How much federal support should Florida receive for hurricane Ian?

You are deflecting. This is about the Hypocrisy of DeSantis.

I am not deflecting. The dem tactic of brining bills to the house that have no chance of passing so they can say republicans hate this or that has been going on for decades. Stop falling for it leftist sheep!
How much aid? How the hell should we know? As much as any other hurricane I guess.
Say Elmer, you're so smart :abgg2q.jpg:

Why don't you look up the reasons Disantis voted against that relief package.

BTW, your OP makes no sense. "If it was not Florida and DeSantis was in charge, it would be safe to say nothing." :happy-1:
How about you tell us why DeathSantis voted against Sandy aid.
the tax payers in Florida have been paying for said disaster support... and not just for Florida either commie ... maybe you believe tax payers in red states shouldnt get fed aid during a disaster and only blue states should get disaster relief ...
So you support Socialism after all.
Notice the issue of federal aid to Florida hurricane victims is in the political forum. What does that tell you? Maybe old Brandon should visit Florida instead of spending time with his old neighbors in Puerto Rico.
Sorry for coming late to the party, but...

If you choose to live in a location that is characterized by periodic horrific storms that are likely to damage your shit, in exchange for weather that is usually quite nice and the joys of the beach (or golf course), then that's on you. And most rational Floridians avail themselves of HEAVILY subsidized (by the U.S. taxpayers) flood insurance. So if you are middle-class or above, in a just world you would be on your own, and I think you should get no Federal relief. Gather your insurance proceeds and make the best of it. Leave the taxpayers out of it (other than your subsidized flood insurance).

For repair and rehabilitation of public infrastructure, the Feds can certainly lend a hand to the State and to local municipalities. Public utilities, deal with it. Include the costs in your next rate package to the Florida PUC (or whatever it's called).

For those who lack flood insurance, I think the benefits should go to them according to their ranking on the "oppressed" know, Black people, Hispanics, sexual irregulars, and so on. Just like the VP said.
Florida should be prepared for hurricanes based on the number you have. I feel Florida should get funds needed but DeSantis, while in congress, denied hurricane relief funds for NJ and NY. He is a hypocrite.
You should get the funds but note the hypocrisy of your governor.
We are actually very well prepared. The State, County and City governments have tremendous resources and procedures to deal with the storms.

However, a landfall by a Cat 4 (almost Cat 5) is like a hydrogen bomb going off that moves. Once it hits then there is going to be serious shit.

As a multi generational Floridian I understand that living in a hurricane prone area is a risk. I have been through a dozen hurricanes in my life. It is not different than living in Tornado Alley or on the Andreas fault line or in the Cascades near a volcano.

I take responsibility for my own safety. I have insurance. I have hurricane supplies.

I look for the government to tell me when the storm is coming and to let me know if there is a chance I will be at Ground Zero.

Since I pay a ton in Federal taxes I would expect to get the same consideration that any other American would get from the Federal Government if I am affected. I probably never would need FEMA help but I should get it like other Americans if I chose.

Of course the Potatohead Administration has publicly said that since I am White I wouldn't be getting any FEMA aid if I needed it. Only "people of color" would be getting it.
Of course the Potatohead Administration has publicly said that since I am White I wouldn't be getting any FEMA aid if I needed it. Only "people of color" would be getting it.
You are making shit up
Read the bill. Haven’t you leftist morons figured out yet they put so much pork in it they knew it wouldn’t pass so they can say republicans wouldn’t help hurricane victims. Useful idiots fall for it everytime.
Paaaaawk… paaaawk… there’s paaaaawwk in it!

That’s an excuse for making unpopular votes

And the cult dutifully nods and doesn’t even check to see what this pork is
Its ok.


Give back the money the Fed stole from us.

Why does the cult outside of Florida hate the cult that lives in Florida?
Its ok.


Give back the money the Fed stole from us.

Why does the cult outside of Florida hate the cult that lives in Florida?

