Obamacare rage: one family of 4 in Virginia is faced with pay 3,000 a month for health insurance

Not one Republican voted for it. Democrats own this failure 100%.
DoTard Trump took ownership on Oct 12, 2017 with HIS EO.

Donald Trump’s Terrible Executive Order on Health Care

President Donald Trump is now trying to break the health-care system all by himself, although he has more help than he might acknowledge. On Thursday, Trump launched an assault on Obamacare from two angles. First, the White House staged a signing ceremony for an executive order designed to push people into what are known, accurately, as “junk” insurance plans—the kind, common before the passage of the Affordable Care Act, that never seem to cover people when they are actually sick and that extort and abandon those with preëxisting conditions. Trump, in his remarks at the ceremony, referred to this choice as “fleeing the failing Obamacare plans.” And then, a few hours later, he did more to make Obamacare fail, by saying that he would withhold the cost-sharing subsidies that the government currently pays insurance companies in order to reduce deductibles and co-pays for many low-income people. Companies will undoubtedly respond by leaving the Obamacare exchanges, where such plans are now sold. Both moves had one thing in common: they recklessly target vulnerable Americans. But in doing so, they will, as with so many of Trump’s moves, increase risks for everyone.
Until Republicans provide us something better, they are on the hook for Obamacare
Could you afford to pay $3000 a month for health insurance? Previously, Ian Dixon had been paying $900 a month for health insurance for his family of four, but thanks to changes in the Charlottesville insurance market, a similar plan will now cost him more than $3,000 a month.
That's TRUMPCARE for you!!!!!


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WASHINGTON, D.C. – Two lawsuits proceeding through the federal courts threaten to expose and disrupt a scheme the Obama administration concocted in 2012 to confiscate all the profits from Fannie Mae and Freddy Mac – the government’s two mortgage giants – with a plan to divert billions of dollars to pay essential Obamacare insurance subsidies that Congress had refused to fund.

On Jan. 30, 2017 a three-judge panel for of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the federal circuit ruled unanimously that 48 of the 56 documents were not privileged, but should be released to the plaintiffs.

Lawsuit: Obama Robbed Private Investors to Fund Obamacare
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ, wake me up when TRump tells the truth on anything!!
Thank the GOP for owning ACA and refusing to get it right.
Not one Republican voted for it. Democrats own this failure 100%.
The second our party said it would Repeal and Replace, we have owned it.

Now our party is deliberately hurting millions and millions of Americans by refusing to fund it adequately or by competently replacing it.
Lol, if Obama care was good you would be taking credit, but since it's a failure you try to blame the republicans. Nice try.
ACA is good and when you tired washed up piles of shit conservative ass ho's understand that the insurance industry is not your fuckin friend, you stupid bitches, than shit can get done in this country...stop whining about shit you don't understand!!

Ok, So the insurance industry is not our friend. Perhaps that has some truth to it, but I’d tie my future to an insurance company that I can hire and fire at will, and that competes for my business, long before I would tie my future to a government that doesn’t compete for my business, and can spend as much of my money as they want. Pick your poison.
TrumpCare has become an ever expanding economic failure.
Anybody who thinks a over indulgent, self centered, egotistical self proclaimed billionaire, who's charity when out of business from a lack of funding, is gonna look out for the little guy......need their fuckin heads ripped from the sockets and rolled down Wall Street, just for fun!! Thus far, every time that man has had to come out of his pockets, its taken a news article to make him write the check...remember the vets benefit he did? The father that waited on his check? His foundation? And yet we got white american trashies waiting on this loser to save them from ACA, taxes and life!!
Guess who is in office now? Bitch, it is the treasonous fat senile old orange clown that is creating this travesty. He sees it as a way to destroy the ACA that he could not do legislatively. But you will believe whatever shit that pathological liar feeds you. The ACA has been good for me. I pay nothing for my insurance at work now. Higher deducts, but, compared to what I have saved from the paycheck deduction, it has been a net plus for me of several thousand dollars.

Not to worry, when President Pence looses his first Presidential election in 2020, we will create a real universal single payer system and join the rest of the industrial world.

This is a democrat travesty. You assholes own it lock stock and barrel.
Thank the GOP for owning ACA and refusing to get it right.
Not one Republican voted for it. Democrats own this failure 100%.
The second our party said it would Repeal and Replace, we have owned it.

Now our party is deliberately hurting millions and millions of Americans by refusing to fund it adequately or by competently replacing it.
Lol, if Obama care was good you would be taking credit, but since it's a failure you try to blame the republicans. Nice try.
ACA is good and when you tired washed up piles of shit conservative ass ho's understand that the insurance industry is not your fuckin friend, you stupid bitches, than shit can get done in this country...stop whining about shit you don't understand!!

Ok, So the insurance industry is not our friend. Perhaps that has some truth to it, but I’d tie my future to an insurance company that I can hire and fire at will, and that competes for my business, long before I would tie my future to a government that doesn’t compete for my business, and can spend as much of my money as they want. Pick your poison.
Question....do tell what poison the government has bestowed upon you personally? I'd really like to know and if you can't answer the question, which you want, have a nice day
Thank the GOP for owning ACA and refusing to get it right.
Not one Republican voted for it. Democrats own this failure 100%.

Yet they did everything to destroy it since inception. the GOP own its failure.

Hold on there Penislope, is BOcare a great thing owned my the Dems, or a colossal failure under the GOP? So far you have called it the best thing to ever happen in the US, and now you are saying it is a failure on the plate of the GOP. Or did it change from post #12 from a success to a failure in post 16? Hard to keep up with liberal logic, especially female liberal logic, that is the most mysterious thing of all.

