How Pallywood movies are made:

Funny how you start a thread about "how" these videos are made, but just show videos you claim are faked. You never say how they're faked.

Even you statement, "...they follow them around with camera's...", is bullshit. In today's technological world, everyone has cell phones. So no, they're not camera's. They're cell phones that can record videos, dumbass.

Are police shootings staged? Are people following them around with "camera's"? Your arguments are getting more stupid by the hour.

Yes, they are staged, yes, they follow them around with cameras, yes, you are an idiot.


Look at the depravity of the so called Palestinians. What kind of people and culture abuses it's children in this way to fabricate blood libel lies? Also noteworthy, is the cowards don't send a single adult, it's always children. Wow.

Camera crew is on the movie set taking fake pictures for all the stupidos in the Arab / Muslim world:


Oh the brutality of those evil Israeli Zionist soldiers toward little innocent peace loving Palestinian children.
Look at the depravity of the so called Palestinians. What kind of people and culture abuses it's children in this way to fabricate blood libel lies? Also noteworthy, is the cowards don't send a single adult, it's always children. Wow.

Camera crew is on the movie set taking fake pictures for all the stupidos in the Arab / Muslim world:


Oh the brutality of those evil Israeli Zionist soldiers toward little innocent peace loving Palestinian children.

Did you see? The soldier kept his cool and smiled while the kids were trying to antagonize him. The nerve of the soldier to smile! This oppression and brutality has to stop! Ha ha ha.
Do you have any idea what the girl was saying, or does that even matter?

Mostly insults and threats. Somewhere I think one girl is yelling about her brother. Screeching in such a high pitch it's difficult to listen

About her brother? What about her brother? Is he dead? Is that why the soldiers were laughing at her? What kind of scum would laugh at a little girl because her brother was killed?

So you knew all along what she was saying, was that because you wrote the script ?

He must be an Arab. Probably a Paleshitian.

Wow....I've been called black,white, gay, racist, too old, too young, a pacifist, a warmonger, a Jew, a Muslim, a communist, and even a baby killer. I think this is the first time I've been called a Palestinian. I'm always amazed at the assumptions people make over a simple, honest question. If you are sure about your claims, it shouldn't be too hard to answer questions about it.
Do you have any idea what the girl was saying, or does that even matter?

Mostly insults and threats. Somewhere I think one girl is yelling about her brother. Screeching in such a high pitch it's difficult to listen

About her brother? What about her brother? Is he dead? Is that why the soldiers were laughing at her? What kind of scum would laugh at a little girl because her brother was killed?

So you knew all along what she was saying, was that because you wrote the script ?

He must be an Arab. Probably a Paleshitian.

Wow....I've been called black,white, gay, racist, too old, too young, a pacifist, a warmonger, a Jew, a Muslim, a communist, and even a baby killer. I think this is the first time I've been called a Palestinian. I'm always amazed at the assumptions people make over a simple, honest question. If you are sure about your claims, it shouldn't be too hard to answer questions about it.

I said that it's possibility.
You wanna talk about fake video's?

Here's the IDF's fake video regarding the Mavi Marmara.

Dildo's least favourite video as it shows the arab muslims were faking it
They locked the other thread, but since we're on the subject of fakes, that link you provided, IS A FAKE!

WOW did some 10 year old show you how not to use a search engine.

Did you think to go to the parent and see what that had to say



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Whats it feel like to shown as a complete moron again dildo
You wanna talk about fake video's?

Here's the IDF's fake video regarding the Mavi Marmara.

Did you hear what the presenter said near to the end
You wanna talk about fake video's?

Here's the IDF's fake video regarding the Mavi Marmara.

For starters the name is very clearly seen in the stills produced, and the presenter says "That's just my guess" The journalists footage smuggled out shows exactly the same scenes as the footage here, and also the pop sound of paintball guns being fired from the d
My all time favorite Pallywood production is that Palestinian funeral shown on national TV years ago where when the Palestinians discovered some Israeli's were present, they dropped the coffin & ran --- INCLUDING THE DEAD MAN! Like the Palestinians or not, ya gotta love 'em for their great sense of humor. Heh Heh!

My all time favorite Pallywood production is that Palestinian funeral shown on national TV years ago where when the Palestinians discovered some Israeli's were present, they dropped the coffin & ran --- INCLUDING THE DEAD MAN! Like the Palestinians or not, ya gotta love 'em for their great sense of humor. Heh Heh!

