How much federal support should Florida receive for hurricane Ian?

Here it is again.

1000 pages of disgusting right wing lies

October 3 2022
Just days after Category 4 Hurricane Ian devastated Florida, killing at least 88 people and leveling and flooding thousands of buildings, nearly every Florida Republican in U.S. Congress voted against a bill containing billions in funding for disaster relief that officials could have accessed to begin recovery after the storm.

Last week, Congress passed a stopgap government funding bill that contained $18.8 billion in Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) funds to account for climate crisis-fueled, worsening natural disasters that Florida officials could use to speed recovery from Ian.

The bill passed despite widespread opposition from Republicans and the Floridians in the caucus. All 16 Republican House representatives from the state voted against the bill on Friday, including the two Republicans who represent constituents in Lee County, where much of the hurricane’s destruction was felt. In all, 201 Republicans voted against the bill to keep the government funded through December, while only 10 voted for it.

Republicans WORKING for YOU.
Remember in November.

But Floretardians will keep voting for these selfish, party before country, traitors.
How much federal support should Florida receive for hurricane Ian recovery? If it was not Florida and DeSantis was in charge, it would be safe to say nothing. While in congress, DeSantis voted against hurricane relief for Sandy. DeSantis is requesting federal funds for hurricane Ian recovery. Hypocrite?
That is how it is, too often, for Republicans. They want to cut funds unless it is for them.
As a person in the middle, the Republicans don't give enough and the Democrats give too much.

Let’s make disaster relief another thing leftists destroy for Americans.
You people are sick programmed POS.
Let’s make disaster relief another thing leftists destroy for Americans.
You people are sick programmed POS.
Sure, it's "leftist".

The bill passed despite widespread opposition from Republicans and the Floridians in the caucus. All 16 Republican House representatives from the state voted against the bill on Friday, including the two Republicans who represent constituents in Lee County.

Sure, it's "leftist".

The bill passed despite widespread opposition from Republicans and the Floridians in the caucus. All 16 Republican House representatives from the state voted against the bill on Friday, including the two Republicans who represent constituents in Lee County.


Read the bill. Haven’t you leftist morons figured out yet they put so much pork in it they knew it wouldn’t pass so they can say republicans wouldn’t help hurricane victims. Useful idiots fall for it everytime.
Read the bill. Haven’t you leftist morons figured out yet they put so much pork in it they knew it wouldn’t pass so they can say republicans would help hurricane victims. Useful idiots fall for it everytime.
You think, the retarded republican caucus. read the bill?
Why haven't they revealed what 'pork" is in the bill?

Republicans didn't give this pork, a second thought.

June 13 2020
Building ramparts of secrecy around a $600 billion-plus coronavirus aid program for small businesses, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has moved from delay to denial in refusing outright to disclose the recipients of taxpayer-funded loans.

Mnuchin told Congress at a hearing this week that the names of loan recipients and the amounts are “proprietary information.” While he claimed the information is confidential, ethics advocates and some lawmakers see the move as an attempt to dodge accountability for how the money is spent.

They only threaten to be "conservative", when a democrat is in office.
You think, the retarded republican caucus. read the bill?
Why haven't they revealed what 'pork" is in the bill?

Republicans didn't give this pork, a second thought.

June 13 2020
Building ramparts of secrecy around a $600 billion-plus coronavirus aid program for small businesses, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin has moved from delay to denial in refusing outright to disclose the recipients of taxpayer-funded loans.

Mnuchin told Congress at a hearing this week that the names of loan recipients and the amounts are “proprietary information.” While he claimed the information is confidential, ethics advocates and some lawmakers see the move as an attempt to dodge accountability for how the money is spent.

They only threaten to be "conservative", when a democrat is in office.

Wake up leftist. If you did we could hold both parties accountable. Your programming wont allow it.
And I will continue to point out how stupid it is when the mood strikes me freedom of speech is a wonderful thing.
You were the one trying to suppress comments. You are a hypocritical POS. You talk in circles.
How much federal support should Florida receive for hurricane Ian recovery? If it was not Florida and DeSantis was in charge, it would be safe to say nothing. While in congress, DeSantis voted against hurricane relief for Sandy. DeSantis is requesting federal funds for hurricane Ian recovery. Hypocrite?
That is how it is, too often, for Republicans. They want to cut funds unless it is for them.
As a person in the middle, the Republicans don't give enough and the Democrats give too much.
Florida is the best prepared state for disasters. We have competent leadership on the State, County and City level.

As far as Federal money. Floridians pay a ton in taxes to the filthy ass Federal government each year and they are far more deserving to get some of it back after a disaster than the goddamn Illegals and welfare queens.
You were the one trying to suppress comments. You are a hypocritical POS. You talk in circles.
You truly are an idiot nothing I have posted in any way prevented anyone else including you from continuing to post threads on the same topic over and over. If you don’t like the stupid stuff you do being pointed out then stop doing stupid stuff but my or anyone else pointing out it’s stupid does not prevent you from doing it. That is all dipshit to quote Sean Connery from the movie the Untouchables here endth the lesson.
Florida is the best prepared state for disasters. We have competent leadership on the State, County and City level.

As far as Federal money. Floridians pay a ton in taxes to the filthy ass Federal government each year and they are far more deserving to get some of it back after a disaster than the goddamn Illegals and welfare queens.
Florida should be prepared for hurricanes based on the number you have. I feel Florida should get funds needed but DeSantis, while in congress, denied hurricane relief funds for NJ and NY. He is a hypocrite.
You should get the funds but note the hypocrisy of your governor.
Some are already saying that no amount of money is going to be able to fix the damage in time for a repeat performance of the climate gods next year.

Due to the extremes of global climate change, Florida may become largely uninhabitable!

We need to start thinking in terms of how large and destructive a hurricane can get now!

Even most major hurricanes could fit into Ian's 30 mile wide eye!

This is...weapon grade stupid.

All Florida Republicans voted against that budget


Missouri Mike is an example of an absolute simple minded dumbshit. He feels all Democrats are the same, all bad. I am guessing he feels all Republicans are great unless they say something negative about Trump. He is clueless about independents. He is too simple minded to know how to categorize them.
These are scary stupid people.
This, class, is a PERFECT example of projection.
Florida should get at least as much as that corrupt monkey in Kiev. Or at the very least suspend money going to Ukraine until this is fixed.

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