The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.

I agree they own it by the fact they have the power to repeal and replace it, but they didn’t destroy it. It was faulty by design and is collapsing because the creators made it faulty. It is horrible legislation created by Dems and allowed to continue by Repubs, straight and simple, those are the facts.
As I have since 2009, and several years before that, I will once again crack 100K this year. Millwright in a steel mill. Paid $160 a month in addition to what my employer paid for the insurance With the ACA, went to a higher deduct system, higher co-pay and the company paid the total cost of the insurance. But have only used the deduct once, so made a bundle off the change in the last 6 years or so.
wow, look at all your greed on full display. More than 100k a year and whines if he has to pay for his fair share.
Sassy has the first part and ignores the second part: the GOP said they would Repeal and Replace and make it better.

Guess what has not happened. The GOP owns Trump care lock and stock and barrel.
Not one Republican voted for it. Democrats own this failure 100%.
The second our party said it would Repeal and Replace, we have owned it.

Now our party is deliberately hurting millions and millions of Americans by refusing to fund it adequately or by competently replacing it.
Lol, if Obama care was good you would be taking credit, but since it's a failure you try to blame the republicans. Nice try.
ACA is good and when you tired washed up piles of shit conservative ass ho's understand that the insurance industry is not your fuckin friend, you stupid bitches, than shit can get done in this country...stop whining about shit you don't understand!!

Ok, So the insurance industry is not our friend. Perhaps that has some truth to it, but I’d tie my future to an insurance company that I can hire and fire at will, and that competes for my business, long before I would tie my future to a government that doesn’t compete for my business, and can spend as much of my money as they want. Pick your poison.
Question....do tell what poison the government has bestowed upon you personally? I'd really like to know and if you can't answer the question, which you want, have a nice day

The same poison they have bestowed on every American tax payer. They spend your money, and your kids money, and your grandkids money. They have made you and Me responsible for over $22 trillion dollars in debt. That is nearly $70,000 per person. How much debt has your insurance put on you?
U.S. National Debt Clock 2021 at Current Rates

U.S. National Debt Clock 2021 at Current Rates
People who weren't bullshited to by the assholes MSM knew this would happen we also told you stupid fks what Obamacare was going to do and the proof is in these headlines last year, etc.

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Yet the GOP does nothing to correct the situation..
they bitched about it for 6+ years and when they have a chance to show the world how it's done, crickets.

disappointing all around.
Guess who is in office now? Bitch, it is the treasonous fat senile old orange clown that is creating this travesty. He sees it as a way to destroy the ACA that he could not do legislatively. But you will believe whatever shit that pathological liar feeds you. The ACA has been good for me. I pay nothing for my insurance at work now. Higher deducts, but, compared to what I have saved from the paycheck deduction, it has been a net plus for me of several thousand dollars.

Not to worry, when President Pence looses his first Presidential election in 2020, we will create a real universal single payer system and join the rest of the industrial world.

This is a democrat travesty. You assholes own it lock stock and barrel.

We don't run the government....you guys do

Now, id you want to turn over managing the nations healthcare to democrats....you have a point
$3000 a month with a high deductible

Shows why we need to move to universal healthcare
As I have since 2009, and several years before that, I will once again crack 100K this year. Millwright in a steel mill. Paid $160 a month in addition to what my employer paid for the insurance With the ACA, went to a higher deduct system, higher co-pay and the company paid the total cost of the insurance. But have only used the deduct once, so made a bundle off the change in the last 6 years or so.
wow, look at all your greed on full display. More than 100k a year and whines if he has to pay for his fair share.
Here, here and yet they want to destroy those making less that 30 grand or less a year......
$3000 a month with a high deductible

Shows why we need to move to universal healthcare
The best idea I've heard is this....move those of us, myself included over the age of 50 to medicare, which is costing the most....and allow those 50 and under to benefit from the health industry.
Thank the GOP for owning ACA and refusing to get it right.
Not one Republican voted for it. Democrats own this failure 100%.

Yet they did everything to destroy it since inception. the GOP own its failure.

Hold on there Penislope, is BOcare a great thing owned my the Dems, or a colossal failure under the GOP? So far you have called it the best thing to ever happen in the US, and now you are saying it is a failure on the plate of the GOP. Or did it change from post #12 from a success to a failure in post 16? Hard to keep up with liberal logic, especially female liberal logic, that is the most mysterious thing of all.

The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.

I agree they own it by the fact they have the power to repeal and replace it, but they didn’t destroy it. It was faulty by design and is collapsing because the creators made it faulty. It is horrible legislation created by Dems and allowed to continue by Repubs, straight and simple, those are the facts.

The power of the tongue is what destroyed the ACA, the threats since its inception. GOP could not even repeal and replace, they are so stupid and support the elites.
Thank the GOP for owning ACA and refusing to get it right.
Not one Republican voted for it. Democrats own this failure 100%.

Yet they did everything to destroy it since inception. the GOP own its failure.

Hold on there Penislope, is BOcare a great thing owned my the Dems, or a colossal failure under the GOP? So far you have called it the best thing to ever happen in the US, and now you are saying it is a failure on the plate of the GOP. Or did it change from post #12 from a success to a failure in post 16? Hard to keep up with liberal logic, especially female liberal logic, that is the most mysterious thing of all.

The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.
What has the gop done to it?

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