How Simple Is It To Hide The Truth....?

Cosmetic Surgery can change the appearance of a man to look like a woman, but when someone comes out of public education, you just cant change stupid. His avatar is appropriate for the clown, just like his president. Both are fools, who believe that socialism can be done better.
6,000,000 Jews died by Socialism
11,000,000 Ukrainians died by Socialism
22,000,000 Chinese died by Socialism
33,000 a month, unborn and born American Babies died by Socialism
For some reason, Socialism is all about death, while Classical Liberalism(Conservatism) is about life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Joseph Stalin Quotes at
The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic.
Do you notice how much a liberal requires statistics?
Socialism is Sweden these days, hardly a "death" culture...
Here, two of your statements:

"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good." The Liberal Commitment.....
Yep, and free speech is how we discover you need to be dropped into the sea,.... Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate
Both of those fully support Free Speech, all liberals do, and tell us, PC, are there any valid restrictions on free speech? What would a liberal say?
Fairness doctrine. That is what a liberal today would say. Since you cant compete in the realm of ideas, you try to shut the argument down, by calling US names. If that doesn't work get the government to silence US, and if that doesn't work, make US disappear. What keeps the last part from happening is the 2nd amendment, which also pisses you guys off.
Here, two of your statements:

"Think stupid, talk stupid, and we bury you, for your own good." The Liberal Commitment.....
Yep, and free speech is how we discover you need to be dropped into the sea,.... Anti-Gay Stickers At High School In Indio Touch Off Debate
Both of those fully support Free Speech, all liberals do, and tell us, PC, are there any valid restrictions on free speech? What would a liberal say?
Fairness doctrine. That is what a liberal today would say. Since you cant compete in the realm of ideas, you try to shut the argument down, by calling US names. If that doesn't work get the government to silence US, and if that doesn't work, make US disappear. What keeps the last part from happening is the 2nd amendment, which also pisses you guys off.
Can't compete in country that just made Gay Marriage legal and elected Obama, a liberal ******, twice? Care to try again?

And if PC says Hitler and Stalin were both leftist, is she wrong?
Hey, andaronjim, was Hitler left-wing, or right-wing? Shall I quote you?
Hey dipshit, guess with your head shoved so far up your ass, that you don't know that the FAR-RIGHT WING FANATICS of "Socialism" is NAZI. Come on man, pull your head out and take a breath. Stop being such a tard.

So Germany is still Nazi? It's a democratic socialist country.
a. There were 2 sides of SOCIALISM
NAZI-Democratic Socialist Workers Party, FAR RIGHT WING of Socialist, where the central government was to control the people.
Communist-United Soviet Socialist republic, FAR LEFT WING of Socialist, where the central government was to control the people.
PC says Nazis, Fascists, are far left, and that's why they fought against the.........................................................................wait for it.....................................................................................................far left.
Sorry your lack of intelligence cant come to grip with reality.
Nazism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The term "National Socialism" arose out of attempts to create a nationalist redefinition of "socialism", as an alternative to both internationalist Marxist socialism and free market capitalism. The Nazis sought to achieve this by a "people's community" (Volksgemeinschaft) with the aim of uniting all Germans as national comrades, whilst excluding those deemed either to be community aliens or "foreign peoples" (Fremdvölkische). It rejected the Marxist concept of class struggle, opposed ideas of class equality and international solidarity, and sought to defend the private property and privately owned businesses of Aryans.
What part of this don't you understand? Never mind, since you vote for the bi-racial president not once but twice, we know why you don't understand. Typical liberal. Obamaphone lady anyone???

It may be a lack of intelligence....he often puts his foot in his mouth...

...but there is the psychological component: the abject and palpable fear of having to admit himself......that every element of his worldview, the bricks upon which it is built..... flawed.

He as been lied to and never before questioned the liars or the lies.

This included a strong vein of cowardice, as well.

I'm a liberal. My worldview is essentially Adam Smith with John Stuart Mill. Assorted cynics and political reality fill in the rest.

Careful with are a Modern Liberal...that is the name that communist John Dewey stole from classical liberals, called conservatives today.

He applied the name to the group known as Socialists.

You are a socialist, which means that from day to day you may be a socialist, modern Liberal, or fascist.

They are distinctions without differences.