Yep, that's the one
There are so many good propaganda video that aren't what they seem.
Sadly some of these have incited violence and resulted in deaths on both sides.
too many lies and when the truth is exposed it is often too late.
We just had the immigrate/birth control story and wasn't brought up. Poster didn't bother to see it had been corrected by the paper or actually share the real story or apologize for spreading disinformation. He wanted to defame Israel and instead has egg on his face.
Check the facts. Look for stories even weeks later from a variety or sources on both side. Look for retractions from the original publication. Don't share stories that you know are false unless you are using it to make a point and explain that the story is false.
Stop getting information only from highly bias sources. Look at both sides of an issue.
Most posters here have been doing this for some time and should know how to search and what is truth and lies. Don't post the same trash every few month and try to push it off as fact. If something has been debunked, stop trying to use it. Posters like that are just trying to reenforce their own hate, to justify their prejudice. Maybe you are wrong and need to change why you feel that way. Look to yourself as the source and not the news or commentary on the net.

Stop looking for reasons to hate and look for reasons to treat others as you would want to be treated. Stop inciting or justifying terrorism and hate. Look for the good in others, find enough good stories about cooperation to chip away as what separates the sides and look for realistic ways to bring them together

Help find solutions. Don't just make accusations and point fingers and blame.
Not sure what they are saying. Sounds like gibberish.

It's all scripted. The photographers keep shoving the kids into the soldiers to capture an "incriminating" moment where they loose control. I don't know of any military that puts up with this kind of shit. Sadly, the Palestinians do this because they know the Israelis are human beings who will never intentionally harm kids.

How do you know it is scripted?
might have something to do with the fact his I.Q registers as triple digits rather than double.
My all time favorite Pallywood production is that Palestinian funeral shown on national TV years ago where when the Palestinians discovered some Israeli's were present, they dropped the coffin & ran --- INCLUDING THE DEAD MAN! Like the Palestinians or not, ya gotta love 'em for their great sense of humor. Heh Heh!

And the Pallywood Oscar goes to....Dead Man Walking!
You wanna talk about fake video's?

Here's the IDF's fake video regarding the Mavi Marmara.

So because some anti Israeli says it was not the Mavi Marmara, that makes it true ??

IT's so incredible that you can be so stupid and brainwashed to believe videos like that, which BTW proved nothing. You're pathetic.
So because some anti Israeli says it was not the Mavi Marmara, that makes it true ??
That's your MO, not mine.

He put the boat the IDF used in the video (to show their soldiers being attacked by passengers), next to an actual picture of the Mavi Marmara and then described the difference between the two ships. Which, anyone with a set of balls, can see with their own eyes.

IT's so incredible that you can be so stupid and brainwashed to believe videos like that, which BTW proved nothing. You're pathetic.
You think so? And if I was to ask you why the video didn't prove anything, I doubt you would answer that question.
So because some anti Israeli says it was not the Mavi Marmara, that makes it true ??
That's your MO, not mine.

He put the boat the IDF used in the video (to show their soldiers being attacked by passengers), next to an actual picture of the Mavi Marmara and then described the difference between the two ships. Which, anyone with a set of balls, can see with their own eyes.

IT's so incredible that you can be so stupid and brainwashed to believe videos like that, which BTW proved nothing. You're pathetic.
You think so? And if I was to ask you why the video didn't prove anything, I doubt you would answer that question.
Because I have videos that say otherwise .... Why is your video correct?
So because some anti Israeli says it was not the Mavi Marmara, that makes it true ??
That's your MO, not mine.

He put the boat the IDF used in the video (to show their soldiers being attacked by passengers), next to an actual picture of the Mavi Marmara and then described the difference between the two ships. Which, anyone with a set of balls, can see with their own eyes.

IT's so incredible that you can be so stupid and brainwashed to believe videos like that, which BTW proved nothing. You're pathetic.
You think so? And if I was to ask you why the video didn't prove anything, I doubt you would answer that question.

No he did not as the footage shows, he had the film enhanced to show that the name on the side was all blurred. Ships made to the same design do not have vast differences like funnel size and shape, that would mean a whole redraw of the plans ( centre of gravity is altered, ballast is different, front to back yaw etc. )

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