Obamacare rage: one family of 4 in Virginia is faced with pay 3,000 a month for health insurance

Not one Republican voted for it. Democrats own this failure 100%.

Yet they did everything to destroy it since inception. the GOP own its failure.

Hold on there Penislope, is BOcare a great thing owned my the Dems, or a colossal failure under the GOP? So far you have called it the best thing to ever happen in the US, and now you are saying it is a failure on the plate of the GOP. Or did it change from post #12 from a success to a failure in post 16? Hard to keep up with liberal logic, especially female liberal logic, that is the most mysterious thing of all.

The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.

I agree they own it by the fact they have the power to repeal and replace it, but they didn’t destroy it. It was faulty by design and is collapsing because the creators made it faulty. It is horrible legislation created by Dems and allowed to continue by Repubs, straight and simple, those are the facts.

The power of the tongue is what destroyed the ACA, the threats since its inception. GOP could not even repeal and replace, they are so stupid and support the elites.
Had Obama had enough democrats with fuckin balls to rally for ACA and defend it and not allow the GOP to define it, ACA would have been a plus for democrats to run on.... instead they allowed the GOP to run every single election year on false claims and win time and time again. Just another reason why I loathe democrats.
The second our party said it would Repeal and Replace, we have owned it.

Now our party is deliberately hurting millions and millions of Americans by refusing to fund it adequately or by competently replacing it.
Lol, if Obama care was good you would be taking credit, but since it's a failure you try to blame the republicans. Nice try.
ACA is good and when you tired washed up piles of shit conservative ass ho's understand that the insurance industry is not your fuckin friend, you stupid bitches, than shit can get done in this country...stop whining about shit you don't understand!!

Ok, So the insurance industry is not our friend. Perhaps that has some truth to it, but I’d tie my future to an insurance company that I can hire and fire at will, and that competes for my business, long before I would tie my future to a government that doesn’t compete for my business, and can spend as much of my money as they want. Pick your poison.
Question....do tell what poison the government has bestowed upon you personally? I'd really like to know and if you can't answer the question, which you want, have a nice day

The same poison they have bestowed on every American tax payer. They spend your money, and your kids money, and your grandkids money. They have made you and Me responsible for over $22 trillion dollars in debt. That is nearly $70,000 per person. How much debt has your insurance put on you?
U.S. National Debt Clock 2021 at Current Rates

U.S. National Debt Clock 2021 at Current Rates
Last I heard under Obama, the debt actually was going down...and lets get something clear, wars cost money...to date with no end in sight, you, me your so called grand kids...have wasted 3 trillion dollars and counting on a fuckin war that has yielded nothing.....According to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report published in October 2007, the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost taxpayers a total of $2.4 trillion by 2017 when counting the huge interest costs because combat is being financed with borrowed money.
And lets also remember this so called tax relief the GOP are proposing is gonna cost your so call grand kids and addtional trillion dollars worth of debt.....ACA is costly, yes, however, its effect and purpose has been undermined by GOP governors all across this country and the increasing cost are a result of that. And just for the record moron, America's debt is just what it is, it cost money to run a country and its huge existance will never cease.
Obamacare Rage: One Family Of 4 In Virginia Is Faced With Paying $3,000 A Month For Health Insurance

Could you afford to pay $3000 a month for health insurance? Previously, Ian Dixon had been paying $900 a month for health insurance for his family of four, but thanks to changes in the Charlottesville insurance market, a similar plan will now cost him more than $3,000 a month. When I first came across this story on Zero Hedge, I have to admit that I got angry. I was angry at the Democrats for destroying our healthcare system in the first place, and I was angry at Republicans for failing to repeal Obamacare even though they have had almost a full year to do so. Obamacare is financially destroying hard working families all over the nation, and Congress must take action immediately.


Oh and we still have people who want to lick this bastards ass for him, You idiot were told over and over this SOB would cause your insurance cost to sky rocket....................Bam!!

WE TOLD YOU THIS FOR YEARS dumbasses take note of the " YEAR"

View attachment 161415
That 1 in 4 Virginians or the few people who live in a particular county and don't get care through their employers and rely on the subsidy that Trump has cut?

Across the country Obama care has generally been a success. Judging the whole program by where it does worst is a kind of lie.
Not one Republican voted for it. Democrats own this failure 100%.

Yet they did everything to destroy it since inception. the GOP own its failure.

Hold on there Penislope, is BOcare a great thing owned my the Dems, or a colossal failure under the GOP? So far you have called it the best thing to ever happen in the US, and now you are saying it is a failure on the plate of the GOP. Or did it change from post #12 from a success to a failure in post 16? Hard to keep up with liberal logic, especially female liberal logic, that is the most mysterious thing of all.