Good to see you have retreated from denying that Hitler and Stalin were both cut from the same fabric....Leftism.

If Bernie Sanders is a fascist, tell us what makes him a fascist. In detail.
Hey, andaronjim, was Hitler left-wing, or right-wing? Shall I quote you?
Hey dipshit, guess with your head shoved so far up your ass, that you don't know that the FAR-RIGHT WING FANATICS of "Socialism" is NAZI. Come on man, pull your head out and take a breath. Stop being such a tard.

So Germany is still Nazi? It's a democratic socialist country.
German Bundestag: Homepage
The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany
The German Bundestag is the national Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its seat is the Reichstag Building in Berlin. In the current electoral term, Parliament is composed of 630 Members. This is the 18th electoral term since the establishment of the Federal Republic in 1949.
You guys on the left WANT SO MUCH, to have Socialism to work in America, because as lazy fucktards, who cant even research that Germany is not a Democratic Socialist government, you just want to sit in your parents basement, smoke dope, eat government cheese, screw your floozy of a girlfriend and have your unborn baby aborted with the rest of US paying for it. Well Carbination, here is a liberal who will tell it like it is. If you don't watch it, then you are the biggest loser of all.

Hey, andaronjim, was Hitler left-wing, or right-wing? Shall I quote you?
Hey dipshit, guess with your head shoved so far up your ass, that you don't know that the FAR-RIGHT WING FANATICS of "Socialism" is NAZI. Come on man, pull your head out and take a breath. Stop being such a tard.

So Germany is still Nazi? It's a democratic socialist country.
German Bundestag: Homepage
The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany
The German Bundestag is the national Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its seat is the Reichstag Building in Berlin. In the current electoral term, Parliament is composed of 630 Members. This is the 18th electoral term since the establishment of the Federal Republic in 1949.
You guys on the left WANT SO MUCH, to have Socialism to work in America, because as lazy fucktards, who cant even research that Germany is not a Democratic Socialist government, you just want to sit in your parents basement, smoke dope, eat government cheese, screw your floozy of a girlfriend and have your unborn baby aborted with the rest of US paying for it. Well Carbination, here is a liberal who will tell it like it is. If you don't watch it, then you are the biggest loser of all.

So Germany's universal healthcare and tuition-free college are not socialist?

Why do the same things get labeled as socialist or even Marxist when one talks about them in the US?
Hey, andaronjim, was Hitler left-wing, or right-wing? Shall I quote you?
Hey dipshit, guess with your head shoved so far up your ass, that you don't know that the FAR-RIGHT WING FANATICS of "Socialism" is NAZI. Come on man, pull your head out and take a breath. Stop being such a tard.

So Germany is still Nazi? It's a democratic socialist country.
German Bundestag: Homepage
The Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany
The German Bundestag is the national Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany. Its seat is the Reichstag Building in Berlin. In the current electoral term, Parliament is composed of 630 Members. This is the 18th electoral term since the establishment of the Federal Republic in 1949.
You guys on the left WANT SO MUCH, to have Socialism to work in America, because as lazy fucktards, who cant even research that Germany is not a Democratic Socialist government, you just want to sit in your parents basement, smoke dope, eat government cheese, screw your floozy of a girlfriend and have your unborn baby aborted with the rest of US paying for it. Well Carbination, here is a liberal who will tell it like it is. If you don't watch it, then you are the biggest loser of all.

So you'd prefer to tell us why Norway is a Nazi country?
Hey, andaronjim, was Hitler left-wing, or right-wing? Shall I quote you?
Hey dipshit, guess with your head shoved so far up your ass, that you don't know that the FAR-RIGHT WING FANATICS of "Socialism" is NAZI. Come on man, pull your head out and take a breath. Stop being such a tard.

"Marxism is anti-property; true Socialism is not."[14]

(Adolph Hitler)
"The 13th chime of a clock, not only does it make no sense, but it calls into question the validity of the 12 chimes that preceded it."'
OR it's a malfunction of the clock and the writer made a false assumption without investigation of all possibilities, OR perhaps the planet the clock owner lives upon has a rate of rotation about its axis of 26 Earth hours and time there is kept at that Terrestrial rate OR something else altogether; the possibilities are manifold! The logic of that old saw is flawed just as your own, Chica! But also, as usual, you ignore your own preceding 12 chimes with a lack of credibility by striking 13 yourself.