What funds were those?
How much federal support should Florida receive for hurricane Ian recovery? If it was not Florida and DeSantis was in charge, it would be safe to say nothing. While in congress, DeSantis voted against hurricane relief for Sandy. DeSantis is requesting federal funds for hurricane Ian recovery. Hypocrite?
That is how it is, too often, for Republicans. They want to cut funds unless it is for them.
As a person in the middle, the Republicans don't give enough and the Democrats give too much.
Aside from your partisan bullshit, how much assistance should Florida get?


Assholes like you want to make literally everything about Democrat or Republican, Liberal Versus Conservatives.

No Democrat lost a house because of Hurricane Ian. No Republican lost a loved one. No liberal had their business destroyed. No conservative lost everything they had.

AMERICANS suffered due to Hurricane Ian, and - just like after 9/11 - AMERICANS need to come together, stand with each other, and help each other.

Fuck the dividers and their partisan division in times like these.

'ONE nation...'

Florida should get at least as much as that corrupt monkey in Kiev. Or at the very least suspend money going to Ukraine until this is fixed.
Nothing more patriotic than someone who does not support Ukraine in the current situation.
An obvious Putin butt kisser. It is as bad as supporting Hitler.
You truly are an idiot nothing I have posted in any way prevented anyone else including you from continuing to post threads on the same topic over and over. If you don’t like the stupid stuff you do being pointed out then stop doing stupid stuff but my or anyone else pointing out it’s stupid does not prevent you from doing it. That is all dipshit to quote Sean Connery from the movie the Untouchables here endth the lesson.
continuing to post threads on the same topic over and over.
That is freedom of speech dumbass.
How much federal support should Florida receive for hurricane Ian recovery? If it was not Florida and DeSantis was in charge, it would be safe to say nothing. While in congress, DeSantis voted against hurricane relief for Sandy. DeSantis is requesting federal funds for hurricane Ian recovery. Hypocrite?
That is how it is, too often, for Republicans. They want to cut funds unless it is for them.
As a person in the middle, the Republicans don't give enough and the Democrats give too much.

They should receive way more Fed support than the 5 MILLION illegals get since Sippy Cup was installed.
Enuff said.....:rock:.
We are actually very well prepared. The State, County and City governments have tremendous resources and procedures to deal with the storms.

However, a landfall by a Cat 4 (almost Cat 5) is like a hydrogen bomb going off that moves. Once it hits then there is going to be serious shit.

As a multi generational Floridian I understand that living in a hurricane prone area is a risk. I have been through a dozen hurricanes in my life. It is not different than living in Tornado Alley or on the Andreas fault line or in the Cascades near a volcano.

I take responsibility for my own safety. I have insurance. I have hurricane supplies.

I look for the government to tell me when the storm is coming and to let me know if there is a chance I will be at Ground Zero.

Since I pay a ton in Federal taxes I would expect to get the same consideration that any other American would get from the Federal Government if I am affected. I probably never would need FEMA help but I should get it like other Americans if I chose.

Of course the Potatohead Administration has publicly said that since I am White I wouldn't be getting any FEMA aid if I needed it. Only "people of color" would be getting it.
You support a group that tried to take down our country. You are a traitor and you will still get the money. KKK, Nazis, white supremacists in Florida will receive money despite being the opposite of what this country is about. Crazy. Get these fricking traitors out of our country.
Its ok.


Give back the money the Fed stole from us.

Why does the cult outside of Florida hate the cult that lives in Florida?
What the Fuck do you think you're talking about?
You are making shit up
Biden and the Progs are going on TV every chance they get to promote how nice they are with Hurricane Aid. They are on the stage gain. They are emoting. At some point maybe you will realize it.
Biden and the Progs are going on TV every chance they get to promote how nice they are with Hurricane Aid. They are on the stage gain. They are emoting. At some point maybe you will realize it.
They're doing a great job...that makes you sad.

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