How Obama won the Iran nuclear deal


Award Winning USMB Paid Messageboard Poster
Aug 4, 2009
Obama once again shows his mastery over Republican opponents

The Iran nuclear deal, and how Obama finally learned to win the summer

But after enduring several politically brutal summers in years past, Obama won this one.
And he did it by beating back a rare congressional speech by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, vocal and united opposition from Republicans, and a $20 million campaign to sink the deal.

So, how did Obama pull this off?

Partly because the public outrage never really materialized. But it was also because Democrats learned from past mistakes.

The White House had a war room, too, and a secret weapon: Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz. Moniz, a nuclear physicist, made several presentations to lawmakers over the summer. "Not only did he know the science," explain Carl Hulse and David M. Herszenhorn at The New York Times, "he could explain it clearly, persuasively, and without the condescension some heard in Secretary of State John Kerry's presentations."

Several Democrats have said they were also persuaded to back the deal after senior diplomats from the other five world powers — Britain, France, Germany, Russia, and China — spoke with a dozen or so lawmakers right before the August break, assuring them that nobody else was going to return to the negotiating table if this deal fell through. That sank the argument from opponents that a better deal was possible.
Republican war Hawks will try to convince us that this will lead to the nuking of Israel.. Didn't saddam have WMDS? Wait.. LOL.
Anyways, fuck Israel, they get hit with a bottle rocket and respond by blowing up a hospital.
He didn't win shit lib he was barely able to get 34 senators to support him, a huge majority of senators including some from his own party say this deal is bad and refuse to support it. Only in liberal stutopia would this be viewed as a win.
Won't be long before they learn that the agreement isn't worth the paper its written on.

Anyone who thinks Iran will abide by that agreement is a few cards short of a full deck.

I'm sure they will enjoy the victory, such as it is, for as long as they can before reality hits em in the chops.
He didn't win shit lib he was barely able to get 34 senators to support him, a huge majority of senators including some from his own party say this deal is bad and refuse to support it. Only in liberal stutopia would this be viewed as a win.

Evidently, he did win, as he usually does against Republican fear mongering
Iran won.
The world lost.

Nuclear proliferation will explode in a decade
Thanks to the fearmongering dipshits, another litmus test is going to be added to the 649 other litmus tests a Republican candidate must pass to earn the rube vote.

"Q: Will you bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran if they spit on the sidewalk?"

"I'm leaving all options on the table."

"Me, too."

"Me, too."

"Me, too."

"Me, too."

"Me, too."

"Me, too."

"Me, too."

"I will flatten Tehran by dropping Rosie O'Donnell on it."

He didn't win shit lib he was barely able to get 34 senators to support him, a huge majority of senators including some from his own party say this deal is bad and refuse to support it. Only in liberal stutopia would this be viewed as a win.

Evidently, he did win, as he usually does against Republican fear mongering

No he lost stupid, if he was able to get something close to unanimous support from congress that's a win fool. Its quite embarrassing when a president can't even gather 50% support and leaders in his own party bail on him. This is what FAIL looks like.
In the end....Republicans lost because people grew tired of Republican gloom and doom

They had heard it too many times in the past. The Republicans were unable to persuade the American people that Iran was now going to become a nuclear power

Republicans also failed to present a valid alternative to the deal. Obama had the world powers and Republicans had Bibi
He didn't win shit lib he was barely able to get 34 senators to support him, a huge majority of senators including some from his own party say this deal is bad and refuse to support it. Only in liberal stutopia would this be viewed as a win.

Evidently, he did win, as he usually does against Republican fear mongering

No he lost stupid, if he was able to get something close to unanimous support from congress that's a win fool. Its quite embarrassing when a president can't even gather 50% support and leaders in his own party bail on him. This is what FAIL looks like.
The win is he gets his deal, and you can't stop him. That's winning my little man...
In the end....Republicans lost because people grew tired of Republican gloom and doom

They had heard it too many times in the past. The Republicans were unable to persuade the American people that Iran was now going to become a nuclear power

Republicans also failed to present a valid alternative to the deal. Obama had the world powers and Republicans had Bibi
Unless the republicans drastically change sometime soon, they're fucked.
He didn't win shit lib he was barely able to get 34 senators to support him, a huge majority of senators including some from his own party say this deal is bad and refuse to support it. Only in liberal stutopia would this be viewed as a win.

Evidently, he did win, as he usually does against Republican fear mongering

No he lost stupid, if he was able to get something close to unanimous support from congress that's a win fool. Its quite embarrassing when a president can't even gather 50% support and leaders in his own party bail on him. This is what FAIL looks like.
The win is he gets his deal, and you can't stop him. That's winning my little man...
Right wing butthurt is glorious.
Fear mongering?? Nope. Not hardly Just the facts.

Won't take em long to realize Iran will do whatever it wants to in reference to its Nuke program.

They and the other countries involved wasted a lot of time and effort on an agreement that Iran will never honor.

The feel good moment won't last long.
Fear mongering?? Nope. Not hardly Just the facts.

Won't take em long to realize Iran will do whatever it wants to in reference to its Nuke program.

They and the other countries involved wasted a lot of time and effort on an agreement that Iran will never honor.

The feel good moment won't last long.
Sure buddy, just like saddam and his WMDS.. Oh wait.
Fear mongering?? Nope. Not hardly Just the facts.

Won't take em long to realize Iran will do whatever it wants to in reference to its Nuke program.

They and the other countries involved wasted a lot of time and effort on an agreement that Iran will never honor.

The feel good moment won't last long.
Nukes don't kill people, people kill people, right? So stop wetting the bed over it.

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