By equating far disparate political and economic philosophies, which may share only limited commonalities, into a single group and characterizing them as, what was the word you used in your post #163, consubstantial - meaning of the same substance or essence, is blatantly ABSURD. You just love to remove context from the scene to make the canvas over after your own distorted image of the World, HUH Chica!

Let's examine two of your abysmal six, fascism and liberalism and see if their widely accepted definitions in the Oxford (US) dictionary verify your assertion of consubstantiality.

practicing or supporting fascism

An authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.
1.1 (In general use) extreme right-wing, authoritarian, or intolerant views or practice.

Open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values
1.1 Favorable to or respectful of individual rights and freedoms
1.2 (In a political context) favoring maximum individual liberty in political and social reform
1.3 (Liberal) Of or characteristic of Liberals or a Liberal Party.
1.4 (Liberal) (In the UK) relating to the Liberal Democrat Party
1.5 TheologyRegarding many traditional beliefs as dispensable, invalidated by modern thought, or liable to change.

The holding of liberal views
The definitions above from < Oxford Dictionaries definitions (american_english) (US) >

I don't see any match in essence or substance, any consubstantiality between the definitions of liberal or liberalism and fascist or fascism, one to the other. As a matter of fact, there is a very wide disparity and certainly no match in substance or essence, so at least two conclusions can be determined from the above logical argument.

First, your long held assertion that, "Communism, Socialism, Nazism, Modern Liberalism, Progressivism, and Fascism are all Leftists political doctrines....." you posted at #163 and so many times prior is FALSE. Second, that you don't understand/comprehend the meaning of the $20 word "consubstantial", which leads me to believe you're Catholic, Chica. Perhaps we have at least that in common!

Have a nice Day, Chica!
Cosmetic Surgery can change the appearance of a man to look like a woman, but when someone comes out of public education, you just cant change stupid. His avatar is appropriate for the clown, just like his president. Both are fools, who believe that socialism can be done better.
6,000,000 Jews died by Socialism
11,000,000 Ukrainians died by Socialism
22,000,000 Chinese died by Socialism
33,000 a month, unborn and born American Babies died by Socialism
For some reason, Socialism is all about death, while Classical Liberalism(Conservatism) is about life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Joseph Stalin Quotes at
The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic.
Do you notice how much a liberal requires statistics?
Socialism is Sweden these days, hardly a "death" culture...

"Socialism is Sweden these days, hardly a "death" culture..."


Or....perhaps something else you know nothing about.....

"From 1934 to 1974, 62,000 Swedes were sterilized as part of a national program grounded in the science of racial biology and carried out by officials who believed they were helping to build a progressive, enlightened welfare state...In some cases, couples judged to be inferior parents were sterilized, as were their children when they became teenagers.

The Irish Timesof August 30, 1997, meanwhile, reports that "90 per cent of [those sterilizied] were women," and that "the practice, which predated and outlived Nazi Germany, started as an attempt to weed out perceived genetic weaknesses, mental or physical defects and ended as a method of social control." According to Professor Gunnar Broberg, "Young girls were told they would be set free from [mental] homes and prisons ‘if we are allowed to make you calmer.'"

Unfortunately, sterilizations are just the tip of the iceberg. As the Irish Timesand Agence-France Presse reported on April 7, 1998, a Swedish Television documentary reveals that Sweden lobotomized perhaps 4500 "undesirables," in some cases without the consent of their families:

Some 500 lobotomies were conducted on patients who were not from mental hospitals...including a seven-year-old boy in Umeaa in northern Sweden in 1949. Diagnosed as "mentally retarded, hyperactive", he died during surgery."...One man featured in the documentary, who was lobotomised in 1963, is now 67 and has no concept of time, still believing that his children are small."

Thanks so much for....once again....helping me prove that there are no real differences between Socialists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Fascists and Communists.
Or any Leftists......

I knew I could count on you!
Cosmetic Surgery can change the appearance of a man to look like a woman, but when someone comes out of public education, you just cant change stupid. His avatar is appropriate for the clown, just like his president. Both are fools, who believe that socialism can be done better.
6,000,000 Jews died by Socialism
11,000,000 Ukrainians died by Socialism
22,000,000 Chinese died by Socialism
33,000 a month, unborn and born American Babies died by Socialism
For some reason, Socialism is all about death, while Classical Liberalism(Conservatism) is about life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Joseph Stalin Quotes at
The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic.
Do you notice how much a liberal requires statistics?
Socialism is Sweden these days, hardly a "death" culture...

