How Much IS the Stimulus Bill? This is Eyeopening.


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
787 billion dollars. It's so big I can't really wrap my head around that number, can you? This puts it into perspective. I think Obama and Congress should be ashamed of the crap they let pass as 'stimulus', but since it's not their money they simply do not care. Yeah, Obama won alright. Guess who the losers are? Hope the generations to come have grit.

VIDEO: Group counters stimulus with Jesus in TV ad - Jonathan Martin -
Yeah it's a big number for sure.

So are the big numbers describing how much theoretical money people lost in the stock portfolios and the value of their homes.

So are the numbers describing the last wages when 500,000 people lose their jobs month after month.

We live in a society where big numbers are needed to describe BIG EVENTS.
here is how i wrap my head around it ....

787 billion dollars / 300 million people = is what 26k per person

so a family of four would get 100k tax free dollars ....

my question is ... what would you do with it .....
here is how i wrap my head around it ....

787 billion dollars / 300 million people = is what 26k per person

so a family of four would get 100k tax free dollars ....

my question is ... what would you do with it .....

I think you're confused..... that's how much money is taken away from the private sector and given to the public sector.
here is how i wrap my head around it ....

787 billion dollars / 300 million people = is what 26k per person

so a family of four would get 100k tax free dollars ....

my question is ... what would you do with it .....

I think you're confused..... that's how much money is taken away from the private sector and given to the public sector.

No, that's how much money they're going to print. Sham wow? And how.
here is how i wrap my head around it ....

787 billion dollars / 300 million people = is what 26k per person

so a family of four would get 100k tax free dollars ....

my question is ... what would you do with it .....

Nothing personal Manu, because you make many good points. But it drives me absolutely insane when people post figures that are so out of whack it makes your head spin. It is not 26k per person; it is $2600 per person. The difference is astounding. You aren't the first to do this. Just check your math before you post stuff like this. Some people tend to believe anything they read.

Already, three fairly intelligent people assumed your numbers were correct. How many more will buy this?
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here is how i wrap my head around it ....

787 billion dollars / 300 million people = is what 26k per person

so a family of four would get 100k tax free dollars ....

my question is ... what would you do with it .....

Well you wrapped your head around it and made a major math error sweet heart.

787 Billion Divided by 300 Million is 2600 Dollars each, not 26000.

Learn simple math people, I know they are big numbers, but it is still just division.

This miss division is a common theme I have seen in here, and other places. People saying ignorant crap like "if they are going to spend a trillion dollars why not just give each person 250,000 dollars." People repeatedly demonstrate they have no grasp of how much money these bills really are. In most cases they seem to think A trillion dollars goes a lot further than it really will.

It is pretty simple. 1 Trillion is 1000 Billion, which is 1,000,000 Million dollars. So each persons share, if everyone actually paid Federal taxes, would be 3333.33 dollars. Of course not everyone pays taxes. Nearly 40% of all wage earners do not earn enough to pay federal income taxes. Therefore the number of people who will pay for this is not 300 Million it is some figure nearer to half of that, meaning each actual federal income tax payers share is closers to 6666.66 dollars than 3333.33. Because of the way the Tax code is structured the Rich actually owe much more than the rest of us as well. Because the top 5% of wage earners pay 76% plus of all Federal income taxes to begin with.

In your scenario a Family of 4 would get just over 10,000 Dollars, not 100,000 dollars. However this is what I have been advocating all along. Instead of spending our cash, just give each person 2600 Bucks and lets get this economy rolling again.
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