The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.

What legislation have they passed into law that destroyed it?

Republicans control the funding and are responsible for executing the Obamacare program
They have cut back on both

Are you talking about eliminating the illegal subsidies?
Obamacare Rage: One Family Of 4 In Virginia Is Faced With Paying $3,000 A Month For Health Insurance

Could you afford to pay $3000 a month for health insurance? Previously, Ian Dixon had been paying $900 a month for health insurance for his family of four, but thanks to changes in the Charlottesville insurance market, a similar plan will now cost him more than $3,000 a month. When I first came across this story on Zero Hedge, I have to admit that I got angry. I was angry at the Democrats for destroying our healthcare system in the first place, and I was angry at Republicans for failing to repeal Obamacare even though they have had almost a full year to do so. Obamacare is financially destroying hard working families all over the nation, and Congress must take action immediately.


Oh and we still have people who want to lick this bastards ass for him, You idiot were told over and over this SOB would cause your insurance cost to sky rocket....................Bam!!

WE TOLD YOU THIS FOR YEARS dumbasses take note of the " YEAR"

View attachment 161415
That 1 in 4 Virginians or the few people who live in a particular county and don't get care through their employers and rely on the subsidy that Trump has cut?

Across the country Obama care has generally been a success. Judging the whole program by where it does worst is a kind of lie.
ACA works, bottom line and the people that complain about it are it biggest clients.
ACA works, bottom line and the people that complain about it are it biggest clients.
Ironically Obama care is similar to Romney's plan which was in turn based on a Heritage Foundation plan.

What is Obamacare? If you sift through the hundreds of pages of legislation, the thousands of pages of regulations and all of the ridiculous complexity, you will find that Obamacare in its essence is a bastardized form of what health economists call “managed competition.” Far from being a strange and scary idea, managed competition is the name we give to the health benefits program for federal employees and to similar systems for the employees of most state governments and most state universities.

It is the way Republicans decided to make private, Medicare Advantage health plans available to seniors and it is the way Republicans organized drug coverage under Medicare Part D. It is the way many Medicaid enrollees enter private health plans (which contain about two thirds of the Medicaid population) and it was used in pioneering Medicaid reforms in Florida when Jeb Bush was governor. It is the way private health insurance is provided to the entire population in such countries as Switzerland and the Netherlands.
Thank the GOP for owning ACA and refusing to get it right.
Not one Republican voted for it. Democrats own this failure 100%.

Yet they did everything to destroy it since inception. the GOP own its failure.

Hold on there Penislope, is BOcare a great thing owned my the Dems, or a colossal failure under the GOP? So far you have called it the best thing to ever happen in the US, and now you are saying it is a failure on the plate of the GOP. Or did it change from post #12 from a success to a failure in post 16? Hard to keep up with liberal logic, especially female liberal logic, that is the most mysterious thing of all.

The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.
What has the gop done to it?
What has the GOP done???? For 8 years through sheer lies, they've vilified ACA, lied about its effects and ran relentlessly on repealing it for something better......8 years of this shit. All the while, they themselves were benefiting from being able to chose thier own healthcare plans through the very exchanges denied tax payers. They've threatened to defund it, to dismantle the mandate....what have they done? Need you ask
Yet they did everything to destroy it since inception. the GOP own its failure.

Hold on there Penislope, is BOcare a great thing owned my the Dems, or a colossal failure under the GOP? So far you have called it the best thing to ever happen in the US, and now you are saying it is a failure on the plate of the GOP. Or did it change from post #12 from a success to a failure in post 16? Hard to keep up with liberal logic, especially female liberal logic, that is the most mysterious thing of all.

The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.

I agree they own it by the fact they have the power to repeal and replace it, but they didn’t destroy it. It was faulty by design and is collapsing because the creators made it faulty. It is horrible legislation created by Dems and allowed to continue by Repubs, straight and simple, those are the facts.

The power of the tongue is what destroyed the ACA, the threats since its inception. GOP could not even repeal and replace, they are so stupid and support the elites.
Had Obama had enough democrats with fuckin balls to rally for ACA and defend it and not allow the GOP to define it, ACA would have been a plus for democrats to run on.... instead they allowed the GOP to run every single election year on false claims and win time and time again. Just another reason why I loathe democrats.
Obama care was ran through both houses as fast as they could. Democrats own this 100%. Pelosi we have to pass it, to find out what is in it.
Lol, if Obama care was good you would be taking credit, but since it's a failure you try to blame the republicans. Nice try.
ACA is good and when you tired washed up piles of shit conservative ass ho's understand that the insurance industry is not your fuckin friend, you stupid bitches, than shit can get done in this country...stop whining about shit you don't understand!!

