How much federal support should Florida receive for hurricane Ian?

The Burn Pit Bill?

Not a DOLLAR of pork in it. Nothing but aid for Vets
400 billion worth. Your the exact product of why the left wants to make math racist and there are multiple answers for it. Morons that can’t do math can’t control money.
How much federal support should Florida receive for hurricane Ian recovery? If it was not Florida and DeSantis was in charge, it would be safe to say nothing. While in congress, DeSantis voted against hurricane relief for Sandy. DeSantis is requesting federal funds for hurricane Ian recovery. Hypocrite?
That is how it is, too often, for Republicans. They want to cut funds unless it is for them.
As a person in the middle, the Republicans don't give enough and the Democrats give too much.
Slava Florida!
Missouri Mike is an example of an absolute simple minded dumbshit. He feels all Democrats are the same, all bad. I am guessing he feels all Republicans are great unless they say something negative about Trump. He is clueless about independents. He is too simple minded to know how to categorize them.
These are scary stupid people.
It’s not that I feel all democrats are bad, it’s that they prove it every day. What good has come from any democrat laws the last two years?
400 billion worth. Your the exact product of why the left wants to make math racist and there are multiple answers for it. Morons that can’t do math can’t control money.
The Burn Pit Bill had not one PENNY of pork in it you lying piece of shit
It’s not that I feel all democrats are bad, it’s that they prove it every day. What good has come from any democrat laws the last two years?
The Burn Pit Bill
The Chips Bill
The Infra Structure Bill
The Continuing Resolution that oh by the way...funded FEMA
The Inflation Reduction Act that lowered drug prices and Medicare costs among a WHOLE lot of other things

All Shit that most if not all GOP members voted against
The Burn Pit Bill
The Chips Bill
The Infra Structure Bill
The Continuing Resolution that oh by the way...funded FEMA
The Inflation Reduction Act that lowered drug prices and Medicare costs among a WHOLE lot of other things

All Shit that most if not all GOP members voted against
Burn Pit- 8 billion in medical care over ten years in exchange for 400 billion in pork and pet project spending.

Chips- 240 billion to put a bandage on a wound caused by government.

Infrastructure- LMAO! Shovel ready of course. Just like all the others past and future. BTW, also the same shit that the gas tax was supposed to have been for but never was used for it.

Continuing Resolution- congrats, going on 20 years of not doing a budget and kicking that can.

Inflation act- causing more inflation, pork and buy offs for the left. But in 6 years you may get cheaper drugs, for you, the cost will just go to the tax payers.

You don’t fix anything. You don’t help anyone.
Nothing more patriotic than someone who does not support Ukraine in the current situation.
An obvious Putin butt kisser. It is as bad as supporting Hitler.
There is nothing patriotic in supporting that corrupt monkey in Kiev. Too bad trashy folks couldn't support this country as much as you support Ukraine’s totalitarian regime.
Itemize it
400 billion shifted to the mandatory spending ledgers. Of course that was done without reducing the discretionary budget. Which BTW just got approved through a continuing resolution. So, 400 billion more to spend!
So you support Socialism after all.
i support some social programs ... however i dont support a marriage between all private business and the government ! in other words i dont support socialism as an economic system for the US .
Burn Pit Bill

No pork. NONE

You’re the reason the left loves public schools. Dumb, mindless activists. I find it hilarious your supporting link is a comedian. I’m sure he’s right though military recruiting is down because of burn pits, definitely not the woke homo trans agenda. No way that’s it. Alpha males looking for a challenge certainly wouldn’t want to avoid having a trans commander in a dress on the battlefield.
You’re the reason the left loves public schools. Dumb, mindless activists. I find it hilarious your supporting link is a comedian. I’m sure he’s right though military recruiting is down because of burn pits, definitely not the woke homo trans agenda. No way that’s it. Alpha males looking for a challenge certainly wouldn’t want to avoid having a trans commander in a dress on the battlefield.
That’s your excuse for not supporting Veterans?
I can imagine Florida/Ian will need quite a bit.
Here are the FEMA totals from Irma in 2020

Release Date:
July 20, 2020
ORLANDO, Fla. – The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has provided more than $2 billion to the State of Florida and communities affected by Hurricane Irma to defray the costs of emergency response and repairs to public facilities caused by the 2017 storm.
In total, FEMA’s Public Assistance (PA) program has provided $2,001,722,109 in grants to state and local governments and certain nonprofits, including houses of worship, recovering from the hurricane. This amount includes:
  • $964.99 million for debris removal and disposal
  • $549.93 million for response costs such as police and fire department overtime and shelters
  • $42.85 million for repairing roads and bridges
  • $37.18 million for repairing water control facilities such as canals and stormwater systems
  • $112.28 million for repairing or replacing buildings and equipment
  • $111.63 million for repairing utilities such as electric and water/sewer systems
  • $132.02 million for repairing parks and recreation facilities
  • $50.8 million for administrative/management costs
Florida could take care of some of costs since we have a surplus of about 21BN dollars and after depleted then Federal dollars.
400 billion shifted to the mandatory spending ledgers. Of course that was done without reducing the discretionary budget. Which BTW just got approved through a continuing resolution. So, 400 billion more to spend!
That ain’t pork retard. Pork is adding unrelating items to a bill.

THAT. Is simply making sure the funding couldn’t be fucked with by the people who don’t want the bill passed in the first place

They should receive way more Fed support than the 5 MILLION illegals get since Sippy Cup was installed.
Enuff said.....:rock:.
If the illegals problem would go away you would find another group to blame all your problems on.
Be a man, take responsibility for yourself. Quit blaming others for your problems. You do something about your problems. Life is not fair. Learn to live with it.
It’s not that I feel all democrats are bad, it’s that they prove it every day. What good has come from any democrat laws the last two years?
Infrastructure bill, Trump could never get through. Many jobs. Help for many communities.
5 million illegals since Bi-Dung took office receive citizen taxpayer dollars for:

-Supplemental Security Income
-Temporary Assistance for Needy Families
-Emergency Medicaid
-Full Scope Medicaid
-Children's Health Insurance
-HUD public housing and Section 8
-Title XX Block Grants
-Transportation to U.S. cities, education, ID Cards, Cellphones, etc..

What's the cost of this??

Dimm's ain't saying and very few are asking!!!

Yet, they want to handwring and politicize Hurricane Relief.
Lordy, Lordy, Lordy.....
If the illegals problem would go away you would find another group to blame all your problems on.
Be a man, take responsibility for yourself. Quit blaming others for your problems. You do something about your problems. Life is not fair. Learn to live with it.

See Post #119 stupid Bidenista.

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