How the Democrats Stacked the Deck in the Green Bay November Election


Nuthin' but the truth
Oct 8, 2013
After five Green Bay citizens filed a complaint, the Genrich political operation sought to counter the narrative by releasing a report from the city attorney meant to absolve the mayor and his cronies of all of their wrongdoing. This report backfired and actually revealed how the mayor’s office operated in 2020 and their unprecedented takeover of an election. In trying to legitimize how the election was run, the report said the creation of an ad hoc election committee guided the major decisions. Well, who was on the hd hoc election committee? One person was Susan K. Smith, who public records show was deputy attorney general under Kamala Harris and represented her at least once in legal proceedings. Also on the committe was Celestine Jeffreys, who was Genrich’s chief of staff (at the time) and is now the new city clerk.

Amaad Rivera-Wagner, Genrich’s community liaison, was also involved in the administration of the election through coordinating staffing at Central Count on election day/night. He made sure he had “his” people in the right places to count the absentee ballots. One affidavit from a first-hand witness said "Rivera-Wagner made himself out to be 'in charge'" at Central Count. Open records reveal that Rivera-Wagner was in charge of coordinating election worker shifts, training the poll workers, and managing efforts at Central Count.Amaad Rivera-Wagner, Genrich’s community liaison, was also involved in the administration of the election through coordinating staffing at Central Count on election day/night. He made sure he had “his” people in the right places to count the absentee ballots. One affidavit from a first-hand witness said "Rivera-Wagner made himself out to be 'in charge'" at Central Count. Open records reveal that Rivera-Wagner was in charge of coordinating election worker shifts, training the poll workers, and managing efforts at Central Count.

Even Mayor Genrich admitted that Rivera-Wagner offered “logistical support” at the Central Count processing of absentee ballots. At Central Count, many ballots were “reconstructed” under Rivera-Wagner’s watchful eye after the Center for Tech and Civic Life-funded machine cut absentee ballots. So who is Amaad Rivera-Wagner? In 2018, he ran for Massachusetts state Senate as a progressive Democrat, making “Resist(ing) the Trump Administration” one of his top priorities.

This ofcourse is not the entirety of cheating in the 20 election. But it is yet another example.
Democrats had no platform or ideas to speak of. That's why they concentrated their time and money on election fraud. It was the only possible way for them to win.

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