"Socialism is Sweden these days, hardly a "death" culture..."


Or....perhaps something else you know nothing about.....

"From 1934 to 1974, 62,000 Swedes were sterilized as part of a national program grounded in the science of racial biology and carried out by officials who believed they were helping to build a progressive, enlightened welfare state...In some cases, couples judged to be inferior parents were sterilized, as were their children when they became teenagers.

The Irish Timesof August 30, 1997, meanwhile, reports that "90 per cent of [those sterilizied] were women," and that "the practice, which predated and outlived Nazi Germany, started as an attempt to weed out perceived genetic weaknesses, mental or physical defectsand ended as a method of social control." According to Professor Gunnar Broberg, "Young girls were told they would be set free from [mental] homes and prisons ‘if we are allowed to make you calmer.'"

Unfortunately, sterilizations are just the tip of the iceberg. As theIrish Timesand Agence-France Presse reported on April 7, 1998, a Swedish Television documentary reveals that Sweden lobotomized perhaps 4500 "undesirables," in some cases without the consent of their families:

Some 500 lobotomies were conducted on patients who were not from mental hospitals...including a seven-year-old boy in Umeaa in northern Sweden in 1949. Diagnosed as "mentally retarded, hyperactive", he died during surgery."...One man featured in the documentary, who was lobotomised in 1963, is now 67 and has no concept of time, still believing that his children are small."

Thanks so much for....once again....helping me prove that there are no real differences between Socialists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Fascists and Communists.

I knew I could count on you!
By chance, do you have anything from the last say, 40 years?
Ask "the donald."

Amazingly simple, when huge swaths of voters are trained to look at the truth and simply ignore it.
This is the result of Leftists control of the media and the education industry.

But.....holding up the fabrication and the truth can only hope that truth wills out.
Today.....the cage match between Dalton Trumbo and Joseph McCarthy.

1. There are dozens of Leftist propaganda lies that are purveyed by the Liberals, and Progressives....and, often, it is astoundingly simple to shred them.

Yet, all too often....their Janissaries, acolytes, Lock-Step cadres simply nod their empty heads and mutter "duh...yup,yup....."
...and accept the lies.
They wail "is not.....isss noottttttt!" and off they go.

One of the simplest fabrications to dismember is the slander and contumely heaped on the true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

The basis of the hatred is that he exposed the manufacturer of Liberal collectivism....Joseph Stalin, via his control of the Roosevelt administration.

This is the typical theme: "Senator Joseph McCarthy, the most prominent Communist-hunter of the period, was a reckless alcoholic demagogue. Unknown numbers of innocents had their lives ruined...."
McCarthyism & Red Scare

The unintended humor is the word 'unknown,' because there are no known "innocents whose lives were ruined..."

I said it was an easy lie to shred: When the vituperation begins.....all one has to do is ask the parrots to name one single innocent...meaning non-communist or supporter of Stalin, - whose life was "ruined" by Senator McCarthy.
When the debate is joined, I ask that very question.....and there has never been one such individual to be found.

Yet....the lie persists.

2. Recently, Leftist Hollywood attempted to raise Dalton Trumbo from the infamous, and hold him up as some hero of free speech and victim of 'the Hollywood Blacklist.'
They gave the lead actor, Bryan Cranston 'Best Actor' at the Academy Awards, proving that Hollywood is the either the home of Leftist propaganda and deserves its own award as "the Abode of Abject Stupidity."

Perhaps we can regain Senator McCarthy's reputation by turning the tables.....
Here's the plan: if Dalton Trumbo is a hero....then Joseph McCarthy is a villain.
But.....if Trumbo is a villain.......guess what?

3. The accolades for Trumbo suggests that this nation's elites see the American public as ignorant, easily led, drones.....and, unfortunately, the last presidential election seems to be proof of same.

"Hollywood relishes making anti-American movies, but maybe even more, loves to lavish fulsome tributes on full-blown Communists, those fellows who swooned at Joe Stalin’s feet, teamed up with Hitler as he bombed the hell out of London at the beginning of World War II and worked overtime to inflict deadly harm on America.

