how much do you tip?

guess their had to be a topic on here before like this....just ate a single diiner the bill was $22.50 gave her $40 bucks and told her to keep the change... I am a 48 year old single guy now. thats just me... how much do you tip? and do you lean left or right? just curious......

I would eat at home rather than pay $22 for dinner. I would have tipped her $5. I am conservative with more than adequate resources...and a wife who will not eat out without coupons...and who is the main reason for my accumulation of do not spend.
... I usually go to the same place.

I have come to realize that restaurants really love and need "regulars." They depend on the repeat business. And so do the waitstaff.

The "regular" also gets more personalized and better service. The owner and staff get to know the patron. In my experience people in this industry truly enjoy making their customers feel like "family".

I joke with the staff when I come in and tell them to give the bill to my boy. They draw a smiley face and hand him the bill and he takes a out his little wallet and leaves the tip(which I give him before hand) they make my boy happy, I am happy to go there and patronize their business.
I dont get this tipping thing, why would you feel obliged to tip someone for doing what their paid to do?
Well, the system is that we the diners pay the waiters for bringing our food and drinks and stuff. The restaurant doesn't really pay them.

It's a weird system, but it IS the one we have. So if people don't tip, that's sad for the unpaid server.

The servers should be paid. By the employer. You, the public, should not be expected to pay the wages of a stranger.

Yea I posted this thread because I knew you were a regular here, I used to make fun of one of your countrymen on this topic when I was a regular on another forum. he couldnt believe the waitress here was only paid $2.36 (or what ever it is now) an hour. I kept trying to tell him a good waitress like my first wife would bring home somtimes more then I did in a week with overtime. I remember a few times she brought home $400 or more in one DAY.
I dont get this tipping thing, why would you feel obliged to tip someone for doing what their paid to do?

Simple so they remember you the next time you go back, When I was younger, lived in Chicago and hit the bars regularly, big tips = free drinks and like I said my first wife was a waitress. I could tell you storys on what they would do to your food if you were a
I dont get this tipping thing, why would you feel obliged to tip someone for doing what their paid to do?

They're paid to serve you. How well they serve you is up to you. You would be better off wearing a sign which says, "I don't tip well," so they won't have to waste their time.
Well that is an easy one to answer. The provide good service because they want to keep their job just like any other job.

Really? Because I get good service when I go to AppleBee's, Fridays and the Olive Garden. I don't get good services when I go to CVS, The Post Office, or Duane Reade.

Why is it were I get good service where I am offering tips, as oppose to places where I am not allowed to tip for service? Your answer doesn't hold true to reality. People respond to incentives. That's just an economic reality.
I agree. And there is no expectation or demand on the customers to bring extra change with them to hand over to the server.
Of course in Europe, and probably Australia, the employer pays health care. They don't in the US.

Employers don't pay health care here. They don't have to. We have socialised medicine, and people can afford private health cover if they want it.

That is so great. Wish we had been able to do that here.
I believe in tipping well. 20% at the least - and if they do a great job, I give them extra.
I dont get this tipping thing, why would you feel obliged to tip someone for doing what their paid to do?

They're paid to serve you. How well they serve you is up to you. You would be better off wearing a sign which says, "I don't tip well," so they won't have to waste their time.

It is their JOB to serve me, whether I am a crap customer or not.
It is their JOB to serve me, whether I am a crap customer or not.

And how well they provide that service is up to you, whether you are a crap customer or not.

If your food arrives late, isn't exactly the way you want it or just taste funny, just know that it isn't because you are a crappy customer. The Waitress is just investing all of their energies waiting a table which is tipping well.

People respond to incentives. It's just that simple.
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Well, the system is that we the diners pay the waiters for bringing our food and drinks and stuff. The restaurant doesn't really pay them.

It's a weird system, but it IS the one we have. So if people don't tip, that's sad for the unpaid server.

Well, actually, the restaurant does pay them. Just not all that much. But AT LEAST minimum wage. It's the law.

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