Ok, So the insurance industry is not our friend. Perhaps that has some truth to it, but I’d tie my future to an insurance company that I can hire and fire at will, and that competes for my business, long before I would tie my future to a government that doesn’t compete for my business, and can spend as much of my money as they want. Pick your poison.
Question....do tell what poison the government has bestowed upon you personally? I'd really like to know and if you can't answer the question, which you want, have a nice day

The same poison they have bestowed on every American tax payer. They spend your money, and your kids money, and your grandkids money. They have made you and Me responsible for over $22 trillion dollars in debt. That is nearly $70,000 per person. How much debt has your insurance put on you?
U.S. National Debt Clock 2021 at Current Rates

U.S. National Debt Clock 2021 at Current Rates
Last I heard under Obama, the debt actually was going down...and lets get something clear, wars cost money...to date with no end in sight, you, me your so called grand kids...have wasted 3 trillion dollars and counting on a fuckin war that has yielded nothing.....According to a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) report published in October 2007, the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan could cost taxpayers a total of $2.4 trillion by 2017 when counting the huge interest costs because combat is being financed with borrowed money.
And lets also remember this so called tax relief the GOP are proposing is gonna cost your so call grand kids and addtional trillion dollars worth of debt.....ACA is costly, yes, however, its effect and purpose has been undermined by GOP governors all across this country and the increasing cost are a result of that. And just for the record moron, America's debt is just what it is, it cost money to run a country and its huge existance will never cease.
Why didn't Obama end those wars?
Not one Republican voted for it. Democrats own this failure 100%.

Yet they did everything to destroy it since inception. the GOP own its failure.

Hold on there Penislope, is BOcare a great thing owned my the Dems, or a colossal failure under the GOP? So far you have called it the best thing to ever happen in the US, and now you are saying it is a failure on the plate of the GOP. Or did it change from post #12 from a success to a failure in post 16? Hard to keep up with liberal logic, especially female liberal logic, that is the most mysterious thing of all.

The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.
What has the gop done to it?
What has the GOP done???? For 8 years through sheer lies, they've vilified ACA, lied about its effects and ran relentlessly on repealing it for something better......8 years of this shit. All the while, they themselves were benefiting from being able to chose thier own healthcare plans through the very exchanges denied tax payers. They've threatened to defund it, to dismantle the mandate....what have they done? Need you ask
Everything that was predicted came true. So telling the truth about Obama care did it in?
Hold on there Penislope, is BOcare a great thing owned my the Dems, or a colossal failure under the GOP? So far you have called it the best thing to ever happen in the US, and now you are saying it is a failure on the plate of the GOP. Or did it change from post #12 from a success to a failure in post 16? Hard to keep up with liberal logic, especially female liberal logic, that is the most mysterious thing of all.

The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.

I agree they own it by the fact they have the power to repeal and replace it, but they didn’t destroy it. It was faulty by design and is collapsing because the creators made it faulty. It is horrible legislation created by Dems and allowed to continue by Repubs, straight and simple, those are the facts.

The power of the tongue is what destroyed the ACA, the threats since its inception. GOP could not even repeal and replace, they are so stupid and support the elites.
Had Obama had enough democrats with fuckin balls to rally for ACA and defend it and not allow the GOP to define it, ACA would have been a plus for democrats to run on.... instead they allowed the GOP to run every single election year on false claims and win time and time again. Just another reason why I loathe democrats.
Obama care was ran through both houses as fast as they could. Democrats own this 100%. Pelosi we have to pass it, to find out what is in it.
Obamacare took almost 15 months. The GOP refused to co-operate. And now, since the GOP cannot replace and will not repeal, it owns TrumpCare.
Yet they did everything to destroy it since inception. the GOP own its failure.

Hold on there Penislope, is BOcare a great thing owned my the Dems, or a colossal failure under the GOP? So far you have called it the best thing to ever happen in the US, and now you are saying it is a failure on the plate of the GOP. Or did it change from post #12 from a success to a failure in post 16? Hard to keep up with liberal logic, especially female liberal logic, that is the most mysterious thing of all.

