How NOT to Be


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
What you're supposed to be.Like a Fatty blubber boy who talks as if
a Republican.Like Blubber boys Chris Christie and Bill Barr.
Both on Trumps side until it became fashionable and expedient to
cross Trump and trash talk him.I think it may have a lot to do with how
the Deep State and Government Administrators have teamed up with
a Corrupt Legacy media to Go After Trump with vengeance.
Knowing full well what happens to anyone even barely suggestive
of supporting Trump.They will be destroyed.Targetted and maybe framed.
Certainly spied upon as done with Trump.Then Lied about en masse.
Using ever stinkin' lie as concerned about " The Rule Of Law ".
This sort of sanctimonious duplicity has never been applied to
a Potus, let alone a man of the people.
Christie making the case that Trump is only concerned about himself.
That Trump lives to blame others and then grab credit for things
as if he's soley responsible.I guess that explains why he forfeited his
Presidential salary and gave to named charity each fiscal year.
Or his Making sure to field questions from the WH Press corp no matter
how snarky the questions.Or his making sure to work almost 24/7 to
do as he said he would.
Meaning his unique ability to do as he said he would.
Maybe with a little bit too much mustard but never the less.
Trumps accomplishments are not at question by sane americans
but his way of talking.He does live to boast and question authority
or those who question his authority.He may appear too confident,
and too loose lipped at time or too often.
But he's as solid as a rock when it comes to most things.
Even his Big mouth.
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History will remember the Trump defamation as an American Dreyfus Affair. And the people who believed it as the latter day equivalent of Orson Welles' gullible audience on Halloween Eve in 1938.
History will remember the Trump defamation as an American Dreyfus Affair. And the people who believed it as the latter day equivalent of Orson Welles' gullible audience on Halloween Eve in 1938.
There is virtually nothing staged by Trump's years as
Potus.Great economy.Lowered Poverty among the poor and
blacks.Oil Independence.
Tried to build a Border wall and fought tooth & nail every
step of the way.
Made sure Israel got their Jerusalem Embassy.Made sure
Isis was defeated in record time.Very few Trump supporters engaged in
the Democrat driven BLM " hoax " Protests.
Trump was spot-on about Mail-in ballots could lead to
fraud as the 2004 Carter/Baker Commission stated in determining
how to overcome Voting flaws.
I could go on.
But why bother when Some Radio Faked presentation by
then infamous Orson Wells and his Mercury Theatre managed
some " War of the Worlds ".
But why bother when Some Radio Faked presentation by
then infamous Orson Wells and his Mercury Theatre managed
some " War of the Worlds ".
I think you missed my point. Fake news (aka propaganda) is still fake news, and gullible people will still believe it.
I think you missed my point. Fake news (aka propaganda) is still fake news, and gullible people will still believe it.
There is now no shortage of " gullible people " in the Good
Old U.S.of A. But I may be mistaken.It may also be that today
the Good Old U.S.of A. has turned into the falsely misbeggoten
pack of purposeful Frauds who know exactly right from wrong
and choose the wrongful path on purpose.It's merely a question
as to why.Is if for Money or access to a breezie job w/perks or
some form of internal peer pressure from within.Like always
being a diehard democrat and deciding why change now.
Or most relatives have always been democrats and can't change
boats now.Or neighbors or bosses or acquaintances.
Or as Nikita Khrushchov said :
" Get rid of the devil and the priest will have
nothing to do ".
-- { Quoted by Richard Nixon } N.Y.Times { Sept.15,1959 }

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