How should the US "Compete" with China?


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
I hear the righties say we need to compete with China but in what way? Lower wages? Smaller Housing? Bigger Population?

Here's a crazy idea: How about instead of going into debt to pay for everything, we stop spending as much money on corrupt government programs and empower the people to use their own money?
Right wingers feel the best way is to lower wages and end benefits.

Oh, and get rid of all those environmental regulations. They hate "clean".

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I hear the righties say we need to compete with China but in what way? Lower wages? Smaller Housing? Bigger Population?


We will get all those things and more with our open borders immigration policy. Thank Jews, Shitlibs, Neocons, and your Chamber of Commerce for that.
I hear the righties say we need to compete with China but in what way? Lower wages? Smaller Housing? Bigger Population?


How about a pro business environment for a change? The US is still a much bigger economy than China. And if we had decent economic growth we could solve a lot of problems. But the things keeping growth back are all results of this administration's policies to punish success and reward failure. If we stop punishing success and rewarding failure we might see some prosperity.
Here's a crazy idea: How about instead of going into debt to pay for everything, we stop spending as much money on corrupt government programs and empower the people to use their own money?

That wont make us competitive. Thats not the answer to everything like you think it is
Here's a crazy idea: How about instead of going into debt to pay for everything, we stop spending as much money on corrupt government programs and empower the people to use their own money?

That wont make us competitive. Thats not the answer to everything like you think it is

Why not? Please explain in detail why reducing the deficit and making people more responsible will not increase economic activity here.
Here's a crazy idea: How about instead of going into debt to pay for everything, we stop spending as much money on corrupt government programs and empower the people to use their own money?

That wont make us competitive. Thats not the answer to everything like you think it is

So we should waste money we don't have on programs that don't work and keep the American people from being able to have more power to better themselves economically, and you think that our economy will be in a better and or the same place as if we did what I suggested?

Just because the answer is pretty obvious doesn't mean it's not the answer.
I hear the righties say we need to compete with China but in what way? Lower wages? Smaller Housing? Bigger Population?


We don't need to compete with China. In fact what we need to do is to lock them out entirely. No more cheap Chinese, Taiwanese, etc.... crap on our store shelves.

American goods from American companies made by American workers for American citizens..... THAT is the recipe to fix much of what's wrong with this country.
I hear the righties say we need to compete with China but in what way? Lower wages? Smaller Housing? Bigger Population?


We don't need to compete with China. In fact what we need to do is to lock them out entirely. No more cheap Chinese, Taiwanese, etc.... crap on our store shelves.

American goods from American companies made by American workers for American citizens..... THAT is the recipe to fix much of what's wrong with this country.

It worked really really well in East Germany.
It worked really really well in East Germany.

I thought it was a given that I meant PRIVATE companies, not GOVERNMENT-RUN companies, Rabbi.

It doesnt matter. Protectionism is protectionism. ANd it never works. Companies up their prices and cut their R&D because they aren't forced to compete anymore. And the consumer ends up with more expensive lower quality goods.
No thanks.
It doesnt matter. Protectionism is protectionism. ANd it never works. Companies up their prices and cut their R&D because they aren't forced to compete anymore. And the consumer ends up with more expensive lower quality goods.
No thanks.

Maybe Americans need to once again learn to live with what we NEED in our lives rather than all the things we WANT, Rabbi. Maybe every 12 year old doesn't need a video game system, a tv, and a smartphone. Maybe not every family needs two or three cars. Maybe this society just needs to start looking at what they SHOULD have in their lives rather than what they WANT to have in their lives.
It doesnt matter. Protectionism is protectionism. ANd it never works. Companies up their prices and cut their R&D because they aren't forced to compete anymore. And the consumer ends up with more expensive lower quality goods.
No thanks.

Maybe Americans need to once again learn to live with what we NEED in our lives rather than all the things we WANT, Rabbi. Maybe every 12 year old doesn't need a video game system, a tv, and a smartphone. Maybe not every family needs two or three cars. Maybe this society just needs to start looking at what they SHOULD have in their lives rather than what they WANT to have in their lives.

People should quit smoking, drink moderately, exercise, stick to their budget, and keep a healthy weight.
But they don't. It's no use yammering about what people ought to do. Your father probably couldn't understand why anyone needed a cell phone or microwave. My grandmother was fine with a rotary dial phone. People's needs change as technology changes.
Your solution is ineffective and wont solve the problem.
I hear the righties say we need to compete with China but in what way? Lower wages? Smaller Housing? Bigger Population?


1. Send them our Progressives to have the implement ChinaCare

2. Send them the AGWCult and try to get them to "go green"

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