How the media turned a ‘suspect’ survey into Trump fodder


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
ON THE OFF CHANCE that you weren’t watching President Trump address the American Farm Bureau Federation’s convention in January, here’s what he told the appreciative crowd:

“A poll just came out — Wall Street Journal. It just came out. Look at this: ‘Farmer Approval of Trump Hits Record, Poll Shows… 83 percent of the farmers and ranchers approve of the President’s job performance.’ 83 percent!”

Such a lofty approval rating might seem suspicious, given the havoc that Trump’s tariffs—and retaliatory actions by China and other countries—have brought to the agriculture business. Farm bankruptcies rose 20 percent last year, while Trump keeps promising farmers even greater payouts to stem their losses.

These suspicions are well-founded. Trump misled his audience on several counts: The “poll” wasn’t a poll at all—certainly not one that would be recognized by experts who do this for a living. Nor was it conducted by the Wall Street Journal.
How the media turned a ‘suspect’ survey into Trump fodder

WaPo didn't scrutinize but they don't scrutinize their own polls and they don't want you to scrutinize their polls.

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