How stupid must a person be to still believe in Obama?

To be fair, didn't you think the people who were supporting Obama were stupid to begin with?

I don't think your telling them they are still stupid is really going to convince any of the die hards.

And I don't think it's stupidity as much as being completely misinformed to a level where much of what they know simply isn't so.

After having looked at this again, you are correct....needed to follow the complete sentence....tho, "you" would have been better.

Another product of state run public schools.
"Your" was the best correct word for this context.
How stupid must a person be to still believe in Obama?

"Stupid" compared to what?

If the conservatives can actually produce a presidential candidate who is capable of doing better, why are they keeping it a secret?
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To be fair, didn't you think the people who were supporting Obama were stupid to begin with?

I don't think your telling them they are still stupid is really going to convince any of the die hards.

And I don't think it's stupidity as much as being completely misinformed to a level where much of what they know simply isn't so.

After having looked at this again, you are correct....needed to follow the complete sentence....tho, "you" would have been better.

Another product of state run public schools.
"Your" was the best correct word for this context.

To be fair, didn't you think the people who were supporting Obama were stupid to begin with?

I don't think your telling them they are still stupid is really going to convince any of the die hards.

And I don't think it's stupidity as much as being completely misinformed to a level where much of what they know simply isn't so.

After having looked at this again, you are correct....needed to follow the complete sentence....tho, "you" would have been better.

I will admit, I probably could have written it clearly. But the grammar wasn't wrong. No harm, no foul.
Lots of stupid people out there. Look at all the ignorant buffoons our Public School System is producing. Millions of dimwitted Morons with the right to Vote. Scary shit huh? :(
It is a refreshing change from a president who speaks in soundbites to one who speaks in complete sentences(even with the aahh's) to the crowd as if they can think. I don't have much hope that a partisan would admit to something like that.

That's my take on the change and hope. No, I never thought he was going to give us the moon like he promised all through 2008.
He not DAT BOOOOOOOOOSH!!! That's all that counts with most Hopey Changey sycophants. He not DAT BOOOOOOOOSH so everythin OK. Weird stuff.
Lots of stupid people out there. Look at all the ignorant buffoons our Public School System is producing. Millions of dimwitted Morons with the right to Vote. Scary shit huh? :(

Quite Honestly, I am just lucky i had a desire to read and learn despite the Educational system.
It is a refreshing change from a president who speaks in soundbites to one who speaks in complete sentences(even with the aahh's) to the crowd as if they can think. I don't have much hope that a partisan would admit to something like that.

That's my take on the change and hope. No, I never thought he was going to give us the moon like he promised all through 2008.

Would be if it ever happened.
The guy will finish his second term as a top ten all time president. Well ahead of Reagan. Not too shabby
The guy will finish his second term as a top ten all time president. Well ahead of Reagan. Not too shabby


Hey......maybe top 3!!!!!
After the 2009 inauguration, the joy and glee in the country's half that voted for change was something so fairy-tale like, it looked liked the ending sequence of an epic video game or something. I was waiting for fairys to swoop down and fly Michelle and Barack into the white house, with butterflys with wings of gold that the 2 daughter rode into the back yard of the white house.

Now, reality and Obama's severe inexperience have set in.

And I ask, how stupid must a person be to still believe in this president for hope or change?

Im one of those that believed him. And I am no longer stupid. More like..disappointed.
After the 2009 inauguration, the joy and glee in the country's half that voted for change was something so fairy-tale like, it looked liked the ending sequence of an epic video game or something. I was waiting for fairys to swoop down and fly Michelle and Barack into the white house, with butterflys with wings of gold that the 2 daughter rode into the back yard of the white house.

Now, reality and Obama's severe inexperience have set in.

And I ask, how stupid must a person be to still believe in this president for hope or change?

Im one of those that believed him. And I am no longer stupid. More like..disappointed.

As far as I'm concerned, if you ever believed him you were leaning towards stupid, because his flaws were more than obvious from the beginning.
After the 2009 inauguration, the joy and glee in the country's half that voted for change was something so fairy-tale like, it looked liked the ending sequence of an epic video game or something. I was waiting for fairys to swoop down and fly Michelle and Barack into the white house, with butterflys with wings of gold that the 2 daughter rode into the back yard of the white house.

Now, reality and Obama's severe inexperience have set in.

And I ask, how stupid must a person be to still believe in this president for hope or change?

Im one of those that believed him. And I am no longer stupid. More like..disappointed.

As far as I'm concerned, if you ever believed him you were leaning towards stupid, because his flaws were more than obvious from the beginning.

Gosh. Im all hurt that you think Im stupid for hoping. I on..Im pretty SURE Ill live with your opinion.
After the 2009 inauguration, the joy and glee in the country's half that voted for change was something so fairy-tale like, it looked liked the ending sequence of an epic video game or something. I was waiting for fairys to swoop down and fly Michelle and Barack into the white house, with butterflys with wings of gold that the 2 daughter rode into the back yard of the white house.

Now, reality and Obama's severe inexperience have set in.

And I ask, how stupid must a person be to still believe in this president for hope or change?

Im one of those that believed him. And I am no longer stupid. More like..disappointed.

Kudos to you for admitting that. Most would not have. Now, learn from it!

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