[In 1997, at] the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, ... Hollywood was honoring several long-time Stalinists, including Hollywood Ten celebrity Ring Lardner Jr. and the former head of the Communist Party in Hollywood, Paul Jarrico. They received First Amendment awards, no less, for refusing to tell the House Un-American Activities Committee whether they were conspiring with the Kremlin leader to impose a Soviet-style government in America.

Tinseltown is at it again, insisting that Dalton Trumbo, a major Hollywood Ten figure and longtime Stalin enthusiast, must, first and foremost, be honored as a courageous champion of our constitutional liberties."

Hollywood, Leftist central.....and Dalton Trumbo is their champion.
Cosmetic Surgery can change the appearance of a man to look like a woman, but when someone comes out of public education, you just cant change stupid. His avatar is appropriate for the clown, just like his president. Both are fools, who believe that socialism can be done better.
6,000,000 Jews died by Socialism
11,000,000 Ukrainians died by Socialism
22,000,000 Chinese died by Socialism
33,000 a month, unborn and born American Babies died by Socialism
For some reason, Socialism is all about death, while Classical Liberalism(Conservatism) is about life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Joseph Stalin Quotes at
The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic.
Do you notice how much a liberal requires statistics?
Socialism is Sweden these days, hardly a "death" culture...

"Socialism is Sweden these days, hardly a "death" culture..."


Or....perhaps something else you know nothing about.....

"From 1934 to 1974, 62,000 Swedes were sterilized as part of a national program grounded in the science of racial biology and carried out by officials who believed they were helping to build a progressive, enlightened welfare state...In some cases, couples judged to be inferior parents were sterilized, as were their children when they became teenagers.

The Irish Timesof August 30, 1997, meanwhile, reports that "90 per cent of [those sterilizied] were women," and that "the practice, which predated and outlived Nazi Germany, started as an attempt to weed out perceived genetic weaknesses, mental or physical defectsand ended as a method of social control." According to Professor Gunnar Broberg, "Young girls were told they would be set free from [mental] homes and prisons ‘if we are allowed to make you calmer.'"

Unfortunately, sterilizations are just the tip of the iceberg. As theIrish Timesand Agence-France Presse reported on April 7, 1998, a Swedish Television documentary reveals that Sweden lobotomized perhaps 4500 "undesirables," in some cases without the consent of their families:

Some 500 lobotomies were conducted on patients who were not from mental hospitals...including a seven-year-old boy in Umeaa in northern Sweden in 1949. Diagnosed as "mentally retarded, hyperactive", he died during surgery."...One man featured in the documentary, who was lobotomised in 1963, is now 67 and has no concept of time, still believing that his children are small."

Thanks so much for....once again....helping me prove that there are no real differences between Socialists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Fascists and Communists.

I knew I could count on you!
By chance, do you have anything from the last say, 40 years?

Who brought up Sweden as the example of a Socialist Utopia??? did.....

....and now you'd like to run from the facts.

So sorry.
Ask "the donald."

Amazingly simple, when huge swaths of voters are trained to look at the truth and simply ignore it.
This is the result of Leftists control of the media and the education industry.

But.....holding up the fabrication and the truth can only hope that truth wills out.
Today.....the cage match between Dalton Trumbo and Joseph McCarthy.

1. There are dozens of Leftist propaganda lies that are purveyed by the Liberals, and Progressives....and, often, it is astoundingly simple to shred them.

Yet, all too often....their Janissaries, acolytes, Lock-Step cadres simply nod their empty heads and mutter "duh...yup,yup....."
...and accept the lies.
They wail "is not.....isss noottttttt!" and off they go.

One of the simplest fabrications to dismember is the slander and contumely heaped on the true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

The basis of the hatred is that he exposed the manufacturer of Liberal collectivism....Joseph Stalin, via his control of the Roosevelt administration.

This is the typical theme: "Senator Joseph McCarthy, the most prominent Communist-hunter of the period, was a reckless alcoholic demagogue. Unknown numbers of innocents had their lives ruined...."
McCarthyism & Red Scare

The unintended humor is the word 'unknown,' because there are no known "innocents whose lives were ruined..."

