How the C.I.A. Secretly Helps Ukraine


Gold Member
Jun 14, 2021
Over there

You say Putin woke up one day in a bad mood and decided to attack Ukraine?​

Nestled in a dense forest, the Ukrainian military base appears abandoned and destroyed, its command center a burned-out husk, a casualty of a Russian missile barrage early in the war.
But that is above ground.
Not far away, a discreet passageway descends to a subterranean bunker where teams of Ukrainian soldiers track Russian spy satellites and eavesdrop on conversations between Russian commanders. On one screen, a red line followed the route of an explosive drone threading through Russian air defenses from a point in central Ukraine to a target in the Russian city of Rostov.
The underground bunker, built to replace the destroyed command center in the months after Russia’s invasion, is a secret nerve center of Ukraine’s military.
There is also one more secret: The base is almost fully financed, and partly equipped, by the C.I.A.

“One hundred and ten percent,” Gen. Serhii Dvoretskiy, a top intelligence commander, said in an interview at the base.
Now entering the third year of a war that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, the intelligence partnership between Washington and Kyiv is a linchpin of Ukraine’s ability to defend itself. The C.I.A. and other American intelligence agencies provide intelligence for targeted missile strikes, track Russian troop movements and help support spy networks.
But the partnership is no wartime creation, nor is Ukraine the only beneficiary.
It took root a decade ago, coming together in fits and starts under three very different U.S. presidents, pushed forward by key individuals who often took daring risks. It has transformed Ukraine, whose intelligence agencies were long seen as thoroughly compromised by Russia, into one of Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin today.

The listening post in the Ukrainian forest is part of a C.I.A.-supported network of spy bases constructed in the past eight years that includes 12 secret locations along the Russian border. Before the war, the Ukrainians proved themselves to the Americans by collecting intercepts that helped prove Russia’s involvement in the 2014 downing of a commercial jetliner, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. The Ukrainians also helped the Americans go after the Russian operatives who meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Around 2016, the C.I.A. began training an elite Ukrainian commando force — known as Unit 2245 — which captured Russian drones and communications gear so that C.I.A. technicians could reverse-engineer them and crack Moscow’s encryption systems. (One officer in the unit was Kyrylo Budanov, now the general leading Ukraine’s military intelligence.)

And the C.I.A. also helped train a new generation of Ukrainian spies who operated inside Russia, across Europe, and in Cuba and other places where the Russians have a large presence.

The relationship is so ingrained that C.I.A. officers remained at a remote location in western Ukraine when the Biden administration evacuated U.S. personnel in the weeks before Russia invaded in February 2022. During the invasion, the officers relayed critical intelligence, including where Russia was planning strikes and which weapons systems they would use.

“Without them, there would have been no way for us to resist the Russians, or to beat them,” said Ivan Bakanov, who was then head of Ukraine’s domestic intelligence agency, the S.B.U.
The details of this intelligence partnership, many of which are being disclosed by The New York Times for the first time, have been a closely guarded secret for a decade...
ZH has run a big piece today based on the NYT article .
It might be much more difficult for the MSM to bury this damning evidence than usual , but regardless , the US and complicit EU have been nailed .
It just needs detailed re-emergence of the Bio Lab details , where the US funded and built probably over 30 different labs , for US credibility to be wrecked .

All as we ( I ) have consisrtently reported for nearly two years .
Where were you Deniers ?
What credibility has the MSM for anything .

Ukraine , Covid and Kill Shots . Plus the October 7 False Flag .
The US set up 12 secret bases along the border in Ukraine 8 years ago to act against Russia, this forced Putin to start the NWO - New York Times.

▪️С these bases in underground bunkers were used to listen to Russian airwaves, and now including controlling kamikaze drones for strikes against Russia.
▪️"The CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies provide intelligence for targeted missile strikes, track Russian troop movements and help maintain spy networks."
▪️"This has turned Ukraine ... into one of the United States' most important intelligence partners in the fight against Moscow."
▪️В 2016. The CIA began training a Ukrainian "Unit 2245" that captured Russian drones and communications equipment so the CIA could hack into them. One of the officers in this unit was Kirill Budanov, the current head of the GUR.
▪️"The CIA also helped train a new generation of Ukrainian spies who operated inside Russia, throughout Europe, in Cuba and other places where the Russians have a large presence."
▪️За 10 years of this cooperation "turned Ukraine into an intelligence-gathering center that intercepted more Russian communications than a CIA station in Russia."
❗️Такая American involvement was one of the factors that informed Putin's decision to launch a military operation.
▪️"According to a senior European official, in late 2021, Putin was considering whether to launch an operation. He met with the head of one of Russia's main intelligence agencies, who told him that the CIA, along with Britain's MI6 intelligence service, was controlling Ukraine and turning it into a springboard for operations against Moscow," the NYT wrote.

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