How the Health Care Law Works



America's Health Care

You can no longer be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition.

If you have coverage, you can no longer lose your insurance because you get sick.

Members of Congress will be required to have the same health care coverage as millions of Americans.

Small businesses now have access to the same low rates big buisnesses benefit from and will receive tax credits to provide coverage to workers.

Waste, fraud, and abuse in Medicare will be cut, helping ensure that you aren’t paying more because others are gaming the system.

Prescription drug costs will be lowered for millions of seniors, gradually eliminating the gap in Medicare prescription drug coverage.

Myths | America's Health Care

Experts agree: Health care reform will save money. Time and time again, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the non-partisan budget office, has determined that health care reform will save money, reducing the deficit by $138 billion over the next decade and by $1.3 trillion in the decade after. In fact, according to a letter recently released by the CBO, repealing the Affordable Care Act would increase the federal deficit by $455 billion dollars in 10 years.
The new law contains a series of long-overdue reforms that will put consumers — not insurance companies — in charge of their health care. The process for making rules is long and rigorous, and new rules often have to go through multiple agencies and departments. It will also take many more people with specific expertise to carry out the various parts of the law, and hiring in itself can be a slow process in the federal government.
How the health care law will be repealed.

It won't be funded by the new conservative majority on it's way into power, and as it dies on the vine until 2012, when obama gets his radical, community organizer, socialist ass kicked to the curb and we get a conservative President, it will be repealed.

OWEbama care is not only unfeasible financially, it's unconstitutional.
America's Health Care

You can no longer be denied coverage because of a pre-existing condition.

If you have coverage, you can no longer lose your insurance because you get sick.

Members of Congress will be required to have the same health care coverage as millions of Americans.

Small businesses now have access to the same low rates big buisnesses benefit from and will receive tax credits to provide coverage to workers.

Waste, fraud, and abuse in Medicare will be cut, helping ensure that you aren’t paying more because others are gaming the system.

Prescription drug costs will be lowered for millions of seniors, gradually eliminating the gap in Medicare prescription drug coverage.

Myths | America's Health Care

Experts agree: Health care reform will save money. Time and time again, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), the non-partisan budget office, has determined that health care reform will save money, reducing the deficit by $138 billion over the next decade and by $1.3 trillion in the decade after. In fact, according to a letter recently released by the CBO, repealing the Affordable Care Act would increase the federal deficit by $455 billion dollars in 10 years.

Tax credits for small business that qualify are nothing more than a tax increase for other small, and large businesses that do not qualify for the credits. They are also only temporary, so will do little or nothing to stimulate job growth as their proponents claim.

Experts all agree, the health care law is not delivering as promised. Even Bill Clinton admits he was wrong about it, and that it needs to be fixed. The CBO has repeatedly stated that its estimates are, at best, guesses based on assumptions that they are required to follow by law. Even with these requirements the CBO has repeatedly revised its estimates of the cost of the ACA upward as time progressed and they were able to analyze more of the effects of the bill.

Official projections from the White House now show that the cost of health care will bend upward for at least ten years, and that is using some very optimistic assumptions. Everyone since the creation of Medicare has floated a plan to reduce the waste, fraud, and abuse. The ACA directly addresses nothing that has anything to do with any of that, and does not even include the doc fix that everyone knows is going to pass. This will further drive up the cost of health care.
rdean is once again spreading moonbat memes designed to deceive the public about ObamaCare. In reality, it is another doomed to failure attempt at centralized planning.

Abstract: Obamacare—the massive health care law passed in March—constitutes the largest expansion of government since the Great Society. Americans have voiced their strong opposition, but the Obama Administration is determined to force-feed the new medicine. The Administration’s vision of health care is based on the premise that the federal government can—and must—control the details of health care financing and delivery across the country. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is the scaffolding for this control. The new law gives the Administration extensive authority to achieve broadly outlined goals, allowing it to control every aspect of health care finance and delivery and to impose its view of how the health care system should operate. The Administration will issue volumes of complex regulations. Health care is being bureaucratized and politicized. The structure of the health care system will be determined by one central authority, reducing flexibility and denying Americans the ability to make their own choices. Americans will have to obtain health insurance and health care based on what the federal government deems best for them.

Implementing Obamacare Will Increase Government Control | The Heritage Foundation
My insurer cancelled my pollicy. It was expensive, but a decent one. Then they dumped me into some kind of "catastrophic" pool with a $25,000 annual deductible. The premium is less than half what it was but the deductible went up by a factor of 10.
My insurer cancelled my pollicy. It was expensive, but a decent one. Then they dumped me into some kind of "catastrophic" pool with a $25,000 annual deductible. The premium is less than half what it was but the deductible went up by a factor of 10.

If you like your health care policy, you will be able to keep it. To bad no one actually wrote that little promise into the bill.

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