I said it was an easy lie to shred: When the vituperation begins.....all one has to do is ask the parrots to name one single innocent...meaning non-communist or supporter of Stalin, - whose life was "ruined" by Senator McCarthy.
When the debate is joined, I ask that very question.....and there has never been one such individual to be found.

Yet....the lie persists.

2. Recently, Leftist Hollywood attempted to raise Dalton Trumbo from the infamous, and hold him up as some hero of free speech and victim of 'the Hollywood Blacklist.'
They gave the lead actor, Bryan Cranston 'Best Actor' at the Academy Awards, proving that Hollywood is the either the home of Leftist propaganda and deserves its own award as "the Abode of Abject Stupidity."

Perhaps we can regain Senator McCarthy's reputation by turning the tables.....
Here's the plan: if Dalton Trumbo is a hero....then Joseph McCarthy is a villain.
But.....if Trumbo is a villain.......guess what?

3. The accolades for Trumbo suggests that this nation's elites see the American public as ignorant, easily led, drones.....and, unfortunately, the last presidential election seems to be proof of same.

"Hollywood relishes making anti-American movies, but maybe even more, loves to lavish fulsome tributes on full-blown Communists, those fellows who swooned at Joe Stalin’s feet, teamed up with Hitler as he bombed the hell out of London at the beginning of World War II and worked overtime to inflict deadly harm on America.

[In 1997, at] the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, ... Hollywood was honoring several long-time Stalinists, including Hollywood Ten celebrity Ring Lardner Jr. and the former head of the Communist Party in Hollywood, Paul Jarrico. They received First Amendment awards, no less, for refusing to tell the House Un-American Activities Committee whether they were conspiring with the Kremlin leader to impose a Soviet-style government in America.

Tinseltown is at it again, insisting that Dalton Trumbo, a major Hollywood Ten figure and longtime Stalin enthusiast, must, first and foremost, be honored as a courageous champion of our constitutional liberties."

Hollywood, Leftist central.....and Dalton Trumbo is their champion.

And yet one more substance-free post from a government school grad.
It is so pathetic you don't know anything of substance.
Cut and paste queen.
Keep up the lying.

Ask "the donald."

Amazingly simple, when huge swaths of voters are trained to look at the truth and simply ignore it.
This is the result of Leftists control of the media and the education industry.

But.....holding up the fabrication and the truth can only hope that truth wills out.
Today.....the cage match between Dalton Trumbo and Joseph McCarthy.

1. There are dozens of Leftist propaganda lies that are purveyed by the Liberals, and Progressives....and, often, it is astoundingly simple to shred them.

Yet, all too often....their Janissaries, acolytes, Lock-Step cadres simply nod their empty heads and mutter "duh...yup,yup....."
...and accept the lies.
They wail "is not.....isss noottttttt!" and off they go.

One of the simplest fabrications to dismember is the slander and contumely heaped on the true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

The basis of the hatred is that he exposed the manufacturer of Liberal collectivism....Joseph Stalin, via his control of the Roosevelt administration.

This is the typical theme: "Senator Joseph McCarthy, the most prominent Communist-hunter of the period, was a reckless alcoholic demagogue. Unknown numbers of innocents had their lives ruined...."
McCarthyism & Red Scare

The unintended humor is the word 'unknown,' because there are no known "innocents whose lives were ruined..."

I said it was an easy lie to shred: When the vituperation begins.....all one has to do is ask the parrots to name one single innocent...meaning non-communist or supporter of Stalin, - whose life was "ruined" by Senator McCarthy.
When the debate is joined, I ask that very question.....and there has never been one such individual to be found.

Yet....the lie persists.

2. Recently, Leftist Hollywood attempted to raise Dalton Trumbo from the infamous, and hold him up as some hero of free speech and victim of 'the Hollywood Blacklist.'
They gave the lead actor, Bryan Cranston 'Best Actor' at the Academy Awards, proving that Hollywood is the either the home of Leftist propaganda and deserves its own award as "the Abode of Abject Stupidity."

Perhaps we can regain Senator McCarthy's reputation by turning the tables.....
Here's the plan: if Dalton Trumbo is a hero....then Joseph McCarthy is a villain.
But.....if Trumbo is a villain.......guess what?

3. The accolades for Trumbo suggests that this nation's elites see the American public as ignorant, easily led, drones.....and, unfortunately, the last presidential election seems to be proof of same.