The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.
What has the gop done to it?
What has the GOP done???? For 8 years through sheer lies, they've vilified ACA, lied about its effects and ran relentlessly on repealing it for something better......8 years of this shit. All the while, they themselves were benefiting from being able to chose thier own healthcare plans through the very exchanges denied tax payers. They've threatened to defund it, to dismantle the mandate....what have they done? Need you ask
Everything that was predicted came true. So telling the truth about Obama care did it in?
I wish people like you weren't so afraid of facts, the truth....ACA was and still is a success....the people that complain about it, had governors that opted out of the program or failed to implement it and take advantage of gov. help, that is fact...google it, do the fuckin homework. What fuckin planet have you lived on the last 30 years where health premiums did not increase annually, that deductibles did not increase? Truth be told, the industry got overwhelmed with so many unhealthy people that their profits decreased; they began pulling out....okay, so the cost once again, you moron is laid at our feet, you and I who pay taxes....when the emergency rooms across the country once again become primary care faclities for those without insurance, just sit back fool and get the fuck over it!!
Time for Single payer. Everyone deserves healthcare and is the only way to fix the system to work for all.

Private healthcare based on profit is a failure and is evil to its core.
Bottom line sick people are not going anywhere, they're here to stay and we either get them on board through ACA or expect emergency rooms all across this country to once again, take on the load of helping these people...which by the way the costs, will be passed on to you know who...tax payers!!
Time for Single payer. Everyone deserves healthcare and is the only way to fix the system to work for all.

Private healthcare based on profit is a failure and is evil to its core.

Healthcare is becoming out of reach for average Americans and insurance is covering less and less

We have no choice but to move to single payer/universal healthcare
Socialism, when it comes to healthcare, is the only option
The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.

I agree they own it by the fact they have the power to repeal and replace it, but they didn’t destroy it. It was faulty by design and is collapsing because the creators made it faulty. It is horrible legislation created by Dems and allowed to continue by Repubs, straight and simple, those are the facts.

The power of the tongue is what destroyed the ACA, the threats since its inception. GOP could not even repeal and replace, they are so stupid and support the elites.
Had Obama had enough democrats with fuckin balls to rally for ACA and defend it and not allow the GOP to define it, ACA would have been a plus for democrats to run on.... instead they allowed the GOP to run every single election year on false claims and win time and time again. Just another reason why I loathe democrats.
Obama care was ran through both houses as fast as they could. Democrats own this 100%. Pelosi we have to pass it, to find out what is in it.
Obamacare took almost 15 months. The GOP refused to co-operate. And now, since the GOP cannot replace and will not repeal, it owns TrumpCare.

Keep spinning FAKEY. The Dems OWN Obabblecare.

Say, where is our $2,500 per family savings? We're waaaaaiiiiitttttttinnnnnggggg.
The GOP destroyed it. They own healthcare now.

I agree they own it by the fact they have the power to repeal and replace it, but they didn’t destroy it. It was faulty by design and is collapsing because the creators made it faulty. It is horrible legislation created by Dems and allowed to continue by Repubs, straight and simple, those are the facts.

The power of the tongue is what destroyed the ACA, the threats since its inception. GOP could not even repeal and replace, they are so stupid and support the elites.
Had Obama had enough democrats with fuckin balls to rally for ACA and defend it and not allow the GOP to define it, ACA would have been a plus for democrats to run on.... instead they allowed the GOP to run every single election year on false claims and win time and time again. Just another reason why I loathe democrats.
Obama care was ran through both houses as fast as they could. Democrats own this 100%. Pelosi we have to pass it, to find out what is in it.
Obamacare took almost 15 months. The GOP refused to co-operate. And now, since the GOP cannot replace and will not repeal, it owns TrumpCare.
So you admit Obama care was a failure from the start?
Obamacare Rage: One Family Of 4 In Virginia Is Faced With Paying $3,000 A Month For Health Insurance

Could you afford to pay $3000 a month for health insurance? Previously, Ian Dixon had been paying $900 a month for health insurance for his family of four, but thanks to changes in the Charlottesville insurance market, a similar plan will now cost him more than $3,000 a month. When I first came across this story on Zero Hedge, I have to admit that I got angry. I was angry at the Democrats for destroying our healthcare system in the first place, and I was angry at Republicans for failing to repeal Obamacare even though they have had almost a full year to do so. Obamacare is financially destroying hard working families all over the nation, and Congress must take action immediately.


Oh and we still have people who want to lick this bastards ass for him, You idiot were told over and over this SOB would cause your insurance cost to sky rocket....................Bam!!

WE TOLD YOU THIS FOR YEARS dumbasses take note of the " YEAR"

View attachment 161415

Sorry, fake story by stooge doesn't sway the facts about the PPACA.

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