How Old is Your Soul..?

What it is. Old Soul

A spiritual person whom is wise beyond their years; people of strong emotional stability. Basically, someone whom has more understanding of the world around them.

Some people even believe an old soul is a person whom has learned from past incarnations, or lives. They acquired certain knowledge from their past lives and apply it to their present life... thus gaining more wisdom than the average bloke.

Urban Dictionary: old soul
My soul is 4% younger than Lumpy's!

How Old Is Your Soul?
Your Result: Transcendent Souls



You're so evolved, you're not even here. Congratulations. These are people who are on their way to the next dimension and probably spend a lot of their time there already

I blame my octopus fetish
How Old Is Your Soul?
Your Result: Transcendent Souls

You're so evolved, you're not even here. Congratulations. These are people who are on their way to the next dimension and probably spend a lot of their time there already.
How Old Is Your Soul?
Your Result: Transcendent Souls

You're so evolved, you're not even here. Congratulations. These are people who are on their way to the next dimension and probably spend a lot of their time there already.

Sure .... I could have taken the quiz several times also....:lol:
Thing is: I loved my old dog Quasi, I think he was an "old soul". I wonder, was that piece of beef I ate last Tuesday, that nameless cow on a feedlot somewhere, did she have as do soul TOO? If so, It makes me so sad. Are we all lost like that?
Last edited:
Your result: Mature Soul
These are the folks who are questioning everything, themselves and societal norms, among us. Think Greenpeace, Amnesty International and those in perpetual therapy. They do good in the world out of a burgeoning sense of compassion and connectedness. Motto: "Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. I don't know."

:wtf: :lol:
Thing is: I loved my old dog Quasi, I think he was an "old soul". I wonder, was that piece of beef I ate last Tuesday, that nameless cow on a feedlot somewhere, did she have as do soul TOO? If so, It makes me so sad. Are we all lost like that?

You seem a tad troubled..maybe you need a hug...
How Old Is Your Soul?
Your Result: Old Souls


The weirdos and saints among us; the mystics, gardeners, and winemakers. Not too interested in rocking the boat or being famous (and they usually aren't, especially in the later stages.)

How Old Is Your Soul?
Your Result: Transcendent Souls



You're so evolved, you're not even here. Congratulations. These are people who are on their way to the next dimension and probably spend a lot of their time there already

I blame my octopus fetish

Same for me, though I admit to more squiddy leanings.
I didn't finish taking the quiz...the correct answers for me were missing too often.

Don't mean to be depressing here but it occured to me a long time ago that when I see kids who have cancer, they have the eyes of very old souls.
To experience such unspeakable misery at such a young age, I think, produces a particular type of wisdom in the eyes.


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