"Hollywood relishes making anti-American movies, but maybe even more, loves to lavish fulsome tributes on full-blown Communists, those fellows who swooned at Joe Stalin’s feet, teamed up with Hitler as he bombed the hell out of London at the beginning of World War II and worked overtime to inflict deadly harm on America.

[In 1997, at] the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, ... Hollywood was honoring several long-time Stalinists, including Hollywood Ten celebrity Ring Lardner Jr. and the former head of the Communist Party in Hollywood, Paul Jarrico. They received First Amendment awards, no less, for refusing to tell the House Un-American Activities Committee whether they were conspiring with the Kremlin leader to impose a Soviet-style government in America.

Tinseltown is at it again, insisting that Dalton Trumbo, a major Hollywood Ten figure and longtime Stalin enthusiast, must, first and foremost, be honored as a courageous champion of our constitutional liberties."

Hollywood, Leftist central.....and Dalton Trumbo is their champion.

And yet one more substance-free post from a government school grad.
Cosmetic Surgery can change the appearance of a man to look like a woman, but when someone comes out of public education, you just cant change stupid. His avatar is appropriate for the clown, just like his president. Both are fools, who believe that socialism can be done better.
6,000,000 Jews died by Socialism
11,000,000 Ukrainians died by Socialism
22,000,000 Chinese died by Socialism
33,000 a month, unborn and born American Babies died by Socialism
For some reason, Socialism is all about death, while Classical Liberalism(Conservatism) is about life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Joseph Stalin Quotes at
The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic.
Do you notice how much a liberal requires statistics?
Socialism is Sweden these days, hardly a "death" culture...

"Socialism is Sweden these days, hardly a "death" culture..."


Or....perhaps something else you know nothing about.....

"From 1934 to 1974, 62,000 Swedes were sterilized as part of a national program grounded in the science of racial biology and carried out by officials who believed they were helping to build a progressive, enlightened welfare state...In some cases, couples judged to be inferior parents were sterilized, as were their children when they became teenagers.

The Irish Timesof August 30, 1997, meanwhile, reports that "90 per cent of [those sterilizied] were women," and that "the practice, which predated and outlived Nazi Germany, started as an attempt to weed out perceived genetic weaknesses, mental or physical defectsand ended as a method of social control." According to Professor Gunnar Broberg, "Young girls were told they would be set free from [mental] homes and prisons ‘if we are allowed to make you calmer.'"

Unfortunately, sterilizations are just the tip of the iceberg. As theIrish Timesand Agence-France Presse reported on April 7, 1998, a Swedish Television documentary reveals that Sweden lobotomized perhaps 4500 "undesirables," in some cases without the consent of their families:

Some 500 lobotomies were conducted on patients who were not from mental hospitals...including a seven-year-old boy in Umeaa in northern Sweden in 1949. Diagnosed as "mentally retarded, hyperactive", he died during surgery."...One man featured in the documentary, who was lobotomised in 1963, is now 67 and has no concept of time, still believing that his children are small."

Thanks so much for....once again....helping me prove that there are no real differences between Socialists, Nazis, Liberals, Progressives, Fascists and Communists.

I knew I could count on you!
By chance, do you have anything from the last say, 40 years?

Who brought up Sweden as the example of a Socialist Utopia??? did.....

....and now you'd like to run from the facts.

So sorry.
I don't do utopias, no liberal does. And, no, you have nothing new or interesting.
It is so pathetic you don't know anything of substance.
Cut and paste queen.
Keep up the lying.

Ask "the donald."

Amazingly simple, when huge swaths of voters are trained to look at the truth and simply ignore it.
This is the result of Leftists control of the media and the education industry.

But.....holding up the fabrication and the truth can only hope that truth wills out.
Today.....the cage match between Dalton Trumbo and Joseph McCarthy.

1. There are dozens of Leftist propaganda lies that are purveyed by the Liberals, and Progressives....and, often, it is astoundingly simple to shred them.

Yet, all too often....their Janissaries, acolytes, Lock-Step cadres simply nod their empty heads and mutter "duh...yup,yup....."
...and accept the lies.
They wail "is not.....isss noottttttt!" and off they go.

One of the simplest fabrications to dismember is the slander and contumely heaped on the true American hero, Senator Joseph McCarthy.

