has the gop done to it?
What has the GOP done???? For 8 years through sheer lies, they've vilified ACA, lied about its effects and ran relentlessly on repealing it for something better......8 years of this shit. All the while, they themselves were benefiting from being able to chose thier own healthcare plans through the very exchanges denied tax payers. They've threatened to defund it, to dismantle the mandate....what have they done? Need you ask
Everything that was predicted came true. So telling the truth about Obama care did it in?
I wish people like you weren't so afraid of facts, the truth....ACA was and still is a success....the people that complain about it, had governors that opted out of the program or failed to implement it and take advantage of gov. help, that is fact...google it, do the fuckin homework. What fuckin planet have you lived on the last 30 years where health premiums did not increase annually, that deductibles did not increase? Truth be told, the industry got overwhelmed with so many unhealthy people that their profits decreased; they began pulling out....okay, so the cost once again, you moron is laid at our feet, you and I who pay taxes....when the emergency rooms across the country once again become primary care faclities for those without insurance, just sit back fool and get the fuck over it!!
So more Americans got sick when they had Obama care? Obama care was designed to fail from the start. Thank God Hillary didn't win. Because we would be heading to single payer.
After the disaster of the treasonous fat senile old orange clown, I bet that by 2025, we have universal single payer.

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