The basis of the hatred is that he exposed the manufacturer of Liberal collectivism....Joseph Stalin, via his control of the Roosevelt administration.

This is the typical theme: "Senator Joseph McCarthy, the most prominent Communist-hunter of the period, was a reckless alcoholic demagogue. Unknown numbers of innocents had their lives ruined...."
McCarthyism & Red Scare

The unintended humor is the word 'unknown,' because there are no known "innocents whose lives were ruined..."

I said it was an easy lie to shred: When the vituperation begins.....all one has to do is ask the parrots to name one single innocent...meaning non-communist or supporter of Stalin, - whose life was "ruined" by Senator McCarthy.
When the debate is joined, I ask that very question.....and there has never been one such individual to be found.

Yet....the lie persists.

2. Recently, Leftist Hollywood attempted to raise Dalton Trumbo from the infamous, and hold him up as some hero of free speech and victim of 'the Hollywood Blacklist.'
They gave the lead actor, Bryan Cranston 'Best Actor' at the Academy Awards, proving that Hollywood is the either the home of Leftist propaganda and deserves its own award as "the Abode of Abject Stupidity."

Perhaps we can regain Senator McCarthy's reputation by turning the tables.....
Here's the plan: if Dalton Trumbo is a hero....then Joseph McCarthy is a villain.
But.....if Trumbo is a villain.......guess what?

3. The accolades for Trumbo suggests that this nation's elites see the American public as ignorant, easily led, drones.....and, unfortunately, the last presidential election seems to be proof of same.

"Hollywood relishes making anti-American movies, but maybe even more, loves to lavish fulsome tributes on full-blown Communists, those fellows who swooned at Joe Stalin’s feet, teamed up with Hitler as he bombed the hell out of London at the beginning of World War II and worked overtime to inflict deadly harm on America.

[In 1997, at] the Samuel Goldwyn Theater in Beverly Hills, ... Hollywood was honoring several long-time Stalinists, including Hollywood Ten celebrity Ring Lardner Jr. and the former head of the Communist Party in Hollywood, Paul Jarrico. They received First Amendment awards, no less, for refusing to tell the House Un-American Activities Committee whether they were conspiring with the Kremlin leader to impose a Soviet-style government in America.

Tinseltown is at it again, insisting that Dalton Trumbo, a major Hollywood Ten figure and longtime Stalin enthusiast, must, first and foremost, be honored as a courageous champion of our constitutional liberties."

Hollywood, Leftist central.....and Dalton Trumbo is their champion.

And yet one more substance-free post from a government school grad.

1. "Keep up the lying."
Well....I really must have wounded you, by pointing out that your post had no substance, and you have to be a government school grad.
Now, rather than assuage your pain, I'll add to it by pointing out that I never lie.

2. "Cut and paste queen."
I accept the accolade....please bow down.

3. Now a lesson in the meaning of 'cut and paste'....take notes:
1. Citing an authority with an established reputation is better, of course, than citing someone whose credentials are not so lofty. (

Composition Patterns: Developing an Argument

2. What has been pejoratively referred to as ‘simply cut and paste,’ is, in fact, carefully chosen to substantiate a point. Is the information covered fact, opinion, or propaganda? Facts can usually be verified; opinions, though they may be based on factual information, evolve from the interpretation of facts.(Critical Appraisal and Analysis - Critically Analyzing Information Sources - LibGuides at Cornell University)

3. A valid objection to this selection of sources may be the type of audience being addressed. Is the ‘pasted selection’ aimed at a specialized or a general audience? Do you find the level ‘over your head’ or is this source too elementary?

4. Are you objecting to the author's credentials--institutional affiliation (where he or she works), educational background, past writings, or experience? Or simply looking for a weapon to attack the post? This, of course, would be puerile.

5. Providing summaries or outlines of a source is valid as long as a link to the original is provided, and the author’s meaning is conveyed.

6. Nor is it necessary to insert one’s own language if the original article is simply abbreviated, with link provided.

7. What has been called ‘cut and paste’ is frequently the message board version of footnotes and endnotes of an academic essay. “…footnotes were declared outmoded just before the era of the word-processors which make using footnotes so much easier. Still, because of its relative ease in both writing and reading, parenthetical documentation is greatly preferred by most instructors.”

Are you beginning to see why I laugh at you?

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